1.2MB External Drive  (250-1087)     Features           Faxback Doc. # 5336

The 1.2 MB external diskette drive can be connected to any PC/XT, PC/AT,
PS/1, or PS/2 compatible computer.

The drive enables you to use both standard and high density, 5 1/2" disk-
ettes.  High-density diskettes provide 1.2 MB of storage. Standard density
diskettes provide 360 KB of storage.


To use the 1.2 MB diskette drive, your computer must have:

* a parallel printer port that is 100% IBM-compatible
* at least 128 KB of system memory installed
* the MS-DOS operating system, Version 2.0 or later, available on diskette 
  or hard disk

NOTE: The AC adapter output is 12 Volts AC at 850 ma.
