The easiest way to reach me is by email. If you need to reach me

| concerning               | please write to
| research-related matters | Ryan Kavanagh <>
| Debian-related matters   | Ryan Kavanagh <>
| any other matter         | Ryan Kavanagh <>

Please do not send me HTML email or attachments in non-free formats.
I highly recommend using GnuPG to sign and/or encrypt your emails. My
key id is `BD958F7BF8FC4A11C97A`. Its fingerprint is:

pub   rsa10240 2009-09-23 [SC] [expires: 2023-01-03]
      4E46 9519 ED67 7734 268F  BD95 8F7B F8FC 4A11 C97A

The safest way to get my key on a Debian-based system is by installing
the `debian-keyring` package and running:

gpg --keyring=/usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg \
    --export BD958F7BF8FC4A11C97A | gpg --import

Users on other systems can locate my key by running either (or both) of
the following commands and checking the fingerprint against the above:

finger rak/ | gpg --import
gpg --locate-keys

I can also be found on several IRC networks as `rak`:
* irc://
* irc://
* irc://
* irc://