Msg#:30 Subj:SCANNED NUMBERS From:DOCTOR WHO (#7) Date:11/27/84 I DID A LITTLE SCANNING AND A LITTLE CNA'ING AND HERE'S WHAT I GOT: 413-443 ---------- 7403 ADAMS SUPERMARKET 7416 SCHAEFFER EATON TEXTRON (PAPER CO.) 7459 NEW ENGLAND TEL - TIRKS 7475 NO LIST 7477 FIRST AGRICULTURAL BANK 7480 BERKSHIRE LIFE INSURANCE 7527 BELOIT CORP. 7534 CAIN, HIBBARD, MYERS, & COOK (LAWYERS) AND 442-2041 MCCORMICK & TOOLE INSURANCE AGENCY IF YOU GET INTO ANY OF THESE LET ME KNOW. THAT LAST NUMBER I HAVE AN ACCOUNT AND PASSWORD FOR, BUT THEY ADDED A SECOND LOGIN THAT I CAN'T GET PAST. -----------=?> DOCTOR WHO <?=---------- Msg#:17 Subj:ANIing From:ERIC STRATTON (#21) Date:12/10/84 One night when I was terribly bored I went to the nearest payphone, dialed 0, and said, "Yes, operator TSPS maintenance, could you tell me what number I'm coming in on." after about a seconds pause she rattled off the number of the payphone. The odd part about this was that it was a Saturday night about 11:00. Not too useful information but interesting. Does TSPS Maintenance actually do test at all hours of the night?? Eric Stratton Msg#:18 Subj:Gazer is dead! From:THE MYSTERY (#2) Date:12/11/84 Here is some information I had lying around (by the way Gazer id Dead!) MIT-OZ.......617-258-8260 ARPAnet(SU)..415-327-5220 Dataflow.....617-263-0481 Login: guest Cosmos (ha)..213-383-2600 Tymnet.......617-260-1264 RSTS.........617-897-0033 (or could be 0060-0100) More next msg (when I can find more shit) > The Mystery Msg#:19 Subj:AUTOVON From:THE MYSTERY (#2) Date:13-DEC-84 I have found that a couple of fones that are out (I have one with a mytac 8338/2 chip) can be EASILY converted into a AUTOVON dialer (or produce A,B,C,D) if you have opened up your fone and you have a 16 pin chip you can try this (it's very simple) Here's the schematics (sort of) A B C D +-------------------------------- ! ! ! ! ! ! --- --- --- --- ! --- --- --- --- ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! PIN14 PIN13 PIN12 PIN11 ! ! PIN9 THE : ! --- --- ! IS A MOMENTARY,NORMALLY OPEN SWITCH... THE -, AND THE !'S ARE WIRE (OF COURSE!) NOW YOU HAVE A SILVER BOX.... WHATEVER...... > The Mystery > The Phone Men Msg#:20 Subject:shit!!! From:THE DICTATOR (#14) Date:13-DEC-84 OK HERE'S SOMETHING YOU MIGHT WANT TO TRY! CALL AT&T AT 800-222-0300. HERE A LADY WILL ANSWER AND ASK WHAT YOU NEED! FROM HERE YOU CAN ORDER MANUALS ALL ON THE UNIX SYSTEM! I TRID THIS 2 WEEKS AGO AND THE STUFF SHOULD BE ARRIVING IN A COUPLE OF DAYS!!! ----- MY FRIEND IS GOING AWAY ON VACATION DURING CHRISTMAS, AND HIS FATHER WORKS FOR AT&T. AT THE YOUSES HE HAS SHELVES AND SHELVES OF MANUALS ON UNIX, COSMOS, AND ALL OTHERS. HE ALSO HAS THE NEW AT&T PC COMPUTER. WELL SINCE I HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF HIS PETS, THOSE MANUALS AND THE COMPUTER ARE MINE FOR 2 WEEKS. ANYONE CURIOUS ON WHAT'S IN THEM JUST LEAVE MAIL ----- The Dictator Msg#:21 Subj:GEEZ... From:ERIK BLOODAXE (#17) Date:12/14/84 WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE STILL ARGUING OVER BOXES? WHAT IS THERE TO BOX TO? BIG FUCKING DEAL INTL COMPLETIONS OPS, INWARDS, ASSORTED WATS TRANSLATIONS, WHO GIVES A FUCK? THIS MIGHT BE PREMATURE, BUT BOXING IS DEAD, FOR THE MOST PART ANYWAY. IT'S TIME TO GO ON TO BIGGER AND BETTER THINGS. --->ERIK BLOODAXE THE LEGION OF DOOM! Msg#:22 Subj:AT&T MESSED UP! From:THE SILVER SABRE (#30) Date:12/14/84 WHEN CALLING DIRECTLY TO A BBS, JUST TO SEE IF IT WAS BUSY OR NOT (IT WAS SFIII, AREN'T YOU PROUD S.R.!!) I WAS INTERCE PTED INTO A FONE CALL, THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE BUT EVERYTIME IT DID I WAS GOING THROUGH AN EXTENDER, BUT THIS WAS THE REAL THING. I HAD TOTAL CONTROL OF CONVERSATIONS, I COULD SWITCH INTO ALL KINDS OF CONVERSATIONS BY DOING AN '#08' AND '#18' AND ANY OTHER '#X8' AS LONG AS IT STARTED AT A '#' AND ENDED IN '8' I SWITCHED ALL OVER THE PLACE, I HEARD A PHREAK CONFESS (GET BUSTED) I HEARD MEXICANS, I HEARD PEOPLE MAKING LOVE OVER THE FONE AND ALL SORTS OF THINGS. IT WAS REAL FUN, I COULD GET INTO THE CONV AND MAKE FAKE EMERGENCY BREAKS, CEPT I DIDNT HAVE THE TONES THAT THE OPERATOR MAKES WHEN SHE BREAKS IN.. ANYWAY AFTER HOURS OF FOOLING AROUND AN OPERATOR GOT ON AND DISCONNECTED ME AFTER SHE DETECTED THAT I WAS DOING MISCHIEF ON THE LINE SHE TOLD ME NEVER TO DO IT AGAIN, I EXPLAINED THAT I WAS INTERCEPTED INTO IT. ANYWAY, SHE HUNG UP.. IT WAS FUN