RIP M$ basic auth support πŸ’€
Microsoft must hate their users.

I've seen the news come up a few time, thinking that would be nothing
but a joke. But here we are: Basic authentication for microsoft exchange
is dead πŸ’€.

This means that the only way to authenticate to your office 365 mail
box is using the XOAuth2 mechanism. And hear me out, it's a pain!

However, I'm not writing this post as yet another rant against
microsoft. It is a brain dump of what I did to get it working again,
because I'll need it sooner of later (and you'll probably need that 

# Process

This will let you retrieve/send email with isync/msmtp respectively. At
the end of the day, you'll still use a username/password, it's just that
getting that "password" (XOAUTH2 token) is a pain in the neck.

0. Get a stress ball, put it somewhere close to you
1. Login to with your email account
2. Navigate to the "App Registration" page (use the searchbar)
3. Register a new "app"
	3.0 Name it "blebleble" (this is important)
	3.1 Select "Single tenant" access
4. Authentication
	4.0 Add platform: Mobile + Desktop
	4.1 Set redirect URI: http://localhost
	4.2 Advanced settings Allow public client flow: YES
5. API Permissions
	5.0 Microsoft Graph: (allow them all, really…)
		- email 
		- offline_access 
		- IMAP.AccessAsUser.All
		- POP.AccessAsUser.All
		- SMTP.Send
		- User.Read
6. Overview: copy "client" and "tenant" ID
7. Download[0] (modified by me, thank you sir Perlis!)
8. Replace TENANT_ID and CLIENT_ID in the source with your own
	    This currently use cat(1). Use a decent crypto tool if you
	    care, like cream[1] or age
9. xoauth2 ~/.cache/o365.token -a
	9.0 OAuth2 registration: microsoft
	9.1 OAuth2 flow: localhostauthcode
	9.2 Account email address: you@coolstory.bro
	9.3 Navigate the link
	9.4 Accept permissions

VOILΓ€! πŸ˜«πŸ”«

You should now be authorized to read your emails.

Use the command `xoauth2 ~/.cache/o365.token` to get your current access
token, and use it as your password. Here is my own ~/.mbsyncrc for

	IMAPAccount o365
	        Port 993
	        User me@coolstory.bro
	        PassCmd "xoauth2 ~/.cache/o365.token"
	        SSLType IMAPS
	        SSLVersions TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3
	        AuthMech XOAUTH2

Notes: For mbsync, you'll need to install the Cyrus sasl2-xoauth2 module

	The xoauth2 token is stored unencrypted on disk. Look for
	encryption is you care (current encryption tool: cat(1)).

[0]: gopher://
[1]: gopher://
