80 MB SCSI Hard Drive  (250-4160)    Error Codes       Faxback Doc. # 4985

*   The 40/80-megabyte SCSI hard disk drive is a 3.5" form-factor Winchester
    fixed disk drive.

*   The 40/80-megabyte SCSI hard disk drive is compatible with the industry-
    standard (ANSI) SCSI host interface.

*   The 40/80-megabyte SCSI hard disk drive features an automatic shipping
    lock (AIRLOCK*) that disengages when the drive is powered on and
    engages when power is removed.

Note:  Do not move the drive for 20 seconds after DC power is removed, to
make sure the actuator is completely locked.

*   The standard drive select setting preset at the factory configures the
    40/80-megabyte SCSI hard disk drive as the primary (first) disk drive.
    The standard terminator setting configures the hard disk drive as the
    primary disk drive.  Possible pin settings for the 40/80-megabyte SCSI
    hard disk drive are shown in the following chart.

Quantum ProDrive 40S/80S

The ProDrive 40S and 80S have six pairs of configuration pins that are
functionally the same on both models.

SCSI BUS DEVICE IDENTIFICATION (A0, A1, and A2) - These three pairs of pins
comprise a 3-bit binary number in which A2 is the most significant bit and 
A0 is the least significant.  Jumper installation represents a one, meaning 
that with all three jumpers installed, the device is identified as SCSI ID 
7. With no jumpers installed, the device is identified as SCSI ID 0.  The 
factory setting is SCSI ID 0, no jumpers installed.  The A1 and A2 jumpers 
are partially installed from the factory for shipping purposes only and 
should be removed before installation.

WAIT SPIN (WS) - The WS jumper determines whether the drive will immediately
apply power to the drive motor at power-up.  With this jumper installed, the
motor in the hard disk drive will not spin-up until the host sends a
start/stop command across the SCSI bus.  If WS is not installed, the motor
will immediately start spinning when power is applied.  The factory setting
is WS not installed, the motor will spin immediately on power-up.

ENABLE PARITY (EP) - The EP jumper determines whether data across the SCSI
bus will be checked for parity.  If EP is installed, parity is checked; with
EP removed, no parity checking is performed.  The factory setting is EP
installed, parity checking enabled.

SELF SEEK (SS) - The SS jumper is provided as a method to continuously
exercise the actuator of the drive.  With the SS jumper installed, the drive
will perform random seek patterns, and communication with the SCSI bus will
be cut off.  The factory setting is SS not installed, no self seek test.

The ProDrive disk drives contains three resistor networks in sockets, to
terminate the SCSI bus.  Be sure the three resistors are installed to
configure the hard disk as the primary drive.  Remove the resistors to use
the 40/80-megabyte hard disk drive as the secondary drive.


Sense  Additional
Key    Sense Code
(hex)    (hex)     Description

  0                NO SENSE.  Indicates there is no specific sense key
                   information to be reported.

          00       No additional information.

  1                RECOVERED ERROR.  Indicates that the last command was
                   completed successfully with some recovery action 
                   performed by the ProDrive.  Details may be determined
                   by examining the additional sense bytes and the
                   information bytes.

          00       No additional information
          02       Recovered seek timeout
          10       Recovered CRC error
          11       Recovered data ECC on last retry

          13       Recovered data sync timeout
          14       Recovered no record found
          15       Recovered seek error
          16       Recovered data marker not found

          17       Recovered data ECC with retries
          18       Recovered data ECC error
          86       Recovered unexpected sequencer error
          95       Recovered SOLO timeout

          96       Recovered bump
          97       Recovered underrun/overrun error
          98       Recovered timeout in settling
          A8       Spurious nmi interrupt
          AB       Requested format not available

  2                NOT READY.  Indicates that the ProDrive cannot be accessed.
                   Operator intervention may be required to correct this 

          00       No additional information
          B0       Drive recalibrating
          B1       Drive not up to speed
          B2       Drive waiting for command to start

  3                MEDIUM ERROR.  Indicates that the command terminated with a
                   non-recovered error condition that was probably caused by
                   a flaw in the medium or an error in the recorded data.

          00       No additional information
          10       All IDs have CRC errors
          11       Uncorrectable data error
          13       Data sync timeout
          14       No record found

          16       Data marker not found
          19       Bad defect list
          1C       No primary defect list found
          31       Format failed or not formatted
          32       No more spares available

          80       Can't write system sector
          81       Can't read system sector
          95       SOLO timeout
          97       Underrun/overrun error
          A3       Reassign Blocks READ failure
          AA       Reallocated uncorrectable data read

  4                HARDWARE ERROR.  Indicates that the ProDrive detected
                   a non-recoverable hardware failure while performing
                   the command.

          00       No additional information
          01       No index signal
          02       Seek timeout
          03       Write fault
          06       Recalibrate failure

          09       Servoing error
          15       Seek error
          1B       Synchronous request error
          32       Defect list is full
          40       Buffer RAM failure

          41       ECC failure
          42       Power-on failure
          43       Message reject
          44       Firmware error
          45       Reselect timeout

          82       No digital P1 or P2 signal
          83       Analog P1 or P2 are bad
          84       Failure writing to format parameter RAM
          85       Rejected message was not sent
          86       Unexpected sequencer error

          87       A and B servos not equal
          88       Airlock stuck closed
          89       Bad head amplifier
          8A       Bad head select
          90       Synchronous acknowledge error

          91       FIFO unload error
          92       FIFO load error
          93       FIFO predicted full error
          94       Undocumented SPICY error
          96       Bump timeout
          98       Timeout in settling

          99       Bump retry counter expired
          9D       Motor never gets up to speed
          9E       Motor drops out of legal speed range
          9F       Internal ROM checksum error

          A0       External PROM checksum error
          A1       Sequencer rollover register failure
          A2       External RAM failure
          A4       Bad thermistor

          A6       A and B servos not detected
          A7       Offtrack timeout
          A9       SOLO DMA pointer error
          AC       Airlock stuck open
          AD       No servo interrupt

  5                ILLEGAL REQUEST.  Indicates that there was an illegal
                   parameter in the command descriptor block of in the
                   additional parameters supplied as data for a command.

          00       No additional information
          19       Entered defect list in error
          1A       Parameter overrun 
          20       Invalid command

          21       Invalid LBA
          22       Illegal function for device type
          24       Illegal field in CDB
          25       Invalid LUN

          26       Illegal field in parameter list
          8A       Invalid head
          8B       Invalid cylinder
          8C       Select from same initiator while active

          8D       Bad BPB/BPS
          8F       Invalid sector 
          9B       Invalid period or offset in sync message
          9C       Active initiator attempted another select
          A5       Defect list out of order

  6                UNIT ATTENTION.  Indicates that MODE SELECT parameters have 
                   been changed by another initiator, or the ProDrive has been
                   reset by one of the following:
                        1)  BUS DEVICE RESET MESSAGE
                        2)  "Hard" RESET condition (RST asserted)
                        3)  POWER ON RESET

          00       No additional information
          29       Drive reset
          2A       Mode select parameter changed
          8E       Unexpected SCSI interrupt occurred
          9A       Target attempted to reselect ProDrive

  B                ABORTED COMMAND.  Indicates that the ProDrive aborted the
                   command.  The initiator may be able to recover by trying
                   the command again.

          00       No additional information 
          40       Buffer RAM parity error
          47       Parity error on SCSI bus
          48       Initiator detected error
          49       Inappropriate/illegal message

(css 07/29/93)