THOUGH!!! T/S/S Msg#:23 Subj:COME ON GUYS From:TERMINAL MAN Date:12/16/84 This is the TECHNICAL board not just for box info.... Post anything .. Terminal Man Msg#:24 Subj:To Sabre From:X- MAN (#19) Date:12/16/84 This is not a big deal, but you mentioned in your message that you did not have the tones used for operator verification...In fact, no tines are used...There is a way to verify #'s found on the TSPS console of all TSPS operators....Of course, if the verification takes place out- side of one's area code, and Inward operator is referred to. Sorry to say it, but I must agree with Bloodaxe....boxing is pretty much dead. I can still get what I want with a little effort through special ops (Inward, R & R, Conference, etc.) but the pleasure of calling anything that I want, anywhere in the world is past. Seems that the only way to have fun with the network anymore is to become a TSPS operator. Oh, that above correction was to Silver Sabre, and others who were misinformed about verification, Later.. X-Man The Legion Of Doom! Phreak Advisor SF ]I[ Msg#:25 Subj:------MCI------ From:THE MONITOR (#5) Date:12/16/84 LOOKING FOR THE MCI NODE IN THE FOLLOWING PLACES:QUINCY MA,BRAINTREE MA, NEEDHAM MA,COHASSET MA,BOXFORD MA,AND HOLBROOK MA. IF U HAVE ANY OF THESE OR CAN OBTAIN THEM PLEASE LEAVE ME E-MAIL. -THE MONITOR Msg#:32 Subj:202-539 From:PBX SUPERSWITCH (#41) Date:12/16/84 202-539-xxxx is a motorola metro 10 paging terminal. A #5 crossbar outpulses the last four numbers that you dialed into the paging terminal, and then the paging terminal goes to a look-up table and generates the corresponding set of paging tones and keys the associated transmitters. It has approx. 10 DID trunks going to it. Nothing really to hack. If anyone wants to know anything about 2-way, paging, or cellular leave me mail. PBX SUPERSWITCH Msg#:33 Subj:213 cosmos From:FIRE MONGER (#28) Date:12/16/84 If any 213 users want some pws for the 383-2600 comsos e-mail me and we can trade or I can give you some low level accounts... the accounts are really weird.. not standard prefixes..they start with things like em, kz etc. and most have only one with a certain beginning on the account. If anyone has any wcs for it please e-mail me, i only have one.. Does anyone know how to decrypt the pw file? *fire monger* a.l.i.a.s. Msg#:34 Subj:^^^^ From:THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER (#31) Date:12/16/84 WHY BOTHER TO DECRYPT?? ON COSMOS LOOK FOR A PROGRAM CALLED SECRTY.S PRINT IT OUT AND LOOK FOR WHERE IT COM PARES THE ENTRY OFF THE STACK TO THE PW THAT IS CORRECT.. THEN USE THE EDITOR TO PUT A "/" ON THAT LINE CAUSING IT TO BE A REM STATE MENT THUS NO COMPARISON.. REMEMBER THIS IS USUALLY WRITTEN IN ASSEMBLER SO IT MUST BE RECOMPILED. NOW YOU LOG IN WITH ANY SEQUENCE OF LETTERS AND YOU ARE AUTOMATICALLY LOGGED IN UNDER THE FIRST ACCOUNT, USUALLY ROOT OR A SYS MGR ACCOUNT. BUT ONE THING YOU MUST BE FAST AND DO IT LATE IN THE EVENING.. SINCE EVERYONE ELSE WILL BE LOGGING INTO ROOT YOU SHOULD CHANGE IT BACK BEFORE IT'S DETECTED.. ANY QUESTIONS ON UNIX COMMANDS OR EDITOR COMMANDS, THE C- LANGUAGE ETC.. LEAVE ME MAIL THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER Msg#:35 Subj:CBI P.O.B. From:JOHN DOE (#40) Date:12/16/84 For those of you who use CBI, here is the procedure to do a credit check on a person when their address is a POB. NM-last,first initial. CA-BOX ###,POB,,city,state,zip. where ### is the box number Later, John Doe Msg#:36 Subj:TRW From:DOCTOR WHO (#7) Date:12/16/84 A WHILE AGO SOMEONE ON THIS BOARD, I THINK IT WAS THIS BOARD, ASKED IF YOU COULD CHANGE CREDIT HISTORIES WITH TRW. WELL, YOU CAN, OR WILL BE ABLE TO SOON. THE BANKS USED TO (OR STILL DO) SEND IN BIG MAG TAPES TO TRW WITH THE NEW DATA, BUT THE NEW SYSTEM IS CALLED 'INSTANT UPDATE' AND IS DONE OVER THE MODEM WITH THE SAME PASSWORDS AS DOING INQUIRIES. I AM STILL WORKING ON THE FORMAT FOR IT. I WILL POST WHEN I FIGURE IT OUT. SOMETHING OCCURRED TO ME: WHEN YOU USE A TRW DIALUP, MAYBE YOU SHOULD USE THE ONE THAT THE LEGIT USERS USE - IT COULD BE REAL EASY FOR THEM TO FIND HACKERS BY LOOKING FOR, SAY, A NEW YORK ACCOUNT USING A CALIFORNIA DIALUP -----------=?> DOCTOR WHO <?