Peter's homepage @

Hi! I'm Peter, and you're on my homepage. It's an old phrase, but this
place is my home, my own little corner on the vast internet. It's been
around since 1999, had numerous domains, designs, and iterations. I'm
trying to encourage people to have their spot on the web as well.

What is on the site
tinkerings with linux, embedded, internet things are under the
travels & longer braindumps
replies and miscellaneous entries
Why do you have Gopher?
A brief entry about the reasons for supporting a nearly forgotten protocol.

About me

I'm from Hungary, living and working in Cambridge, UK. Linux sysadmin by
day, oriental martial studies practitioner on some weekday evenings. I'm
happily married to a lady who shares more of my interests I thought
possible, including most of my rather complex musical taste, and my love
for photography.

If you want to reach me, email me on