The Third Week of Foot Injuries
                           Matt Giwer  (c) 1994

     If the prosecution of the Branch Davidians had a foot or 
even four feet they would all be punctured by bullets in this 
third week.  It was an impressive third week for the trial.  We 
have heard confirmation of the violation of the posse comitatus 
law, admission of intent to deceive the public, and testimony the 
government was lying as to events.
     First we have three National Guardsmen admitting they were 
piloting helicopters in the initial attack upon the home of the 
Branch Davidians in Waco.  This is specifically prohibited by the 
Posse Comitatus Act.  I have previously noted this is felony 
murder as deaths resulted during the course of the commission of 
a felony.  Previously I suggested it was only when the tanks were 
used by the FBI.  We now have testimony by the pilots of the 
helicopters that the entire raid constituted felony murder.
     The pilots were under some pressure to give their original
testimony as first they (all of them) testified they did not get
within 1000 feet of the compound.  Then there was video tape
shown in court they had circled the compound at least three times
and that of course demonstrated perjury on their part. They
indicated their testimony was under pressure of the prosecutors.
     As they had made continuous flight recordings for the three
hours of their flight time they were unable to identified who had
edited it down to seventeen minutes and presented it as the sum
total off the flight time.
     Next the government was requested to present all the 
information supporting the statements in the Treasury Department 
report of the incident.  The prosecution objected saying the 
report was meant for public and media consumption and, in effect, 
not intended to represent provable or substantiable statements.  
     Listen up.  The prosecution has said that what they want you 
to read has absolutely NOTHING to do with what they can prove in 
court.  What they want the media to present has no relation to 
the evidence.  The prosecution has objected to having to prove 
anything in the Treasury report.
     That folks is an admission of deliberately misleading the 
public with a report that is insubstantial.  In layman's terms 
that means if we can be clever enough in our wording they might 
belief us.  In reality it means there is nothing in the Treasury 
report that is credible as by prosecution statement it was 
created only for public an media consumption and not to present 
what really happened.
     Finally we have the who was ordered to be the inside man to 
infiltrate and report on David Koresh.  Immediately afterwards he 
hired his own attorney as he believed the BATF was making him the 
scapegoat.  He believed this because he knew they were lying 
about events as they occured.
     In the previous two weeks we have no two witnesses who can
tell the same story of the original attack.  We have no testimony
of any intent to serve the search warrant in a peaceful manner.
We have no witness who can swear to any intention to identify
themselves or their possession of a warrant.  We have no person
who can swear they did identify themselves and their possession
of a warrant.
     Now in the third week we have a specific admission of felony 
violation of the posse comitatus law.  We have specific admission 
the Treasury intended to mislead the public.  We have specific 
allegation from a person who knows what happened that the 
government was lying to the public.
     If Kafka were alive today he would abandon fiction as he 
could not imagine any trial as strange as this.
     We have almost every mainstream dissent from the government 
version proven correct in only three weeks and all by prosecution 
witnesses.  People who have supported the government now know 
they have been lied to.  People who have questioned felony murder 
now have no question it occured.  
     If there is going to be justice, when are the felony 
murderers going to be indicted?