Video Switcher  (150-1274)       Glossary              Faxback Doc. # 7296

        Audio-Follow-Video - A switcher that automatically changes the
                             accompanying audio when the video source is

                     Black - Darkest part of the gray scale on the TV

                   Banding - Distortion of a video picture breaks up the
                             picture into different colors horizontally
                             across the screen.

                  Cassette - A plastic case containing takeup and
                             playback reels of recording tape.

                  Close-up - Object or person at close range taking up the
                             greatest part of the screen.

        Complexity Editing - Juxtaposition of shots to add intensity to
                             the production.

        Continuity Editing - Preserving visual continuity from one shot to
                             the next.

                     Crawl - Graphics that are moved in front of the
                             camera, usually mounted on a drum, so they
                             can be rolled smoothly across the screen.

                Cross Fade - A video transition whereby a shot is faded to
                             black and a second shot is faded from black
                             to the screen.

                       Cue - Signal to start any phase of the production.

                       Cut - Instant change from one shot to the next.

                   Density - Tight collection of numerous shots,
                             montage of quick cuts.

               Digital VTR - A videotape recorder that receives digital
                             information more easily manipulated for
                             visual enhancement and special effects.

             Double System - The simultaneous recording of video and audio
                             on separate recording devices, video to
                             videotape and audio to audiotape.

                   Dropout - Partial loss of video signal that appears as
                             white flashes.  It is a result of uneven
                             videotape iron-oxide coating (bad quality or
                             overuse) or dirt.

                       Dub - Duplication of an original tape.

              Dubbing Down - Making a duplicate from a larger size tape to
                             a smaller one.

                Dubbing Up - Making a duplicate from a smaller size tape
                             to a larger one.

               Echo Effect - The visual is repeated creating a mirror

                   Editing - Selecting and connecting a series of shots in
                             a logical sequence.

               Editing Log - A preliminary list of in and out cues for
                             each shot.

    Electronic A-B Rolling - Producing a master tape from two playback
                             VCRs, one designated the A tape, the other
                             the B tape.  When the A/B tapes are routed
                             through a switcher a variety of transitions
                             can be accomplished.

        Electronic Editing - Splicing together two shots without cutting
                             the tape.

                      Fade - The gradual appearance or disappearance of a

                   Fade In - Picture slowly appears on the screen.

                  Fade Out - Picture slowly disappears from the screen.

             Fade to Black - Picture fades all the way out and screen has
                             no visual content.

                  Feedback - In video, it consists of streaks and flashes
                             on the monitor screen caused by reentry of a
                             video signal into the switcher and subsequent

                     Frame - The smallest complete picture unit on a
                             television screen.

              Freeze Frame - Picture motion stopped to appear as a still

        Generated Graphics - Lettering or effects produced electronically.

                Generation - Designates the number of dubs the tape is
                             away from the original.  There is a gradual
                             loss of quality from one generation to the
                             next.  The further away from the original the
                             greater the loss.

                  Graphics - Two-dimensional, nonmoving art, charts,
                             graphs or lettering.

        Graphics Generator - Art produced electronically on the screen.

          Helical Scan, or - A videotape recording of a videotape
          Helical VTR        recorder in which the video signal
                             is put on tape in a slanted,
                             diagonal way (contrary to transverse
                             scanning, which goes across the
                             tape.)  Because the tape wraps
                             around the head drum in a spiral
                             type configuration, it is called
                             helical (from helix, spiral).  Also
                             called slant track.

                 High-Band - Refers to the frequency of the video
                             information.  High-band videotape
                             recorders operate on high frequency
                             range (10 megacycles). which
                             provides operationally higher
                             quality pictures with less video
                             noise and better resolution than
                             low-band recordings.  Most high-
                             quality color machines are high

High Definition Television - The use of special cameras and
(HDTV)                       recording equipment for the
                             production of high-qualilty
                             pictures.  The pictures have a
                             higher resolution (show smaller
                             detail more clearly) than regular
                             television pictures.

               Hot Editing - Method of assembling shots during production
                             resulting in a final edit at end of
                             production.  Director stops taping from time
                             to time to redo a scene change set or
                             costumes.  Continues production by editing
                             the next scene onto the master tape.

     Instantaneous Editing - Synonymous with switching.

                In-the Can - Finished television production, either on
                             tape or on film.

                   Jogging - Frame-by-frame advancement of video tape with
                             a VCR.

                  Jump Cut - Cut between shots of same subject from
                             different angles.  Subject seems to jump from
                             one position to another.

                     Smear - Streak that follows a moving object.

                     Limbo - Any area used for small displays having a
                             plain background.

               Lockup Time - The time needed by the VCR for picture and
                             sound to stabilize.

                  Low-Band - Refers to frequency of video information.
                             Low-band recorders operate in a relatively
                             low-frequency range.

                     Mixer - A mixing channel for audio signals.

              Mixing Audio - The combining of two or more sounds
                             in specific proportions.

                     Video - The combining of shots by the switcher.

             Monitor Audio - Speaker that carries the program sound
                             independent of the line-out.
                     Video - High-quality television receiver that
                             receives production video but not TV

Noise                Audio - Unwanted sounds that interfere with the
                             wanted sounds.  Or unwanted hisses or hums
                             generated by the equipment.

                      Video - electronic interference known as snow.)

          Perspective Sound - far sound must go with distance of
                              picture.  Close sound must match

                    Preroll - To start a tape in advance of desired video
                              to give the electronic system time to

            Radio Frequency - usually referred to as RF broadcast frequency
                              which is divided into various channels.  In
                              RF the video and audio signals are
                              superimposed on the radio frequency carrier

                       Roll - Graphics (usually credits) moving slowly up
                              the screen, sometimes called a crawl.

                  Rough Cut - Tentative arrangement of shots, without
                              precision editing.

                  Slave VCR - Synonymous with Recording VCR.

                Slant Track - Synonymous with Helical Scan.

                        SOT - Sound on tape.

                 Source VCR - The video recorder supplying segments to be
                              assembled on the recording VCR.

                 Stock Shot - A shot of a typical scene such as, sky of
                              clouds, traffic, crowds of people, etc.  Such
                              shots can be ordered from stock shot

                  Switching - Changing from one video source to another.

                       Tape - Plastic ribbon, coated with iron oxide, to
                              record magnetic impulses from video or audio

                      Title - Studio card with letters of the name of the
                              show.  Can also be electronically generated.

                   Tracking - An electronic adjustment of the video heads
                              so that the playback phase matches the
                              recording phase.  This prevents picture
                              breakup and misalignment.  Especially
                              important for tapes that have been recorded
                              on the machine to be played back on another.

            Video Cassette - A plastic container in which a videotape moves
                             from supply to takeup reel, recording and
                             playing back segments through a video
                             cassette recorder.  Similar in construction
                             and function to an audio cassette.
                Video Disc - A phonograph shaped disc on which is
                             stored video information.  Requires
                             a video disc player.

                 Videotape - Plastic iron-oxide coated ribbon for
                             recording video and audio signals.
        Videotape Recorder - Also called VTR.  Electronic recording device
                             that records and stores audio and video

               Video Track - Area of tape that stores video information

                       VTR - Videotape recorder.
