    email: mail@petermolnar.net
    image: https://petermolnar.net/favicon.jpg
    name: Peter Molnar
    url: https://petermolnar.net
- http://web.archive.org/web/20190624130008/https://petermolnar.net/raspberry-pi-bme280-si1145-collectd-mosquitto/
lang: en
published: '2017-08-06T21:00:00+01:00'
summary: How to collect, monitor, read, and store pressure, temperature, humidity,
    visible, IR, and UV light data  with a Raspberry Pi, an Adafruit BME280, Adafruit
    SI1145, collectd stats collector, and mosquitto MQTT.
- home automation
title: Environmental sensor logging with Rasbperry Pi, Adafruit BME280 and SI1145,
    collectd, and mosquitto


## Overview

I wanted a way to start collecting environmental stats, without any
vendor-lock in, preferably cheap, and in a form that I can store and use
the data points long term. Z-Wave (Zigbee, Xbee, these are the same)
looks great, especially since IKEA started to offer smart lights based
on completely Open Source protocols.

Until Z-Wave, though, I have a spare Raspberry Pi 3, so let's see where
I could get with these.

## Physical setup

Initially I started with cheap sensors, like the DHT11, but those are
way to inaccurate and their resolution is far from desirable: 1 °C
without digits in case of the DHT11, so I bought better ones before
moving on.

Unfortunately the accuracy of the BME280 temperature readings can be a
bit messy as well, for which I'll only read every 10 minute and lower
the read rate - the board the sensor is mounted on has a tendecy to
overheat a little and these seem to be working countermeasures against
that scenario[^1].

The setup needs:

-   a Raspberry Pi 3[^2] *(or any Raspberry Pi, but given the 3 has
    built-in Wifi, which makes your life easy, I recommend the 3)*
-   an Adafruit BME280[^3] sensor: this will gather temperature,
    humidity, and pressure data
-   an Adafruit SI1145[^4] sensor: this will read UV, IR and visible
    light data
-   something to multiplex the 3.3V, GND, SDA, and SCL (1, 6, 3, 4) pins
    on the Raspberry with for the 2 sensors OR simply connect them
    parallel. I've found RasPiO proto board in the Cambridge
    Makespace[^5], but this is for the original Pi and is out of
    production, so you'll need something like a TriBorg[^6] which
    triplicates the GPIO pins.

![My professional setup featuring double sided

![From the side](raspi_sensors_full.jpg)

![SI1145 and BME280](raspi_sensors_bme280_si1145.jpg)

These are high resolution, accurate sensors. If you don't need this, or
you're not a maximalist electrical engineer, feel free to go for
anything cheaper, but keep in mind, that these are also I2C devices, so
you can have a lot of sensors, and add new ones later. (Airflow, air
quality, motion, etc.)

### Wiring & pins

  Raspberry Pi pin   BME280   SI1445
------------------ -------- --------
  1 - 3.3V           Vin      Vin
  6 - GND            GND      GND
  3 - SDA            SDI      SDA
  5 - SCL            SCK      SCL

## Install & configure the software

### Enable I2C on the Raspberry

Installing the Raspberry Pi is out of scope, there are many really good
documents out there. One important bit: you need to enable the I2C
module as:

1.  Run `sudo raspi-config`.
2.  Use the down arrow to select `9 Advanced Options`
3.  Arrow down to `A7 I2C`.
4.  Select `yes` when it asks you to enable I2C,
5.  Also select `yes` when it asks about automatically loading the
    kernel module.
6.  Use the right arrow to select the `<Finish>` button.
7.  Select `yes` when it asks to reboot.

### Collectd[^7] {#collectd6}

collectd is an Open Source stats collecting utility which can both
collect stats locally and send or receive through the network. It's very
lightweight - the collection part that is - and runs on more or less
anything, can send to various backends, including Kafka, graphite, etc.
In short, it's good for

#### Install collectd

``` {.bash}
sudo apt update
sudo apt install collectd-core collectd --no-install-recommends

*Note: `--no-install-recommends` will save you, for example, installing
java. We won't need recommends.*

#### Configure the collectd server


``` {.xml}
FQDNLookup true
BaseDir "/var/lib/collectd"
PluginDir "/usr/lib/collectd"
AutoLoadPlugin false
CollectInternalStats false
Interval 600

LoadPlugin syslog
<Plugin syslog>
    LogLevel info

LoadPlugin csv
<Plugin csv>
    DataDir "/where/you/want/your/csv/files"
    StoreRates false

<LoadPlugin python>
<Plugin python>
  ModulePath "/home/pi/collectd"
  LogTraces true
  Interactive false
  Import "collectd_i2c"
  <Module collectd_i2c>

Normally collectd use RRDTool to save data; this is a time series data
format that compresses the old data after a while. Because I want to be
able to use the data later on, in this case, I decided to go for CSV
files which are easy to parse - or to feed to some machine learning.

