Arizona House Passes Firearm-Storage Bill: The House voted on Monday to 
let people take their guns into government buildings if there aren't 
enough lockers to store them. The 32-23 tally came after Rep. Russell 
Pearce, R-Mesa, said it is the obligation of government agencies to 
provide secure storage if they don't want patrons with sidearms. He said 
that's only fair.

California Microstamping Bill Defended: Legislation that would require 
"micro stamping" of cartridges from semi-automatic weapons (which 
typically eject their spent cartridges after firing) has engendered 
virulent criticisms from the usual suspects...Revolvers don't eject 
cartridges. Yes, and don't fire as quickly as semi's. That's probably 
why semi's are the weapon of choice in 70% of the homicides? So killers 
revert to six shooters and some people live. (Only hits count and really 
only if the hits are in crucial areas.)

Connecticut House Passes Stolen-Gun-Report Mandate: Gun owners who fail 
to report their lost or stolen firearms to police within 72 hours could 
face penalties ranging from an infraction to a felony, under a bill 
debated in the House of Representatives Monday night.,0,6663884.story?coll=hc-headlines-local-wire,0,622112.story