Hello Everyone
Nice to meet you all. I forgot I ever requested a key, but I just
got mine.

I'm a halfway dropout as of today. My lady is nuts and making my
life hell. Missing many exams today because of it. Gonna just drop
that math major. I was never going to be a mathematician, what was
I thinking anyway? I got my other major to back me up. Now I'll
have free time.

I applied for a bunch of jobs to get away from her. This one in NYC
looked cool, the CEO even seemed responsive to my cold email! It's
entry level, but somewhere small and disruptive. Too bad he ghosted
me. I'm spending today cringing at the rest of my cold emails that
I think came off too desperate.

I'm drunk as shit. This was a lot of bitching for a first
impression. I've usually got good things to say.