VGM-150  (25-4090)              PC-Write               Faxback Doc. # 6087

Follow these steps to set up your system to run PC-Write in the full-page

1. Install PC-Write for VGA operation per the instruction manual and verify
   that it is working properly.

2. Make the directory containing the PC-Write files the active directory.

3. PC-Write uses the file ED.DEF to control the number of lines on the 
   screen.  The following steps modify this file to work in full-page mode,
   so make a backup copy of this file by typing:

   copy ed.def vga.def    <ENTER>

4. To modify ED.DEF, type the following.

   copy vga.def+a:fullpage.def ed.def     <ENTER>

PC-Write is now modified to work in the full-page mode. To use it in the
full-page mode type the following:

   fp pc-write     <ENTER>
   ed filename     <ENTER>

To create a control file for PC-Write that displays legal-size documents 
on the screen, type the following:

   copy vga.def_a:legal.def legal.def    <ENTER>

To use PC-Write in the full-page legal mode, type the following:

   fp pcwlegal     <ENTER>
   ed filename //legal.def    <ENTER>

You can include these commands in a DOS batch file for easier use. Refer to
the MS-DOS User's Guide for information about making batch files.