CDR-1501 (250-1091) Readme File Faxback Doc. # 5279 Note: Refer to the User's Guide for more details about installation. Prior to installation, make a backup copy of this Software Disk using the DISKCOPY command. Store the master disk in a safe place and use the copy for installation. Do not write-protect the backup copy of the Software Disk used for the installation. Before installation, confirm the type of your computer, whether it is IBM PC/AT compatible or PC/XT compatible. 1. After booting, insert the Software Disk into drive A. 2. Type a: <ENTER> to change to drive A. 3. Type: INSTALL and press <ENTER> at the DOS prompt. The installation utility starts. Press any key until the following messages appear on the screen. Type the following and press <ENTER> at the DOS prompt. CH1 AT [Sub_Dir] Install to the hard disk drive C:\[Sub_Dir] on an IBM PC/AT compatible computer. CH1 XT [Sub_Dir] Install to the hard disk drive C:\[Sub_Dir] on an IBM PC/XT compatible computer. [Sub_Dir] is optional. If you omit this, the installation program installs the device driver and extension program in the root directory of your hard disk. To install the files in a subdirectory on the hard drive, specify the name of the subdirectory. For example: CH1 AT CDROM The installation does the following: 1. Makes a subdirectory CDROM on the hard disk. 2. Makes backup files of AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS with extension "BAK" in the subdirectory. 3. Adds the executable path to the C:\CDROM in AUTOEXEC.BAT file. path=C:\CDROM;%path% MSCDEX /D:MSCD001 /M:6 /V 4. Appends \CDROM\ before the file names in CONFIG.SYS file. LASTDRIVE=Z DEVICE = C:\CDROM\TANDYCDU.SYS /D:MSCD001 /U:1 /B:340 /M:H /Q:* /T:* Customization: MSCDEX has some parameters in the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files. After installation, you can customize them if necessary. See Software Document. (dtc-08/02/93)