TITLE: Extracting a vertical height profile from terrestrial LiDAR
DATE: 2020-12-30
AUTHOR: John L. Godlee

Previously, measuring canopy cover with hemispherical photography 
only provided a 2D representation of the canopy, but with LiDAR 
it's possible to measure variation in canopy cover over the height 
of the canopy to create a canopy height profile. Here I want to 
describe how I used R to process the XYZ point cloud data to create 
a canopy height profile. I have already described in a previous 
post how I voxelise, clean and crop the point cloud, using PDAL.

  [PDAL]: https://pdal.io/

    # Packages

I used data.table::fread() to read the XYZ point cloud .csv files 
into R, as they are very large, about 500 MB, and fread() seems to 
do a better job at reading large files into memory.

For each file, I rounded the elevation (Z) coordinates to the 
nearest cm, then for each cm height bin I calculated the volume of 
space occupied by voxels.

I created a height foliage density profile with ggplot().

I calculated the effective number of layers according to Ehbrecht 
et al. 2016 (Forest Ecology and Management), which basically splits 
the height profile into 1 m bins and calculates the Shannon 
diversity index of the foliage volume occupied in each layer. Here 
is the function for it:

    #' Effective number of layers in a point cloud distribution
    #' @param x vector of Z (elevation) coordinates 
    #' @param binwidth width of vertical bins in units of x
    #' @return atomic vector of length one describing the effective 
number of layers
    #'     in the canopy
    #' @details Uses the Shannon diversity index (Entropy) to 
estimate the 
    #'     "Effective Number of Layers" in the vertical profile of 
a point cloud 
    #'     distribution.
    #' @references
    #' Martin Ehbrecht, Peter Schall, Julia Juchheim, Christian 
Ammer, & 
    #'     Dominik Seidel (2016). Effective number of layers: A new 
measure for 
    #'     quantifying three-dimensional stand structure based on 
sampling with 
    #'     terrestrial LiDARForest Ecology and Management, 380, 
    #' @examples 
    #' x <- rnorm(10000)
    #' enl(x)
    # Calculate effective number of layers in canopy
    ## Assign to Z slices
    ## Count number of points within each slice
    ## Calculate shannon diversity index (entropy) on vertical 
layer occupancy
    enl <- function(x, binwidth) { 
        binz <- cut(x, include.lowest = TRUE, labels = FALSE,
            breaks = seq(floor(min(x)), ceiling(max(x)), by = 

        n <- unlist(lapply(split(x, binz), length))

        entropy <- exp(-sum(n / sum(n) * log(n / sum(n))))


I calculated the area under the curve of the foliage density 
profile using density() then zoo::rollmean(), a method I stole of 
Stack Overflow.

I also calculated the height above the ground of the peak of 
foliage density.

Here is the script in its entirety:

    # Import data
    file_list <- list.files(path = "../dat/tls/height_profile", 
pattern = "*.csv", 
      full.names = TRUE)

    # Check for output directories
    hist_dir <- "../img/foliage_profile"
    if (!dir.exists(hist_dir)) {
      dir.create(hist_dir, recursive = TRUE)

    out_dir <- "../dat/subplot_profile"
    if (!dir.exists(out_dir)) {
      dir.create(out_dir, recursive = TRUE)

    # Define parameters 
    voxel_dim <- 0.01
    z_width <- 1
    cylinder_radius <- 10

    # Calculate maximum 1 voxel layer volume
    layer_vol <- pi * cylinder_radius^2 * voxel_dim

    # For each subplot:
    profile_stat_list <- lapply(file_list, function(x) {

      # Get names of subplots from filenames
      subplot_id <- gsub("_.*.csv", "", basename(x))
      plot_id <- gsub("(^[A-Z][0-9]+).*", "\\1", subplot_id)
      subplot <- gsub("^[A-Z][0-9]+(.*)", "\\1", subplot_id)

      # Read file
      dat <- fread(x)

      # Round Z coords to cm
      dat$z_round <- round(dat$Z, digits = 2)

      # Calculate volume and gap fraction
      bin_tally <- dat %>% 
        group_by(z_round) %>%
        filter(z_round > 0) %>%
        tally() %>% 
        as.data.frame() %>%
        mutate(vol = n * voxel_dim,
          gap_frac = vol / layer_vol)

      # Plot gap fraction density plot 
      pdf(file = paste0(hist_dir, "/", subplot_id, 
        width = 8, height = 6)
          ggplot(bin_tally, aes(x = z_round, y = gap_frac)) +
            geom_line() +
            theme_bw() + 
            labs(x = "Elevation (m)", y = "Gap fraction") + 

      # Calculate effective number of layers
      layer_div <- enl(dat$Z, z_width)

      # Calculate area under curve 
      den <- density(dat$z_round)

      den_df <- data.frame(x = den$x, y = den$y)

      auc_canopy <- sum(diff(den_df$x) * rollmean(den_df$y, 2))

      # Calculate height of max peak
      dens_peak_height <- den_df[den_df$y == max(den_df$y), "x"]

      # Create dataframe from stats
      out <- data.frame(plot_id, subplot, layer_div, auc_canopy, 

      # Write to file
          paste0(paste(plot_id, subplot, sep = "_"), "_summ.csv")),
        row.names = FALSE)


  ![Foliage height density 