=--------- Msg#:36 Subj:PLEASE? From:THE SERPENT (#23) Date:12/16/84 I don't usually go around begging for information but in this case I must insist. Could someone please post the DIALUP number, PASSWORD, and inquiry procedure for CBI and TRW all in ONE message? either one will do, but both would be ideal. The Serpent Msg:37 Subj: L.A. COSMOS From:worried Date:12/16/84 I got those accounts, all 43 of them for L.A. COSMOS in August...any acct gives you SysOp access. I am extremely worried that it will go bad and the # will be changed very quickly just like DC COSMOS was. I am asking all of you to keep the # and whatever else you see here *on this board only* Anyone posting anything on it on another BBS will be deleted, and anyone giving it out will be deleted. Last time I came up with DC COSMOS PW's and the #'s they got out in circulation, I don't want that to happen with this one. WC's for it are BL, TA, TB, TC, TD. another one also I can't remember off hand... Try the "WCFLDS" command when on-line, it will tell you every valid WC. This is the COSMOS for San Elguna (or whatever) CA. Valid Tele prefixes are 321,322 and 324 do NOT use this system to "fuck around" on. If you don't know what you're doing learn a little before calling, PLEASE! Thank you, ..Sharp Razor>> LOD!/H Msg#:38 Subj:CITISHARE From:BLUE ARCHER (#38) Date:12/16/84 HERE IS A CITISHARE SYSTEMI HACKED INTO A WHILE BACK. IT IS RUNNING TOPS-20: 212-355-6533 FOR LOGGING IN USE: AMRONY AMRONY AMRONY.SALARY Z99 AMRONY.CISMO BUDGET WHERE THE FIRST WORD IS THE USERNAME AND THE SECOND IS THE P/W. IN CASE YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT TOPS-20, TO GET IN TYPE LOGIN USERNAME PASSWORD. FOR MORE PWS LEAVE MAIL, I ALSO HAVE PWS ON MANY SYSTEMS I HAVE HACKED INTO, MAINLY TOPS-20S, INCLUDING MOST OF THE TOPS-20 SYSTEM PHONE NUMBER POSTED BY SCAM MASTER EARLIER. BLUE ARCHER Msg#:39 Subj:CXM COMMAND From:FIRE MONGER (#28) Date:12/16/84 THE COSMOS CXM COMMAND SEEMS TO BE FOR MANIPULATING THE CENTREXS IN THE COSMOS AREA. I DON'T UNDERSTAND IT VERY WELL THOUGH. WHEN I LISTED THE CENTREX SSY GAVE IN TN RANGES. I CALLED IN THEM AND GOT THINGS LIKE JOE'S ELECTRONICS WHEN IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A NAVY HOSPITAL. *FIRE MONGER* A.L.I.A.S. Msg#:40 Subj:SEE MESSAGE ON B#1 From: THE SERPENT (#23) Date:12/24/84 A MESSAGE THAT I SHOULD HAVE POSTED HERE IS ON BOARD #1, THANK YOU. The Serpent Msg#:26 Subj:DTMF DECODERS From:DOCTOR WHO (#7) Date:12/16/84 I WAS GOING THROUGH A MAGAZINE AND FOUND AN AD FOR TOUCH-TONE (DTMF) DECODERS, AND IT HAS A HEX OR BCD OUTPUT. THEY ALSO HAVE ONE WITH AN RS-232. ANYWAY, HERE IT IS... (IT HAS ALL 16 DIGITS) BCD OR HEX OUTPUT $22.95 RS-232 OUTPUT 300 BAUD $89.95 ENGINEERING CONSULTING 583 CANDLEWOOD STREET BREA,CA 92621 714-671-2009 ALSO, BOXING IS NOT DEAD! EVERYONE IS SUDDENLY PARANOID OF CONFERENCES, AND THAT IS THE BEST ASPECT OF BOXING, BUT THERE IS NO PROBLEM THERE, JUST USE EXTENDERS -- CALL AMERICA WORKS FINE. ALSO, IF YOU BOX OFF AN 800 NUMBER CLOSE TO THE PERSON YOU ARE CALLING, YOU GET VERY GOOD CONNECTIONS! (AT&T) AND WHERE ELSE CAN YOU MAKE INTERNATIONAL CALLS? I REST MY CASE. -------------==?> DOCTOR WHO >>> Msg#:27 Subj:LMOS From:ERIC STRATTON (#21) Date:12/18/84 I'm currently 'working' on Bell's LMOS system. If your familiar with LMOS in any way please leave me mail. Thanks, Eric Stratton Msg#:28 Subj:CAROT From:PHUCKED AGENT 04 (#16) Date:12/23/84 THE CAROT SYSTEM IS REALLY INTERESTING. I WAS LOOKING FOR A PENETRABLE LINK IN THE TRUNK MAINTENANCE CIRCUITS, AND IT LOOKS LIKE THIS IS IT. CAROT IS BASICALLY A HEWLETT-PACKARD NETWORK OF SINGLE-SITE CONTROLLER IN CHARGE OF A COUPLE OF #3 ATME'S, WHICH IN TURN USE ROTL'S AND DIRECT LINK RESPONDERS FOR THE ATME'S (2/3) (AUTOMATIC TRUNK MEAS UREMENT EQUIPMENT) TO PERFORM QXXX'S AND TKO/TKQ TRUNK TESTS (GENERIC). THE FRONT END LINK CAN OVERRIDE A TRUNK IN USE, AND IS A 4-WIRE (TRANSCEIVER) UNIT IT USES A 130 VOLT RING FWD FOR FORWARD REGISTER. I (AS WELL AS LEX, WARLOCK AND UNKNOWN SOLDIER) HAVE IDEAS ABOUT TRUNK VERIFICATION VIA ROTL. I HAVE FOU ND ANOTHER SYSTEM KNOWN AS 'SIM' - SYSTEM INTEGRITY MONITORING TRUNKS. JUST BY ITS NAME, YOU CAN GET AN IDEA. I WILL BE POSTING MORE INFO REGARDING THESE SYSTEMS VERY SOON. WELL, BACK ON THE SUBJECT OF CAROT... USING CAROT, AND THE ACCESS TO CAROT'S PARAMETERS (THE "SHOW: XX" AND "SET: XX " COMMANDS), IT IS POSSIBLE (AND USEFUL) TO GET DATA FOR ROTL USE, AND HOPEFULLY SIM, INDIRECTLY, AS WELL. BASICALLY EACH CAROT CONTROLLER HAS ACCESS TO 20+ REMOTE TTU UNITS, INCLUDING ROTLS ON A `CHAINED ACCESS BASIS`, AND PERFO