Name: set_night_items - set night item IDs and descriptions in a room

	#include <room2.h>
	void set_night_items(string *items_arr)

	The set_night_items call sets the night item identifiers and descriptions
	in a room.

	The arguments are exactly the same as for the normal items. For more
	detailed information see 'man room/set_items'. Set_night_items also
	supports all features of of set_items and behaves like set_items.

	Probably night and day items are not often used, but make sure that,
	if you have different night and day descriptions, the player should
	be able to look at the things mentioned in the description.

	Of course in most cases all night (& day) stuff is only sensible for
	outside rooms. In a dungeon or cave room in most cases it does not
	make sense to care about them. But you should keep them in mind as
	they raise the athmosphere strongly.

Return value: none

	set_night_items( ({
	  "tree#apple tree", "Looks like the the tree is full of apples"
	}) );

See also: room/set_items, room/set_day_items, room/query_items, room/query_day_items, room/query_night_items, helpdir/time