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Visit my web site when you get a chance. | |
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me at This server is running pygopherd on Linux Mint 22 Wilma x64 on dual hexa-core Xeon E5645 at 2.40 GHz. Goodbye Itaniums. You have served me well. | |
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*****IMPORTANT!!! Starting with Firefox 4, Mozilla is dropping support for Gopher!!!***** | |
*****While you still have the chance, download the OverbiteNX addin to keep support!!***** | |
****************************************************************************************** | |
How to set up a gopher server | |
Here are a few of my favorite pictures, taken by either my sister or myself. | |
This is a roulette wheel simulator I made for a friend. | |
Version 1.5 - April 19, 2011 - Optimized for speed and memory usage. | |
Check gopher server uptimes, including my own! | |
Explore the rest of Gopherspace! | |
Floodgap Gopher Server | |
Quux Gopher Server | |
Search Gopherspace! | |