RMS SET-SCHEDULE TEST (MOSTLY ON NEW CIRCUITS, SPECIFIED BY THE LOCAL ATA SYSTEM). I HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH INFO TO WRITE A PHILE ON THE SUBJECT, AND IF I CAN FIND TIME, I WILL. (CONTINUED NEXT MSG...) Msg#:29 Subj:(CONT'D...) From:PHUCKED AGENT 04 (#16) Date:12/23/84 (CT'D FROM LAST MSG...) I ALSO HAVE PRETTY MUCH ALL OF THE CAROT COMMANDS, AS WELL AS THE COMPLETE LIST OF CAROT PARAMETERS (AND THE BSP MANUAL ON THE CAROT 2 CONTROLLER). I HAVE MAILED THEM TO LOD!, AND THEY SHOULD BE THERE ABOUT NOW. I SOCIALLY ENGINEERED AS MUCH INFO AS POSSIBLE A COUPLE DAYS AGO- HERE ARE SOME PACIFIC TELEPHONE CAROT CONTROL OFFICES (415) 774-7182 CAROT COMPUTER ROOM OPERATIONS FOR 'USER NUMBER PROBLEMS'. I HAVE A FEELING THEY COULD BE BS'ED OUT OF CAROT DIALUPS AND POSSIBLY EVEN ACCT'S. (415) 774-7176 - "NEW OFFICE LOADS" "TEST LINE DIRECTORY" THE 'TEST LINES' ARE IN A DUMP FILE, AND CONTAIN INFORMATION ON ROTL AND TRUNK MTCE ACCESS. THE LOW-IQ SECRETARIES WHO ANSWER ARE ABUSABLE + MORE INFO COMING SOON... RE: LMOS AND MLT. IF I REMEMBER SOMEONE BROUGHT UP THE SUBJECT OF LMOS A COUPLE MSGS BACK. WELL, CALL BLOTTOLAND AND READ MY LAST MSG ON THE TECH BOARD. LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY ADDITIONAL INFO. I HAVE BEEN DOING SOME > EXTENSIVE < "RESEARCH" WITH BOTH MLT AND LMOS, AND BASICALLY THE WHOLE LOOP & SLC MTCE GROUP (ARSB/CRSAB SYSTEMS). THEY HAVE EXTREME POWER, MUCH MORE THAN COSMOS IN CERTAIN AREAS. LET ME KNOW IF ANYONE WANTS MORE INFORMATION ON THOSE SYSTEMS AS WELL. ALSO, ABOUT THE WAVEFORMS: WESTERN ELECTRIC RECEIVERS ARE DESIGNED FOR SINE WAVE DETECTION. A TRIANGLE, SAWTOO TH, OR OTHER HARMONICALLY DISTORTED WAV E WILL WORK, BUT COULD TRIP A CTI FLAG. (NOT FUNNY) OH WELL, PHUCKED AGENT 04 Msg#:30 Subj:NYT From:THE SERPENT (#23) Date:12/23/84 This belongs on board 3 but a small error in judgement has been made and I no longer have access to that board. 1=[201]/844-0100 After connection it says: VMS/CMS ONLINE-LINE 123 SYSTEM K and when I type LOGOFF it says LOGOFF at 03:45:02 NYT sunday 12/23/84 ^^^ New York Telephone Msg#:31 Subj:ROTL From:THE MONITOR (#5) Date:01/02/85 FOR THE NON BELIEVERS OUT THERE: REMOBS DO EXIST! ROTL CAN AND IS USED FOR VERIFICATION AND HAS BEEN TAKEN ONE STEP FURTHER BY SOME PHREAKS, THE LATE STEVEN PASEDINA HAS/DID USE ROTL TO LISTEN IN ON OTHER BELL CUSTOMER CONVERSATIONS. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THIS WORKS BUT IT DOES! THE MONITOR 'LOOKING FOR A TSPS BSP/MANUAL(URGENT)' Msg#:32 Subj:SABRE INFO. From:THE SILVER SABRE (#30) Date:01/03/85 I have documentation on the commonly used commands for the SABRE/DEC system that American Airlines uses, plus I got the pswd format, and other info. If interested, e-mail: T>S>S [WOPR/IROC] Msg#:33 Subj:ROTL... From:ERIC STRATTON (#21) Date:01-04-85 ROTL (Remote Office Test Lines), Used by CAROT to do test in lines, it works via touch tones, so it can be used by anyone with a phone (well, almost anyone) Anyway, I'm not totally familiar on the subject but the RTTU (Remote Test Trunk Unit) contains a ROTL-like port in which a TALK & MONITOR function can be accessed. I have but only a few ideas on the way it's done. I'm sure that's the way your friend did it, but I don't see how he got by the security. (see my message on Blottoland concerning security). If you find out anything more about it leave mail. Eric Stratton P/Hive Msg#:34 Subj:ROTL Again.. From:PHUCKED AGENT 04 (#16) Date:01-06-85 Gee I left some messages concerning RO TL on LOD!, so I am a bit hesitant to retype them here. They were pretty In- depth on the ROTL system and its basic functions. Basically, some Tandem or N/T Offices have whole frames of the Type 1 or 2 ROTL's, directly accessable either from lineside, or (as you proba bly are sick of hearing me say) Trunk side from the Terminals on the Metallic Facility (NOT SLIC or SLC!). ROTL canno t "verify" a sub line! It has no connec tions to lineside unless Central MTCE for your CO is using them for such ( rarely, as it is unnecessary). ROTL's are used by CAROT (everyone brings up these questions now. Check back on my messages on CAROT- If I remember I Briefly described its connection to the RTTU circuits, via ATME and the other links) (Maybe the messages were before their time?). The ROTL's are automatica lly cycled into use by the CAROT ctrlr and its TU connections. According to