Oliver  Leaver-Smith, better known as ols, is a distinguished  technolo-
gist  currently working as Head of Operations at a global sports bettin-
g, gaming, and entertainment provider.

His  topics  of  expertise include OpenBSD, automation,  chaos  and  re-
silience  engineering,  Dungeons  & Dragons, and Nerf warfare;  he  also
takes an interest in security, privacy, opensource, decentralisation and
federation, hardware hacking, and cyberdecks.

He  is a strong proponent of open software and concepts, and the culture
of hackers, makers, and breakers.

He  has an optimistic vision of the future, and believes that technology
has a major part to play in a positive future for the planet.

                 [FINGER root@ols.wtf FOR CONTACT INFO]                 
finger root@ols.wtf if you are lazy
spool.txt, a stream of thoughts devoid of time and context
phlog (I don't actually spend any time writing here, I should though)
pgp key
ssh key
   ___   ___ _   _______  __________  _____  ________          _____  __
  / _ | / _ \ | / / __/ |/ /_  __/ / / / _ \/ __/ __/         /  _/ |/ /
 / __ |/ // / |/ / _//    / / / / /_/ / , _/ _/_\ \          _/ //    / 
/_/ |_/____/|___/___/_/|_/ /_/  \____/_/|_/___/___/         /___/_/|_/  
           _________  ___  __ _________  _______  ___  _________
          / ___/ __ \/ _ \/ // / __/ _ \/ __/ _ \/ _ |/ ___/ __/
         / (_ / /_/ / ___/ _  / _// , _/\ \/ ___/ __ / /__/ _/  
         \___/\____/_/  /_//_/___/_/|_/___/_/  /_/ |_\___/___/  

The following links will take you deeper into Gopherspace. It goes with-
out  saying,  but I do not own, nor am I accountable or responsible  for
the content you may or may not find on these spaces. Venture at your own
risk, take a friend, have fun, and visit again soon.

the guardian
cosmic voyage
tilde club
unix zoo