### Mosquitto[^8] MQTT server {#mosquitto8-mqtt-server}

MQTT is a lightweigh messasing protocol: it has a server, a hub, which
collects all the incoming data; publishers pushing the data, and
subcribers, reading topics. It's used widely in the "Internet of Things
area" - though I seriously dislike the phrase -, and it's a good
protocol to get started with. There are a few decent MQTT dashboard apps
for Android, so it's easy to read the data as well with it.

#### Install Mosquitto

``` {.bash}
sudo apt install mosquitto mosquitto-clients
sudo systemctl enable mosquitto
sudo systemctl start mosquitto

Keep in mind that this will load your MQTT server without authentication
and authorization on port 1883, so don't ever do this on an internet
facing device.

To test it:

``` {.bash}
mosquitto_sub -h -p 1883 -u 'your-mqtt-user-if-any' -P 'your-mqtt-password-if-any' -t '#' -v

The `#` is to subscribe to everything; replace it with `i2c` to monitor
our plugin only.

### Install the necessary Python libraries

These are needed to build the sensor libraries and to interface with

``` {.bash}
sudo apt install i2c-tools python-dev python-pip git
sudo pip install collectd
sudo pip install paho-mqtt

#### Detect the sensors

The `i2cdetect` command will show you your sensors, if all the wiring is

``` {.bash}
pi@raspberry:~/ $ i2cdetect -y 1
pi@lydia:~ $ i2cdetect -y 1
     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
00:          -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
60: 60 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 77

#### Get the sensor libraries

Just run these in the `pi` user home directory.

##### Generic Adafruit libraries

``` {.bash}
git clone https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_GPIO.git
cd Adafruit_Python_GPIO.git
sudo python setup.py install

##### Library for the BME280

I'm using a branch which is not yet merged into the main code, thanks to
frank-f: this contains code with lets you set the mode for the BME280,
which, in theory, helps with mitigatin the self-heating problems often
mentioned with this board[^9].

``` {.bash}
git clone https://github.com/frank-f/Adafruit_Python_BME280
cd Adafruit_Python_BME280
git checkout reset-and-sleepmode
sudo python setup.py install

##### Library for the SI1145

``` {.bash}
git clone https://github.com/zzts/Python_SI1145
cd Python_SI1145
sudo python setup.py install

#### Create a simple ini file for your MQTT config


``` {.ini}
host = 127.0.01
port = 1883
user = your-user-in-mqtt-server
password = your-password-in-mqtt-server

#### Create the collectd module

Save this to `/home/pi/collectd/collectd_i2c.py`:

``` {.python}
#!/usr/bin/env python2

import collectd
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import ConfigParser as configparser
import json
import SI1145.SI1145 as SI1145
from Adafruit_BME280 import *
import os


SENSOR_SI1145 = SI1145.SI1145(

MQTT_CONF = configparser.ConfigParser()
MQTT_CLIENT = mqtt.Client()
    MQTT_CONF.get('mqtt', 'user'),
    MQTT_CONF.get('mqtt', 'password')
    MQTT_CONF.get('mqtt', 'host'),
    MQTT_CONF.get('mqtt', 'port'),

def config_func(config):
    collectd.info('i2c plugin initialising')

def read_func():
    values = {}

    temperature = SENSOR_BME280.read_temperature()
    pressure = SENSOR_BME280.read_pressure()
    humidity = SENSOR_BME280.read_humidity()
        'humidity': {
            'value': humidity,
            'type': 'humidity',
            'unit': '%',
        'pressure': {
            'value': pressure,
            'type': 'pressure',
            'unit': 'Pa',
        'temperature': {
            'value': temperature,
            'type': 'temperature',
            'unit': 'C'

    light = SENSOR_SI1145.readVisible()
    ir = SENSOR_SI1145.readIR()
    uv = SENSOR_SI1145.readUV()

        'uv': {
            'value': uv,
            'type': 'gauge',
            'unit': '',
        'ir': {
            'value': ir,
            'type': 'gauge',
            'unit': 'lux',
        'light': {
            'value': light,
            'type': 'gauge',
            'unit': 'lux',

    for name, v in values.iteritems():
        v['value'] = round(v['value'], 2)

        val = collectd.Values(
    MQTT_CLIENT.publish('i2c', json.dumps(values))


### Start monitoring

The only remaining step you need to do is to start the collectd server:

``` {.bash}
sudo systemctl enable collectd
sudo systemctl restart collectd

If everything is happy - and they should be - your stats will be in CSV
files under:

-   `/where/you/want/your/csv/files/[your hostname]/i2c`

directories, the one under `DataDir` in the collectd configuration.

Enjoy your stats!

[^1]: <https://www.kandrsmith.org/RJS/Misc/Hygrometers/absolutetemperature.html>

[^2]: <http://amzn.to/2vEOAKh>

[^3]: <http://amzn.to/2vEbpOc>

[^4]: <http://amzn.to/2vEhv18>

[^5]: <http://makespace.org>

[^6]: <https://www.piborg.org/triborg>

[^7]: <https://collectd.org/>

[^8]: <http://mosquitto.org/>

[^9]: <https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/5lc08e/faulty_temperature_readings_caused_by_a/>