Bell, the linelinked Dialups are only there for manual attempts, and the CAROT ctrlrs are finding themselves direct-linked to the ROTL frame. It looks like everyone is getting interested in this now... Thanks for your time. Phucked Agent 04 p.s. Monitor: I have TSPS BSP Manuals, and one on the master scanner for 1/1B. Msg#:35 Subj:MLT/LMOS From:FIRE MONGER (#28) Date:01-06-85 I JUST GOT SOME MLT/LMOS MANUALS... THEY ARE MOSTLY DESCRIPTIONS OF WHAT YOU NEED TO MAKE A SYSTEM AND DATA ON WHAT IS IN MY LOCAL AREA... IT ALSO TELLS ABOUT THE KS-22475 TRUNK TEST SET.. ALL KINDS OF FLOWCHARTS AND STUFF. IT HAS SOME STUFF ABOUT TEST NUMBERS MADE PERMANENTLY BUSY TO 'PREVENT SWITCHING MACHINE TROUBLE REPORTS AND TO PREVENT RINGING TO AN OPEN CIRCUIT IF A SUBSC- RIBER INADVERTENTLY DIALS THE NUMBER.' IT ALSO HAS VERIFICATION [data lost] THEY ARE FOR... DOES THIS SOUND LIKE ITS OF ANY USE?? I CAN'T MAKE MUCH OF (OUT OF) IT... *FIRE MONGER* A.L.I.A.S. Msg#:36 Subj:HIGH CAPAC. TERRESTRIAL DIGITAL SERVICE From:FIRE MONGER (#28) Date:01-06-85 I'VE GOT A MANUAL ON IT...MICROWAVE COMMUNICATIONS IS WHAT I THINK IT IS... IT TELLS ALL ABOUT VARIOUS RADIO TEST SETS TOO.. THE RUSSIANS LISTEN IN ON IT DON'T THEY.....? IS THIS OF ANY USE TO ANYONE? *FIRE MONGER* A.L.I.A.S. Msg#:37 Subj:Changes!! From:W.O.P.R. Management Date:01-10-85 main password MUFFY will be changing this week and the @F At the beginning will also be changing.. so if any of you didn't give me your phone # then hurry because I will be calling the people with the correct info... later Terminal Man Msg#:41 COSMOS ENTRY From:FIRE MONGER (#28) Date:01-05-84 WHEN HACKING COSMOS I ENTERED A ACCOUNT .... IT JUMPED RIGHT TO WC? PROMPT... I THEN ENTERED A POSS. WC AND THERE WAS NO WC?? BUT IT DIDN'T WORK... I CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT... WHY WOULD A ACCOUNT THAT JUMPS TO WC? NOT WORK? *FIRE MONGER* A.L.I.A.S. Msg#:42 Subj:COSMOS TED From:FIRE MONGER (#28) Date:01-06-85 ON COSMOS IS TED A TEXT EDITOR? HOW IS IT USED? CAN IT BE USED TO EDIT PRE-EXISTING TEXT FILES? ALSO DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT MAIS STANDS FOR? *FIRE MONGER* A.L.I.A.S. Msg#:43 Subj:cosmos From:THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER (#31) Date:01-06-85 the account that jumped to wc? was just a defaulted account.. usually you can't do inquiries on circuits and the like but you probably can change dir's to just about anything. try a command % cat /etc/passwd note that you should be on the /usr dir to get useful results.. or use the pwd command or Print Working Directory you will get something like /usr/tmp if you get "/" you're on root (superuser) wish ya luck later the Unknown Soldier Msg#:44 Subj:COSMOS TROUBLE From:FIRE MONGER (#28) Date:01-07-85 NOBODY UNDERSTOOD WHAT I MEANT IN MY COSMOS MESSAGE SO I'LL REPOST IT... I ENTERED AN ACCOUNT... IT JUMPED TO WC? I ENTERED A VALID WC AND IT SAID 'ILLEGAL LOGIN' I TRIED THE WC AND PURPOSELY BAD PWS AN D IT STILL SAID IT WAS GOOD(NO WC??)... I TRIED OTHER POSS WCS AND IT SAID THEY WERE BAD(WC??)... SO NOW I AM STUMPED AS TO WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING... ARE THESE DEFAULT PWS THAT ARE NO GOOD(I MEAN ACCOUNTS)... OR WHAT??? BY THE WAY.... TO THE HAPPY USERS OF THE 213-383-2600 COSMOS.... 'THE HACKMAN', A COMPLEAT LOSER, POSTED THE NUMBER, THE "COSMOS" ACCOUNT AND TH E TA WC ON SF III'S PUBLIC PHREAK BOARD SO MUCH FOR THAT COMSOS...I HOPE THEY JUST CHANGE PWS AND NOT THE #.... *FIRE MONGER* A.L.I.A.S. Msg#:45 Subj:HELLO From:THE SCAM MASTER (#43) Date:01-07-85 Well, I'm back. I have a question, on TOPS-10 systems, does anyone know any ways of getting privs? I have a system that plays decwar and has a neat conference program, and it's really cool, but they took the access from my account to do that shit. If anyone could tell me, I would tell you the number and password to the system. Later TSm Msg#:46 Subj:oswierd system From:THE SCAM MASTER (#43) Date:01-09-85 Have any of you ever found a system that says "osl please" and is always in even parity? you type osl and it asks for a key. I haven't gotten any further --------------------------------------- here is a system for ya to try out 617-861-1062 rsts v8 minuteman school administration --------------------------------------- The Scam Master ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ Msg#:47 Subj:uucp..... From:THE SCAM MASTER (#43) Date:01-09-85 Does anyone know how to use the unix to unix copy program without another unix? Lateron Tsm Msg#:48 Subj:ANSWERS From:TUC TUCBBS (#37) Date:01-09-85 To all users, Here are a few answers to your questions. 