4100 MT  (250-5160)  Change Parallel Port IRQ Settings Faxback Doc. # 2824

By default, the parallel port built into your computer operates as LPT1
and uses IRQ7.  Only one parallel port can be designated as LPT1.  If you
install an add-in board with a parallel port configured to memory address
O3BCh or IRQ7, you need to adjust a jumper on the system board so that the
built-in parallel port operates as LPT2 and uses IRQ5, or so that it is

Note:  If you have a third serial device, it already uses IRQ5 and you
       cannot add a second parallel port.  You must disable one parallel
       port and set the other to LPT1 using IRQ7.

To change the IRQ setting to IRQ5:

     1.  While you are in the process of installing the add-in board,
         locate the IRQ jumper E15 on the system board (figure 13).

     2.  Move the jumper for pins 1-2 to pins 2-3 to set the parallel port
         to IRQ5.  Or, to disable the parallel port, place the jumper over
         a single pin.

Notes:  If you use a printer, connect it to the new parallel port.  Or
        use the built-in parallel port but configure your software to use
        LPT2 as the printer port.

        When you turn the computer on, you may receive an error message
        that indicates conflicting parallel ports.  If so, run System
        Setup and change the Parallel Port field to 278th.

Adding a Serial Device

Your computer comes with two built-in serial ports.  You can configure
these only as COM1 and COM2 or disable them.  Both ports have connectors
on the back panel of the system unit.

To use an add-in board serial device, run System Setup and set Serial Port
to Port 1=3F8h, 2=disable.  Configure the add-in serial device as COM2,
using IRQ3 and port address 2F8h.

Note:  If you have a second parallel port, it already uses IRQ5 and you 
       cannot add a third serial port.
