TANDY  2500 RSX  (250-1620/1621)       Features         Faxback Doc. # 1897

* 25  MHz  386SX         Gives you 386SX processing power and a 32-bit CPU
  microprocessor:        with a 16-bit data path.

* Industry-Standard      Ensures compatibility with hardware and software
  Architecture (ISA):    built to the IBM standard for PC/XT/AT.

* MS-DOS and OS/2        Lets you choose the operating system that best
  compatibility:         supports your software.

* DeskMate/MS-DOS:       Provided on diskettes to help you perform various
                         tasks with your computer. The DeskMate graphical
                         environment includes word processing, spreadsheet,
                         filing, and telecommunications applications. MS-DOS
                         5.0 includes on-line help for all MS-DOS commands.

* 101-key enhanced       Provides easy typing with a standard 101-key layout.
  keyboard:              Features auto-repeat to reduce the number of
                         multiple keystrokes.

* High-capacity, 3 1/2"  Enables you to read and write standard-density (720KB)
  diskette drive:        and high-density (1.44MB), 3 1/2" diskettes.

* Three disk drive       Enable you to install hard drives and diskette
  bays:                  drives.

* Three 16-bit standard  Permit installation of 16-bit adapters. These are
  expansion slots:       full-sized (13") slots. Some 16-bit adapters use a
                         higher data transfer rate than 8-bit adapters.

* On-board VGA-          All standard VGA,EGA,CGA,MDA, and Hercules graphics
compatible video:        modes are supported through an externally connected
                         analog VGA monitor.

* Volume control:        Lets you adjust the level of sound emitted from the
                         internal speaker. The volume control is located on
                         the back of the computer near the serial port.

* 1MB of dynamic,        Enables you to run a variety of software. This
  random access          memory is permanently installed on the main logic
  memory (DRAM):         board. On-board sockets enable you to install
                         additional memory.

* Built-in diskette      Saves you the cost of a diskette controller board
  drive controller:      and the use of a 16-bit slot when you add diskette
                         drives. Supports up to three diskette drives.

* Built-in 16-bit        Enable you to quickly add convenient, reliable hard
  SmartDrive (IDE)       disk storage. SmartDrives provide maximum
  connector and          performance at a minimum cost. The built-in
  controller:            controller supports up to two SmartDrives.

* Setup in ROM:          Enables you to run the setup utility to update the
                         computer configuration without accessing files on a

* Built-in mouse port    Saves you the cost of a serial expansion adapter and
  (mini-DIN connector):  the use of a 16-bit slot when you add a PS/2-style

* Built-in serial port:  Saves you the cost of a mouse board and the use of a
                         16-bit slot when you connect a serial mouse, an
                         external modem, or other serial device.

* Built-in parallel      Saves you the cost of a parallel expansion adapter
  port:                  and the use of a 16-bit slot when you connect a
                         parallel printer or other parallel device.

* Battery-backed         Maintains the system date and time when the computer
  internal clock:        is turned off. The clock's battery also powers the
                         CMOS RAM, which maintains current configuration