This is a text-only version of the following page on
Title       : 	Raspberry Pi unattended upgrade Raspbian to Debian Testing
Author      : 	Remy van Elst
Date        : 	27-07-2016
URL         :
Format      : 	Markdown/HTML

I'm working on a Nitrokey/SmartCard-HSM cluster article and therefore I needed
three identical computers. The current version of Raspbian (2016-05-27) is based
on Debian Jessie and comes with a version of OpenSC that is too old (0.14) to
work with the Nitrokey/SmartCard-HSM. Since there is no Ubuntu 16.04 official
image yet I decided to upgrade Raspbian to Debian Testing. Since I don't want to
answer yes to any config file changes or service restarts I figured out how to
do an unattended dist-upgrade.


> The 3-Pi HSM cluster to be used for the cluster articles

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The [Nitrokey HSM][3] is an open hardware and open software device. It is a USB
version of the [SmartCard-HSM][4]. Both the [SmartCard-HSM][5] as the [Nitrokey
HSM][6] have sources available and are fully supported by the [OpenSC][7]

I have multiple [articles on][8] the [Nitrokey HSM/SmartCard-HSM][9]. I also
have a lot of professional experience with large expensive HSM hardware.

### ARM repositories

Since Raspbian is a fork of Debian I first checked if there were any testing
repositories in [the mirrors][10] and as it turns out, [there are][11]. Since
the current version ships with `OpenSC 0.14` and there is a `0.16` package in
the repo [here][12] I suspected that that was the testing package. Installing it
on Jessie failed however, so a `dist-upgrade` it was.

### dist-upgrade

A regular repository change in `sources.list` and a `dist-upgrade` are very
interactive. It involves manual editing and the `apt` upgrade asks a lot of
questions, for example, retain a config file, restart services, changelogs, etc.
Since I tend to reinstall Pi SD cards often I don't want to do that manual
process every time. So here are the commands to do an unattended upgrade to
`testing`. Which in my case works the 7 times I tried now, without asking
questions. Do note that in your case it might hose your Pi and destroy all data
and projects on it, **so make sure you have a tested working backup**.

Place this in a file named ``:

    # vim
    # Remove any third party sources
    rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*
    # Change te repo's
    sed -i -e 's/jessie/testing/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
    # Update package lists
    apt-get update
    DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical apt-get -q -y -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" dist-upgrade
    # Remove no longer needed packages
    DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical apt-get -q -y -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" autoremove --purge

Save it and then run it to start the upgrade:

    bash ./

### Debian upgrade, unattended explanation

Debian packages can prompt a user during install to generate custom
configuration, or in the case of MySQL, set a root password. It can also have
messages with different priorities. The `critical` priority is (almost) never
used so it won't prompt you. The `noninteractive` frontend tells the terminal
that you're not able to answer any questions.

The two `Dpkg::Options` mean the following:

  * `--force-confdef`: upgrade the configuration file if there are no local changes
  * `--force-confold`: otherwise, preserve the existing configuration file

If you supply `--force-confnew` instead of `--force-confold` it will overwrite
any changes by the new config file.

If you want to install a package unattended you know will ask questions (like
MySQL), then you can use `debconf` to set the answer to those questions
beforehand (scriptable, yay). In the case of MySQL on 12.04:

    echo mysql-server-5.5 mysql-server/root_password password P@ssw0rd | debconf-set-selections
    echo mysql-server-5.5 mysql-server/root_password_again password P@ss0wrd | debconf-set-selections

You can view all possible selections (questions) with the `debconf-get-
selections` command:

    debconf-get-selections | grep mysql-server


    mysql-server-5.5  mysql-server/root_password_again  password  
    mysql-server-5.5  mysql-server/root_password  password  
    mysql-server-5.5  mysql-server/error_setting_password error 
    mysql-server-5.5  mysql-server-5.5/postrm_remove_databases  boolean false
    mysql-server-5.5  mysql-server-5.5/start_on_boot  boolean true

If `debconf` is not installed, the package `debconf-utils` provides it.



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