1) on the "osl", did it mention "rolm" anywhere? my experience is that that is a programmable/computer pbx system. 2) no matter what you try at the prompts, you won't get an invalid login until after all the info is entered on a cosmos. Same thing happens on the 817-787-1234 one i use. (call often, you usually can just pop into someone elses acct) 3) as for trw, i'll post a different message for that. i realize that the article in 2600 is good, but sometimes clarity is the best thing. 4) as for CBI, i'll relay what i personally know. Certain floridans have spread the word i was not to get this. I don't know why! here, the person who had tca2, 3319122nxk <sears in calif.. the first one they noticed. <thanks a fucking lot lou dolinar!>> TUC Msg#:49 Subj:TRW From:TUC TUCBBS (#37) Date:01-09-85 ======================================= Tuc's Mini TRW Instructions ======================================= (your response is upper, trw is lower) CALL DIALUP (LIKE 714-956-3370 OR 408-758-8260 OR LIKE 617-549-0268) ESTABLISH CARRIER t (it waits> r <it waits> w <QUICKLY NAIL A CONTROL-G> circuit building in progress -0000-0000- cntrl-l, then a ctrl-q <when this happens, you get a TOF or screen clear> TCA1 RTS 3319122NXK JONES JOHN ...,441 P [lost data] That's :> 41 p 10980, <CNTRL-M> -Y <CNTRL-S> NOW, IF YOU ARE CORRECT, IT WILL TELL YOU THE REPORT. IF YOU HAVE THE PROPER COMPUTER ID CODE <TCA2 EG> AND THE ACCT <3319122> IS CORRECT, BUT THE PASSWORD IS INCORRECT, YOU'LL GET A SECURITY ID ERROR. ANY QUESTIONS? ASK! ======================================= Msg#:50 Subj: UNIX? From: BLUE ARCHER (#38) Date:01-09-85 DOES ANYONE KNOW ABOUT MAKING A UNIX DUMBY FILE, I BELIEVE IT IS CALLED? WHAT IT IS SUPPOSED TO DO IS GO UP BEFORE THE LOGIN PROGRAM, LOOK LIKE THE LOGIN PROGRAM, BUT WHEN THE USER TYPES IN HIS ACCOUNT AND PASSWORD IT SAYS INVALID LOGIN OR WHATEVER AND THEN TAKES HIM TO THE REAL LOGIN. LEAVE MAIL OR POST. BLUE ARCHER Msg#:51 Subj:GENERAL STUFF From:PAUL MAUD'DIB (#34) Date:01-10-85 I am looking for frequencies and timing on answering machine remote control devices, pls leave any you have (with the model # it is for) in email to me. PM'D Msg#:39 Subj:misc. From:LEX LUTHOR (#18) Date:01-12-85 A phew things I came by in reading some computer magazine which may be of interest: Some of you may have heard about "The Instant Yellow Pages" which is a service which lists 6 million businesses and has about 40 people working day & night entering information. Their goal is to have every yellow page title in the country listed. The service costs $100.00 initially, and $15.00 per month PLUS $1.00 per minute while on the system. I think this is rather outrageous. Anyways, the system is located in Omaha, Nebraska. This is all the info I have at the moment, but I am sure someone who has more time than I will engineer the dialup or some other information out of them so we will be able to attack and infiltrate the system. -- There is a system similar to Compuserve called "People Link" which has a phew different types of conferencing systems. This system looks perfect for holding LOD and other group conferences. They also have a BBS type section. Since they are relatively new to the business, compared to CIS, there must still be a phew bugs in the system for us to find out. VISA AND MASTERCARD ACCEPTED! call toll phree @ 1-800-524-1000 and order today! Drop an acct. in my box if you obtain any. -- I have recently been looking into home banking services, and it seems that more and more large banks are getting into the business. BANK OF AMERICA in California has the "HomeBank" system and has over 25,000 subscribers. Chemical bank offers "Pronto" banking. I would appreciate any info you have on this. Msg#:33 Subj:another dataflow From:THE SCAM MASTER (#13) Date:11/28/84 617-263-9907 at login, type "guest" no password. this is a 4.2 Berkeley unix called wopper Tsm Msg#:35 Subj:SOMETHING EVEN MORE MINUTE From:PHUCKED AGENT 04 (#16) Date:11/29/84 I CAME ACROSS THIS # WHILE DOING SOME TEST SCANS (OR DID I?) ANYWAY, IT ISN'T ON THE 'NEW' 11/5 LIST OF MILNET TACS AT SU TAC AND OTHERS (213) 395-0263 RND2TC TAC RAND CORPORATION SANTA