TITLE: Edinburgh Teaching Award
DATE: 2019-05-10
AUTHOR: John L. Godlee

I've just finished a personal development training programme at the 
University of Edinburgh called the Edinburgh Teaching Award, which 
aims to encourage teachers to develop their skills in teaching and 
generally pay attention to how they teach, rather than seeing it as 
a chore that they HAVE to do. I received my certificate from the 
Higher Education Academy today which says that I'm now an Associate 
Fellow. Following that, I figured I would post here the reflective 
short articles that formed my submissions for the Teaching Award.

Discussing study design

When facilitating discussion groups for the purpose of designing 
student group projects, I find that initially they begin very 
quietly, regardless of the students' level of experience. I 
considered that this grew from students not knowing what to expect 
from this particular discussion, they didn't know what to talk 
about as this was their first time meeting together. Gibbs (2014) 
suggests that a teacher should aim to set student expectations 
early and make students aware of their place in the classroom 
hierarchy (A5, K2). To remedy this fear of the unknown and to help 
set students' expectations for the tone of the discussion, I 
avoided overly open-ended questions like "What hypothesis do you 
want to test?", early on in the discussion. From earlier teaching 
experience I have found that these kinds of questions favour a 
particular kind of student who is quick and confident in their 
response, and can lead to the rest of the discussion being 
dominated in this way; most students want time to contemplate their 
choices before vocalising. Instead I asked more tangible, directed 
questions on a narrow topic, though related to the larger subject. 
Questions such as "Who can tell me one environmental factor they 
think affects forest canopy cover". This helped to build confidence 
and get the students to think about the topic in approachable, 
testable terms, rather than being overwhelmed by the seemingly 
infinite possibilities of designing a study. During a 4th year 
discussion I asked one of the students to take note of the answers 
to these 'brainstorming' questions, which we then used as a 
jumping-off point for part of the discussion, which turned into a 
lively debate. In the 4th year discussions, I felt confident 
relinquishing my role as leader at this point, as students already 
knew the different steps of developing a research question and were 
more confident in their approach to group discussion. In these 
cases I remained present in the discussion group, acting as a peer 
within the group rather than a leader.

In my 2nd year group I found that there was a large disparity in 
how interested individual students were in the discussion process, 
and also greater uncertainty in debating certain aspects of the 
experimental design, such as statistical analysis. I adopted the 
advice of Rogers (1969) and attempted to provide a "facilitative 
degree of structure" to the study design process. During these 
discussions I had to remain more present to encourage deep thinking 
and make students aware of the possible lines of enquiry the study 
could follow. However, I made sure to allow the students to come to 
their own conclusion of what method to follow. In order to ensure 
that all students took an active role in the discussion group, even 
if they didn't say much during the discussion itself, I asked each 
student to produce a concise set of minutes on what was discussed 
in the first part of the meeting, and to record anything they 
"didn't think of until after the session". These points were then 
discussed during the second, shorter part of the meeting. This 
post-discussion evaluation helped quieter students to contribute to 
the discussion without needing to keep up with the louder students 
during the main discussion (V1, V2).


Gibbs, G. (2014). 53 powerful ideas all teachers should know about. 
Staff and Educational Development (SEDA) Online blog. Available at: 
https://www.seda.ac.uk/53-powerful-ideas/. Last accessed: 19th Sep 

Rogers, C. R., & View, L. A. (1969). Freedom to Learn: A View of 
What Education Might Become. Columbus, OH: Merrill Pub. Co.

Remaining visible throughout data collection

Harland (2012) suggests that "The chance corridor conversation can 
be as critical to a student's learning as the structured tutorial" 
(V3). I considered this during my teaching on a field course. 
Although the 4th year students were largely left to their own 
devices deliberately, and demonstrators were told they didn't have 
to follow their groups around, I made sure that I was available and 
visible throughout the day, so my students could easily come and 
ask me questions when they needed to. I positioned myself in public 
areas and aimed to check in with my groups at least once every 2.5 
hours during the working day. I also met with my students in the 
evening to discuss how the day had gone in an informal manner. 
While these periods of "checking-in" appeared to the students to be 
just that, I attempted to use the time to stimulate discussion and 
prompt self-evaluation of the work so far, with some formative 
feedback from me when appropriate (A3). I also tried to prompt 
students to think about the details of the methods they had been 
using and taught them finer details (K1). One such example being 
the use of hemispherical photography of forest canopies, a complex 
technique which requires some knowledge of optics to truly 
understand. I found that during these post hoc discussions the 
students were much more engaged than when I attempted to teach them 
before they had used the photography equipment, presumably because 
it was easier to link this abstract knowledge to something more 
tangible (Boud et al. 1985).

