TITLE: Writing R package documentation
DATE: 2020-05-30
AUTHOR: John L. Godlee

There's already a tonne of stuff on how to write R packages, see 
here, here, here and here. Part of the reason for the breadth of 
articles is that there are many different workflows for how to 
write them. Here I'm only going to share my thoughts on writing 
package documentation, because that's the area where I didn't find 
one complete resource that answered all of my questions and 
provided a workflow I liked, when I was writing my first serious 

  [1]: https://r-pkgs.org/
  [3]: https://kbroman.org/pkg_primer/

To briefly explain the basic structure of my package, I took advice 
from Hadley and kept functions in my package inside thematic files, 
like biomass.R and taxonomy.R, with each of these files holding 
multiple functions. It's somewhere between keeping all functions in 
one file and keeping each function in its own file. I think both of 
these extremes ignore the natural sorting which can come from 
keeping a tidy directory structure. I found it more intuitive to 
find a particular function based on its theme when I used these 
thematic files.

  [advice from Hadley]: https://r-pkgs.org/r.html

I used roxygen2 to store the documentation for each package 
function alongside the code for that function in my R/*.R files. 
For example, my convenience function for concatenating genus and 
species names to one string (picked as an example purely because 
it's short):


    #' Combine genus and species character vectors to a species name
    #' @param x vector of genus names
    #' @param y corresponding vector of species names
    #' @return vector of genus and species
    #' @export
    combineSpecies <- function(x, y) {
      vec <- speciesFormat(data.frame(genus = x, species = y))
      vec <- paste(vec[[1]], vec[[2]])

This function has the @export tag, meaning that when my package is 
loaded with library() by a user, this function can be accessed 
without prefixing with the package name. Functions with @export are 
automatically written into the package manual when I compile it 
with devtools::document(). I have a tonne of functions in this 
package that are not useful to the average user however, mostly 
functions which check the contents of a particular column in the 
standardised datasets used by this package. These functions are 
purposely not written into the package manual with the @noRd tag, 
which stops a .Rd file being written for that function and 
therefore keeps it out of the manual. These functions also have the 
@keywords internal, which means that the function can only be 
accessed by the user with package:::function(), but can still be 
accessed by other functions in the package with function(). This 
means that the user can still use the function if they need to, but 
are discouraged from doing so, normally because that function is 
better implemented in a higher-level wrapper function which 
provides checks or preprocessing. As an example, my function 
genus() checked whether genus names are formatted sensibly, but is 
only meant to be called from within colValCheck(), which wraps a 
bunch of column checking functions in a neater interface:

    #' Check validity of stem genus column
    #' @param x vector of stem genera
    #' @return vector of class "character"
    #' @keywords internal
    #' @noRd
    genus <- function(x, ...) {
      x <- fillNA(x)
      x <- coerce_catch(x, as.character, ...)
      na_catch(x, warn = TRUE, ...)
      if (any(!grepl("^[[:alpha:]]+$", x[!is.na(x)]))) {
        stop("Non-letter characters found in genus")
      else if (any(!grepl("^[A-Z]", x[!is.na(x)]))) {
        stop("Genera must start with a capital letter [A-Z]")
      else if (any(grepl("[A-Z]", substring(x[!is.na(x)], 2)))) {
        stop("Genera must not have multiple capital letters")
      structure(x, class = "character")

It's nice to have a package level description at the start of a 
package manual before launching into the technicalities of the 
function definitions. To do this, I added a roxygen entry like the 
one below (cut for brevity), which has the object NULL and uses the 
key tags: @docType package and @name packagename-package.

    #' silvR: Clean and analyse SEOSAW style data
    #' The \code{silvr} package facilitates three important 
    #' \itemize{
    #'   \item{Checking and cleaning new data for the SEOSAW 
    #'   \item{Manipulating the SEOSAW dataset to provide 
informative summary data}
    #'   \item{Analysing the SEOSAW dataset}
    #' }
    #' @details The functions in the \code{silvr} package form a 
workflow for 
    #'     checking data prior to ingestion into the SEOSAW 
database. The package 
    #'     deals with 4 principle data objects:
    #'     ...
    #'     The package contains various functions for quickly 
creating useful 
    #'     summary data objects such as abundance matrices and 
maps, ...
    #' @author The \code{silvr} package is a collaborative effort, 
bringing code 
    #'     together from various SEOSAW members ...
    #' @section Key top-level functions:
    #' For ingesting new data into the SEOSAW database, it is 
recommended to run 
    #' these top level functions in this order to catch errors.
    #' \itemize{
    #'   \item{\code{plotTableGen()} - Checks for value and column 
errors and 
    #'   return a clean SEOSAW style plot metadata dataframe.}
    #'   \item{\code{stemTableGen()} - Checks for value and column 
errors and 
    #'   return a clean SEOSAW style stem data dataframe.}
    #'   \item{...}
    #' }
    #' @docType package
    #' @name silvr-package

This longer description takes advantage of @section and @details 
for structuring blocks of text in the 'roxygen2 block.

The manual frontmatter comes mostly from the DESCRIPTION file. Most 
important are the package dependencies, which are also specified by 
minimum version number. Annoyingly, these package versions don't 
get populated directly from the package dependencies in the 
roxygen2 function blocks. Instead they have to be written manually 

Roxygen2 autopopulates NAMESPACE from the @import and @importFrom 
tags in the function blocks. I tend to use @importFrom vegan 
diversity rather than @import vegan where I can, to avoid potential 
conflicts in function names if I start loading lots of packages, 
but I don't think there is any hard rule on this.

To write a vignette, I used RMarkdown rather than Sweave. It seems 
to be the modern approach to vignette writing and is much more 
straightforward when including figures and code chunks in the 
document. To set this up I created a directory in the package root 
call vignettes/ and created a packagename.Rmd file in there. Then 
in the YAML frontmatter I included this:

    output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
    vignette: >
      %\VignetteIndexEntry{Cleaning and analysing SEOSAW data}

Then in my DESCRIPTION I added:

        knitr (>= 1.28), 
        rmarkdown (>= 2.1)
    VignetteBuilder: knitr

Which ensures the tools for building the vignette are present. I 
can then build the vignette with: devtools::build_vignettes().

Finally, a short R script I have sitting above my package directory 
contains this code to build the package:

    devtools::document()  # Generate .Rd files
    devtools::build_manual()  # Generate .pdf manual
    devtools::build_vignettes()  # Generate .html vignette
    devtools::install("silvr")  # Install the package
    library(silvr)  # Load the package