The following was excerpted from the Free Net BBS by Myrna M. Quayle
for the members of the NORTHEAST OHIO PC CLUB members and guests who
are interested in genealogy and the historic events that helped shape
their ancestors lives.



If you ask a small child to tell you what historical documents he holds
most dear, you're liable to get for your answer the question: "What's a
historical document?".  If you ask the average student in the typical
city, the response will vary, depending on his or her social status,
education, family background, and a myriad of other choices.  The aver-
age adult might come back with a very short list, and it will usually
include The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. But ask a
librarian...and  you'd better be prepared for a long dissertation...

Each area of this country that has a FREE NET will likely have  a list
of titles special to their area, and keyed to the curricula  of the
local education system.  Some of the choices special to one  area will
have little significance in another part of the country...those
documents likely of interest to most  parts of the United States are
included in every FREE NET...

The idea for this Freedom Shrine was born in the Year of the  Constitu-
tion, when that treasured document was celebrating its  200th anniver-
sary.  There were few places you could go "on line"  to actually read
the words that the Framers laid down in 1787, and  which have stood up
to the test of time...and some  don't show up in ANY electronic system. 
The idea...was originally submitted by Gerald E. Murphy, USN (Ret) of
Lakewood, OH and it was he that provided much of the research...that
you are about to enjoy as you re-live the history of the United States
of America. 

...the documents are either written out in full or the details, which
provide sufficient background to their understanding, are spelled out
in these suggested books and other documents, either in full or by

Gerald Murphy (The Cleveland Free-Net - aa300)


 Another file downloaded from:                               NIRVANAnet(tm)

 & the Temple of the Screaming Electron   Jeff Hunter          510-935-5845
 The Salted Slug                          Strange              408-454-9368
 Burn This Flag                           Zardoz               408-363-9766
 realitycheck                             Poindexter Fortran   415-567-7043
 Lies Unlimited                           Mick Freen           415-583-4102
 Tomorrow's 0rder of Magnitude            Finger_Man           415-961-9315
 My Dog Bit Jesus                         Suzanne D'Fault      510-658-8078
 New Dork Sublime                         Demented Pimiento    415-566-0126

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        arcane knowledge, political extremism, diverse sexuality,
       insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS.

  Full access for first-time callers.  We don't want to know who you are,
   where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother.

                          "Raw Data for Raw Nerves"
