EC-363  (650-0832)            Schedule Mode            Faxback Doc. # 3502

Use this mode to plan your schedule of classes, homework, appointments,
etc.  You can record the date, time and type of appointment for each
listing.  Dates on which you have scheduled things are automatically
marked on the calendar.  You can also use the main menu to see if you have
an appointment today.

Entering the Schedule Mode

There are two main ways to get into the Schedule Mode: directly, or
through the Calendar Mode.

To go directly into Schedule Mode:

On the main menu, highlight the Calendar Mode icon (SYMBOL.)  Then press
EXE twice.  The first time you press EXE, it will put you in Calendar
Mode; the second time, it will put you in Schedule Mode.


The Schedule Mode gives you a selection of small images, or icons, so that
you can understand at a glance what appointments you have scheduled for
any day.  When you schedule any appointment, use whatever icon you wish to
represent it.

Delete Icon

Select DEL to delete any icon from your schedule.

Entering Schedule Data

Let's say you want to note that you have a birthday party to attend on
July 17, 1994.  You're supposed to be there at 11:00 in the morning, and
the party should run till about 3:00 in the afternoon.  We've got a good
icon for birthday parties.

Specifying a Date

The first thing you need to do, in order to schedule that party, is tell
My Magic Diary the date when it will happen.  There are two ways to do


    Direct input

To select a date using the scrolling method:

Use UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW to scroll past the days until the date you
want is displayed.

To select a date using the direct input method:

1.  Press FUNCTION.  Then use UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW to highlight "Date."

    Press EXE.

2.  Type in the desired date.  For our birthday party - you'd type:

    0 7 1 7 1 9 9 4.  Then press EXE.

Using an Icon

The next step in scheduling our party would be to enter an appropriate
icon for quick reference.  To do this:

1.  Enter the Schedule mode.

2.  Press FUNCTION.  Then use UP ARROW to highlight, "Icons."  Press EXE.

3.  Use UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW, LEFT ARROW, and RIGHT ARROW to highlight the
    icon you want to use.  Use UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW to change screens.

4.  Press EXE.  The icon you selected appears on the display.

Describing the Event

Now you'll want to type in a description of the event.  You can use up to
372 characters for the description.  If you input three or more lines of
text, the topmost line will scroll off the top of the display, and
"UP ARROW" will be displayed in the screen's upper left corner.

For our party, type in: B I R T H D A Y SHIFT LEFT ARROW P A R T Y EXE.
"Time" appears on the display.

Specifying the Time

Type in the desired time.  For our birthday party, you'd type:

1.  1 1 0 0

2.  If you have set My Magic Diary for 12-hour timekeeping, you'll need to
    press AM/PM until the display reads "11:00 am."

3.  You don't need to specify an end time.  But, since we want to do so
    here, type in 0 3 0 0 .  If you are on 12-hour timekeeping, then press
    AM/PM until the display reads "3:00 pm."  If you are on 24-hour
    timekeeping, type in 1500.  In either case, press EXE afterwards.

4.  "Schedule?" will appear on the display.  My Magic Diary is asking if
    you would like to schedule another appointment, since you're done
    scheduling this one.

Notes:  If you attempt to store more data than there is room for, the
        message, "Memory Full" will appear on the display.  If this
        happens, press AC/ON to clear the message.  Then delete
        unnecessary data, and try entering the data again.

        If you press AC/ON or C/CLR during data display, "Schedule?" will
        appear on the display.

        If you press C/CLR while entering data, "Schedule?" or "Time?"
        will reappear.  If you press AC/ON while you are entering data,
        "Schedule?" will appear on the display.

Scheduling an Alarm

You can set an alarm to sound for 20 seconds at the time of any

Automatic Sorting

Appointments noted on a day, but without an assigned time, are located at
the beginning of that day's schedule.  When the day and starting time of
two appointments are the same, they are shown in the order in which they
were entered.

Appointment Markers

Dates with appointments are marked on the calendar display.

Another sort of marker for your appointments appears in the main menu on
days when you have something scheduled.  It is the message, "CHECK SCHED."
Be sure to check your schedule when you notice this marker.

Recalling Schedule Data

My Magic Diary offers five ways to recall Schedule Mode information:

    daily sequential search

    appointment sequential search

    initial character and icon search

    calendar search

    date search

To recall data using daily sequential search:

1.  Go into the Schedule Mode.

2.  Use UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW to scroll through the days.  Holding down
    either key lets you scroll quickly.

To recall data using daily sequential search:

1.  Go into the Schedule Mode.

2.  Use UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW to scroll through the days.  Holding down
    either key lets you scroll quickly.

To recall data using appointment sequential search:

1.  Enter the Schedule Mode

2.  Press SHIFT, then press UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW.  This will jump to the
    next date on which you have something scheduled.

