LMP 2150  (260-1272)                Features           Faxback Doc. # 5646

The LMP-2150 is a multi-mode, impact, dot matrix printer that operates at
several printing speeds and dot densities:

* Data processing characters (normal, compressed, and condensed)
* Correspondence quality characters
* Graphic characters

For maximum efficiency, the LMP-2150 printer operates in three modes:

* Data processing mode for faster output of program listings or data
* Word processing mode for letter writing or the creations of any text or
* Graphics mode for drawing pictures, figures, or graphs

For word processing, you'll find that your LMP-2150 printer's correspond-
ence characters (created on a 7 x 12 dot matrix) can produce letter quality
results. If, however, you need a printout that is produced faster, standard
characters (those created on a 5 x 9 dot matrix) are just the thing for you.

In  the Graphics mode, you can create almost any type of graphic configurat-
ion you can imagine.

The LMP-2150 printer is designed to ensure accurate dot placement through-
out the life of the printer without the need for periodic adjustment.