MONICA, CA. ANOTHER INTERESTING ONE: (213) 643-2690 300/1200 USAF/NASA SPACE DIVISION CENTER EL SEGUNDO, LOS ANGELES HIT CTRL-Q (XON) FOR TAC ENTER (AQTAC) <CR> AT 'ENTER HOST' AT 'OPEN..' SEND ANOTHER XON TO GET THE TAC HERALD (ASFC-SD-TAC I BELIEVE) HOPE THEY ARE USEFUL PHUCKED AGENT 04 'INTERACTIVE TRUNK VERIFICATION ABUSE' '84 Subj:COSMOS TRASH From:DOCTOR WHO (#7) Date:10/30/84 I WENT TRASHING THIS EVENING, GOT SOME COSMOS STUFF - HERE ARE SOME COMMANDS TSN - TELEPHONE NUMBER TRAFFIC STATS. SLC - SUBSCRIBER LINE COUNT STN SPC TOC IF YOU HAVE A WC AND PASSWORD FOR A COSMOS, BUT DON'T KNOW WHAT EXCHANGES YOU CAN LOOK UP ON IT, DO A "SOL" AND THEN A "." - AND COSMOS WILL LIST RECENT S.O.'S (SERVICE ORDERS) FOR THAT W.C. (WIRE CENTER), INCLUDING TELEPHONE NUMBERS. SOMETIMES A WIRE CENTER WILL BE ABLE TO COVER LESS THAN ONE EXCHANGE, BECAUSE OF PBX'S WHICH BELL DOESN'T CONTROL, SO IF YOU TRY TO LOOK UP ONE OF THESE IT WILL SAY 'INVALID PFX TN' OR SOMETHING SIMILAR. ------------\?> DOCTOR WHO <?\?------------ Msg#:4 Subj: Calling 080 042 numbers From:Terminal Man Date:11/2/84 It seems that I can dial a log of those 213-080-1050 numbers from a regular phone. Does anyone know why this happens? I have gotten onto many trunks that way. please respond thanks... Terminal Man Msg#:5 Subj:TEST BOARDS From:THE MONITOR (#5) Date:11/4/84 SX-REMOB DOES WORK. CALL MCI A FEW TIMES UNTIL YOU GET A STATIC FILLED LINE. PRESS '#' TWICE AND CONTINUE TO DO SO EVERY 13 SECONDS UNTIL YOU PICK UP ON A CALL. IF THIS DOES NOT WORK WITHIN 7 MINUTES THEN YOU MUST TRY AGAIN. REMEMBER IT ONLY SEEMS TO WORK WHEN YOU HAVE A BAD CONNECTION. SOMETIMES WHEN I AM MAKING A CALL I HEAR VOICES AND I THEN HIT '#' TWICE TO PICK UP THE CONVERSATION. IT WORKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Msg#:6 Subj: TEST SET From:PHUCKED AGENT 04 (#16) Date:11/5/84 IT SEEMS I OMITTED THIS ONE FROM THE OLD ARTICLE. MOST TEST SET MODS WILL NOT WORK ON NON-BELL PHONES, SO I CAME UP WITH ANOTHER DESIGN. THIS WILL ALLOW A 'MONITOR' SWITCH FOR TAPPING OR MONITORING WITHOUT PULLING THE LOOP OR OTHERWISE BEING DETECTED. (IT ALSO LETS YOU USE A $2 TAIWAN FONE FOR THOSE SURVEILLANCE NIGHTS) RING------------------------------FONE TIP-------------/|/|/|/--------------/ ! ! !-----!(------- ! ! ! !---SPST----! R=10K OHM 1/2 WATT 10% C=22 UF 200 VDC SPST=MONITOR/TALK YOU WILL FIND THIS ONE VERY USEFUL. EXTRA NOTE: I WAS DOING SOME TAPPING IN AN AREA SERVED BY GTE (GENERAL TELEPHONE). DAMN, THEY HAVE A SCREWED SWITCH. IT IS THE GTD-5 EAX I GUESS, BUT IT TAKES 2 SECONDS AFTER LOOP COMPLETION FOR THE RELAY TO GIVE YOU A DIAL TONE! I HAD THE SET IN 'MONITOR', AND WHEN I LISTENED THROUGH THE TAPE RECORDER, THE LINE WAS PICKING UP A RADIO STATION! IT WASN'T ON THE RECORDER, AS IT HAS NO RADIO. EVIDENTLY, A RADIO SIGNAL WAS PRESENT ON THE LINE WHEN THE LOOP WAS CLOSED (MONITOR PICKED IT UP), AND WHEN A PERSON AT THE SUBSCRIBER'S HOUSE PICKED UP, THE MUSIC WOULD STOP. HMM. MAYBE A FUNCTION FOR BORED LINEMAN.. ANYONE EVER HAVE THIS HAPPEN? THANKS FOR YOUR TIME LATER PHUCKED AGENT 04 Msg#:?? Subj:some phun shit. From:BLOCK BUSTER (#14) Date:11/4/84 -------------------------------------- Dow Jones PW.. U50WO53CJK M4XHR03RKS Dialog PW....... HKP89210 Travel-Nets 800-521-8400 -------------------------------------- 17921774 14688542 14683286 14684618 14678341 17927741 Sprints _________________________ 524230204 54243204 Michigan State University 517-353-8305 Dartmouth College Library 603-643-6310 pw:cd 1 Here's a 1-800 conference phreak 1-800-231-0777 At the tone dial 1-(area code) phone # and then you get another dial tone. At that tone dial 38932. After you are connected to the first party press the '*' key. You'll get another tone and do the same thing that I explained above. But this time after you put in the code press the '*' key again and you will have two parties on the line with you.. Have Phun!! > Block Buster < Msg#:1 Subj: HACK BOARD From:Terminal Man Date:10/30/84 Ok all hackers enjoy the Hackers board please post only hack information on this board... Thanks......... Terminal Man Msg#:2 Subj:MISC From:Doctor Who (#7) Date:10/30/84 JUST SOME STUFF I HAVE HANGING AROUND : TELENET C 213275 PRIMENET 19.1.1 INTRA LOGIN INTRA1 PASSWORD INTRA1 404-262-1880 4.2 BSD UNIX LOGIN "UUCP" NO PASSWORD NEEDED 404-606-0842 B-52'S (HA HA) WAR RECORDINGS 415-626-4485 408-993-0740 DIAL-FUCK 213-976-4257 ILLINOIS BELL 312-286-0301 312-782-1448 ESS RECORDINGS 914-232-9901 914-276-9901 914-277-9901 914-669-9901 414-228-1981 ?? PBX ?? 