After long silience

Hello, folks!

I was too silient in blog for long time but I've made a lot of
things for Agon Light(and Console8) computer.

My main pride is "ZINC"(ZINC Is Not CP/M) - tool that works
very likely to Wine in Linux or MacOS world - it's 
reimplementation of CP/M API for Agon's MOS.

It's already allows execute most of CP/M applications, 
including Turbo Pascal, Hi-Tech C and even kermit and zmp.

Started roguelike game for ZX Spectrum Next but it will be very
long project - I've made good dungeon generator and didn't
back to speccy for all this time.

Also, I've bought one old wish - TI-84+ Silver Edition. 
Yes it's useless now but it's funny portable Z80 computer. 

Stay safe folks!