List of directories in ../tandy1000:

basic       Programs and documentation pertaining to GW-Basic on the Tandy

bom         Tandy National Parts Bill of Materials documents, from January

deskmate    Tandy's DeskMate GUI, programs and documentation for the same, 
            and DeskMate-format data files.

documents   Miscellaneous documentation files about the Tandy 1000's and
            other PC-compatible Tandy systems.

emulators   Programs to emulate Tandy systems on an IBM PC or compatible, or
            otherwise relating to non-MSDOS Tandy systems; also Tandy 1000
            emulators for newer PC's.

faxback     Documents from the Tandy Technical Faxback system, from January 

games       Game and demo programs that take advantage of Tandy 1000/PCjr
            graphics or 3-voice sound or the Tandy DAC.

graphics    Programs to display and/or create graphic images, using special
            Tandy 1000/PCjr graphics modes, and documentation on the same.

misc        Various programs that are not Tandy specific, but useful.

setups      Setup programs for the 1000's and other PC-compatible Tandy

sound       Programs to play and/or record sound or music using the Tandy
            1000/PCjr 3-voice sound chip or the Tandy DAC, or to play
            Tandy-format sound files, and documentation on the same.

system      System disks for Tandy 1000-series models.

unsorted    Files recently added, not yet catalogued.

utilities   System utility programs for the Tandy 1000's or other PC-
            compatible Tandy systems.

wares       Various obsolete commercial programs, mostly related to Tandy 
            or DeskMate.