The following SBASIC program will allow you to create different
sized PW.SWP files.  After compiling, put it and a copy of an old
PW.SWP file together on a disk in drive a.  Put a disk without a PW.SWP
(and enough room to hold the new one) in drive B.

var num,I,J = integer
var abyte,fsize = char
files S(1),S(1)
create "B:PW.SWP"
open #1; "A:PW.SWP"
open #0; "B:PW.SWP"
print "File size (64 is normal)";
input num
let fsize = chr(num)
for I = 0H to 7BH
   read #1; abyte
   write #0; abyte
next I
read #1; abyte
write #0; fsize
for I = 7DH to 3FFH
   read #1; abyte
   write #0; abyte
next I
let abyte = chr(0)
for I = 1 to fsize
   for J = 0H to 3FFH
      write #0; abyte
   next J
   print I;"K";chr(0DH);
next I
close #0
close #1
print "Done."

   The idea behind the program is simple: It allows you to replace byte
number 7C (Hex) of the file (the size parameter) with a new value, copying
all else of the first K directly, then building the file to that size.

    The above grew out of personal necessity for a larger swap file.  It
is based on careful study of SWP files for both PW and MINCE.  The
program can easily be modified to change the other personal preference
params of a SWP file -- just change the FOR loops to allow editing a
different byte.  The other params are:

cursor start line: 75H
fill column: 76H
tab spacing: 77H
indent column: 78H
CPU clock rate: 79H
Delay count: 7AH (low order byte) 7BH (high order byte)
File size (as in above program): 7CH

    Hope this helps all of those who've been trying to get PWCONFIG.
Note that the above program doesn't check values -- read the PW manual
to find out what's acceptable.  (The one thing it doesn't mention is
that PW likes SWP files to be in multiples of 8K)

                                     Chip Weems
                                     COINS Dept., UMass/Amherst