800-231-0777 PBX 800-228-9038 1212, THEN 9 "I" "AH" ALL FOR NOW... ---------------=?> DOCTOR WHO <?=------------ P.S. LET'S GET THIS BOARD MOVING Msg#:3 Subj:BELL EMPLOYEE From:CRYPTO CRIMINAL (#8) Date:10/31/84 Here is a bell employee who gave me his number after i told him i had questions about the bell system. Call 313-882-9109 ask for Kirk. If you don't act like a penis he will probably answer any question you've got. Chow. %%%%%%%% % Crypto%%% %Criminal% %%%%%%%%% Msg#:4 Subj:TELENET AGAIN From:DOCTOR WHO (#7) Date:10/31/84 WHILE DOING SOME TELENET SCANNING, I CAME ACROSS THIS: C 51830 IT SAYS "MHP 202E REQUESTED APPLICATION" YOU ENTER SOMETHING AND IT WILL THEN SAY "MHP 201 UZ041X01 * VERSION 1.C * INVALID APPLICATION" I CAN'T SEEM TO GET ANYTHING HERE -- I MESSED WITH IT FOR ABOUT HALF AN HOUR AND GOT NOWHERE TRY IT FOR YOURSELF. ------------=?> DOCTOR WHO <?=---------- Msg#:5 Subj:World Bank and Shit From:Sharp Razor Date:11/2/84 Ok, I had posted this on LOH bd, but no one has come up with anything... WORLD BANK 202-289-0231, 0232, and 0234 This is their Unix system, at id# type Help, and type help as your pw for some basic system info. World Bank TOPS-20 202-289-0354 - 0357 This is their TOPS-20, on a SYS i got these id's, but couldn't get any PW's for them.. LARRY, DOUG, JULIE, NARONG, TRE, SANJA, ACC these are accounts, haven't been able to get pw's for any of them yet. COSMOS: Just found a terrifically useful command(s). These will enable you to get some valid prefixes for the various WC's. (This is for my favorite generix, 14.2.6 not sure if it will work on the lower ones). cmd-SOL ..type "SOL" then type "." (on the next line) and you will get the service order log of the day, (about 40 pages worth!) These will include the fone# of the person being services, and you will be able to see valid prefixes for your WC this way. ..phuck the others, I'll save them for now.. ..Later.. ..Sharp Razor>> The Legion Of Doom! The Legion Of Hackers Msg#:6 Subj:Telenet nodes From:Terminal Man Date:11/2/84 While going through some telenet nodes that doctor who gave me I have found some interesting systems... C 212231 PRIME C 212167 PRIMENET C 212174 PRIME C 212197 (( TOPS-20 MONITOR )) C 20238 SAYS AOS/VS (THINK VAX) C 20238 SAYS ENTER NETWORK SIGNON C 51623 SAYS USER NUMBER-- C 31277 HP2000 OR 3000 C 31242 RSTS (TRAVENOL SYSA) To get onto these systems you will need a telenet id.. Well see you later......... Terminal Man The Legion Of Doom! The Legion Of Hackers! Msg#:7 Subj:Oops From:SHARP RAZOR (#6) Date:11/3/84 I am sorry, when I posted the msg 2 msgs ago i had logged on, posted, and logged off without reading any other msgs, i have just read bd 1 and saw doc's msg. I am sorry to re-post, i also must say that last week i was talking to him about this cms. and i knew what it did, but he told me the "." part so i am sorry i am a dumb fuk at this point (and also drunk) ..bye ..s.r. LOD!/H Msg#:8 Subj:DEC'S HDQRTRS From:THE SCAM MASTER (#13) Date:11/4/84 NUMBER FOR COMPUTERS IN DEC'S CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS. 617-897- 0043 TOPS 20 SERVER 0058 RSTS-FALCON US/MIS 0174 PDP-11 0252 KLINIK 0299 ???????? 0322 ENTER SYSTEM NAME 0746 VAX 1200 BAUD 0769 DEC 10 0800 TOPS 20 FDCU --+> 0841 TOPS 20 FDCT FIELD DATA CENTER GIGANTIC SYSTEM 0950 TOPS 20 MUDDLEHEAD 0989 ENTER SYSTEM NAME SEE YA TSM Msg#:9 Subj:Need a DEC acct From:Terminal Man Date:11/4/84 I am willing to trade a MILNET acct for any operator or wheel TOPS-20 acct Let me know.. Terminal Man The Legion Of Doom! The Legion Of Hackers! Msg#:10 Subj:ADDITION From:THE SCAM MASTER (#13) Date:11/4/84 ADDITION TO TWO ABOVE: 897-0414 RSTS FDCOPD 1200 BAUD 897-0232 DEC 10 DOUBLE TWINKY WITH SERVER (897-0043) IT SAYS LOG IDECUS IDECUS WHEN YOU CALL UP. I TYPE IT, AND IT SAYS IDECUS REGISTRATION IS NOT ON THAT SYSTEM, BUT ON TSN HOST 418 ACCOUNT 166,5666 DOES ANYONE KNOW OF THIS TSN SYSTEM? SEE YOU LATER TSM Msg#:11 Subj:some things From:DOCTOR WHO (#7) Date:11/4/84 here are some numbers - 313-644-3960 aos system 512-496-0609 remote traffic info system flight services lab 703-790-1740 general electric 301-583-3419 newsnet 215-688-2035 lakes data base 612-297-2617 "login waters" ------------=?> doctor who <?=--------- p.s. delaware is now on cbi