    When you've jumped past the last date with appointments scheduled, the
    message "Not Found!" will appear on the display.  To return the screen
    to the way it was before you began the search, press LEFT ARROW or

    If no schedule date is stored for any date, the message, "No Record!"
    will appear on screen.

To recall data using initial character and icon search:

1.  Enter the Schedule Mode.

2.  Select either an icon or a written description of an event to search
    for.  To search for an icon, press FUNCTION, press UP ARROW to
    highlight "Icons", and then use UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW, LEFT ARROW, and
    RIGHT ARROW to highlight the desired icon.  Then press EXE.  To search
    for a written description of the event, type in up to 16 characters
    that you remember using in describing the appointment.  For example,
    to search for our July 17 birthday party, you could type:
    B I R T H D A Y.

    You can also search for data by specifying both an icon and initial
    character.  When you do, be sure to specify the icon first.

3.  Press UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW to start the search.  Pressing DOWN ARROW
    causes My Magic Diary to search for the nearest date in the future.
    Pressing UP ARROW causes the unit to search for the most recent date
    in the past.

    Both future and past, for this operation, are relative to whatever
    date My Magic Diary is displaying, in Schedule Mode, when you begin to
    search.  This need not be the same as the actual, present date.

4.  If the appointment data you have specified can't be found, the message
    "Not Found!" will appear on the display.  To return the screen to the
    way it was before you began the search, press LEFT ARROW or RIGHT
    ARROW.  You can edit your search data and try again.

    While a search is in progress, the indicator, "SEARCH" is shown on
    the display.

To recall data using calendar search:

1.  On the main menu, highlight the Calendar Mode icon, then press EXE.

2.  To view appointment information for any date, move the cursor to flash
    that date on the calendar.

3.  Press EXE.  The appointment information for the selected date will be

    If you wish to view appointment information for other dates, you can
    press UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW to scroll through each day.

To recall data using date search:

1.  Go into the Schedule Mode.

2.  Press FUNCTION, then use UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW to highlight "Date."
    Press EXE.

3.  Type in the desired date.  Then press EXE.

    If you wish to view appointment information for other dates, you can
    press UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW to scroll through each day.

Calendar Mode

In the Calendar Mode, you can display monthly calendars from January,
1901, to December, 2099.  You can highlight any holidays you wish.  You
can also use the calendar to check your schedule.

Entering the Calendar Mode

To go into the Calendar Mode from the main menu, highlight the Calendar
Mode icon (CALENDAR SYMBOL) then press EXE.

To display calendars for other months:

Use UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW to scroll through calendar pages month by

To display a calendar for a specific month:

1.  Press FUNCTION, then use UP ARROW to highlight "Date."  Press EXE.

2.  Type in a date.

3.  Press EXE.  The calendar for the month you have specified will appear
    on screen, with the date cursor flashing at the date you have

To move the Date Cursor


Highlighting Dates

Be careful!  My Magic Diary lets you highlight individual days.  (The day
of a birthday party, for example.)  It also lets you highlight days that
occur every week, for any defined period (every Sunday, for example).  If
you highlight a recurring day of the week, however, My Magic Diary
automatically unhighlights any individually chosen days within the same
period.  Therefore, be sure to set highlights for recurring holidays
BEFORE you set individually highlighted days.  In other words, highlight
your birthday only after you have highlighted every Sunday.

Specific period:

1.  Enter the Calendar Mode.

2.  Press FUNCTION, then use UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW to highlight "Holiday
    Set."  Press EXE.

3.  Use DOWN ARROW to highlight "Day of The Week."  Press EXE.

4.  Enter the period during which you want to highlight the same day or
    days every week.  You can choose periods in one month units.

5.  Press EXE.

6.  Specify the days of the week that you want to highlight by using UP
    ARROW and DOWN ARROW to move among days.  Then use LEFT ARROW and
    RIGHT ARROW to select "Y" (yes) or "N" (no).  When finished, press

To highlight one day:

1.  Enter the Calendar Mode.

2.  Press FUNCTION, then use UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW to highlight "Holiday
    Set."  Press EXE.

3.  Use UP ARROW to highlight "1 Day."  Press EXE.  The "SET" indicator
    will appear on the display.

4.  Move the date cursor to the date you wish to highlight, then press

5.  If you wish to highlight another day, repeat only Step 4.

6.  To complete day-highlighting, press AC/ON.

Removing Highlighted Dates

To unhighlight a single day, use the same procedure as described under,
"To highlight one day."  Move the date cursor to the date you want to
unhighlight and press EXE.

To unhighlight the same day every week, for a specific period, use the
same procedure as described under, "To highlight the same day every week,
for a specific period."  Select "N" (no) for the day that you want to
unhighlight and press EXE.

To remove all highlights, use the same procedure as described under, "To
highlight the same day every week, for a specific period."  Specify the
period as January, 1901, to December, 2099.  Select "N" (no) for all days
in the period and press EXE.