There is often a temptation to get things done as quickly as 
possible during fieldwork, with students preferring to stick with a 
bad methodology rather than change to a new one due to a perceived 
waste of time if they switch. In contrast, critically evaluating 
methodology and potentially switching to a new or adapted method is 
a valuable learning experience which mirrors real research, and 
should therefore be encouraged (V4).


Boud, D., Keogh, R., & Walker, D. (1985). Reflection: turning 
experience into learning. Learning.

Harland, T. (2012). University Teaching. London: Routledge.

Quantitative Skills in Ecology

The difficulties of effectively teaching quantitative skills in my 
field (ecology) are well known (Barraquand et al. 2014). For many 
undergraduate ecologists, learning about mathematics and statistics 
is not what they signed up for (Duffy 2017). Knowledge of how and 
when to apply different statistical methods however, is vital for 
graduating ecologists looking to continue in research. It is also a 
desirable skill in industry outside of the life sciences, with many 
graduate positions preferring students with a background in R, the 
current industry standard for statistical computing (TIOBE 2018) 
(V4). The question then, is how to support learning of quantitative 
skills (A2) and develop effective learning environments for 
teaching statistics (A4).

In conversations I've had with undergraduate ecologists, they often 
speak of having a 'fear' of statistics. Probing deeper, this fear 
is actually a composite of a fear of mathematics and of computer 
programming (V2). For many, this fear has developed through 
repeated exposure to traditional statistics classes which merely 
reinforce that this is an arcane, impenetrable, and fundamentally 
boring field.

In 2016, along with a fellow undergraduate, we set up Coding Club 
(https://ourcodingclub.github.io), a learning network with an 
online presence and in-person workshops which focusses on 
collectively teaching each other about statistics, in a 
peer-to-peer fashion. We hold weekly workshops based on changing 
themes such as linear models or spatial data visualisation.

We found that leaving most of the learning in the hands of the 
students is a much more effective teaching model for quantitative 
skills, which require practice and critical evaluation at the 
student's own pace, which will of course be different to that of 
others in the class. Students often said they felt like they had 
failed when the group moved on before they had fully understood 
what they had coded (V2). It's not that quantitative skills are 
necessarily hard or easy by their nature, it's rather that they 
take time, and that this time varies between students. This is why 
a non-conventional learning environment like Coding Club works so 
well. We decided to avoid the model of another popular quantitative 
skills program called Data Carpentry (https://datacarpentry.org), 
which focusses a lot on "live coding" by a demonstrator. In 
practice, while this method can convey a lot of information in a 
short period of time, it is debatable whether that learning is 
'deep', does the student know why they typed the code (V3)? When a 
student has a problem during a Coding Club workshop, whether that 
is to do with the prescribed theme or something that they have 
brought in from outside, we encourage small groups to form in an ad 
hoc manner so multiple people can talk about the issue, which is 
often resolved much quicker than a single student staring at code 
on a screen and with benefits for both the impromptu teacher and 
the student. Conversation helps to rationalise issues which are 
initially abstract and difficult to solve (V1). Unfortunately, 
current provision of teaching hours and the teacher:student ratio 
in many undergraduate quantitative skills classes precludes 
teaching in this manner, hence why we felt it was necessary to act 
outside of the prescribed timetable.


Barraquand, F., Ezard, T. H., Jørgensen, P. S., Zimmerman, N., 
Chamberlain, S., Salguero-Gómez, R., Curran, T. J., Poisot, T. 
(2014). Lack of quantitative training among early-career 
ecologists: a survey of the problem and potential solutions. PeerJ, 
2, e285.

Duffy, M. 2017. Poll results: How mathy are ecology, evolution, and 
genetics? [Online] [Accessed 21st Nov 2018]. Available at: 

TIOBE 2018. TIOBE Index for November 2018. [Online] [Accessed 21st 
Nov 2018]. \ Available at: https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/