### 2024-11-07-20:48:49-Thursday-6

Arguing with faith and pissing into the wind have a thing or two in

As far as the post election meltdowns I watched much of the day?
Far be it from me to rescue the obnoxiously self-righteous from the
"pride cometh before a fall" principle.

Good luck with your condescending self delusion, aka learning the
hard way.

### 2024-11-07-11:29:02-Thursday-5

If you find yourself angrily - or, worse yet, hysterically -
abandoning either of these links early on, you have my permission
to find a good analyst/therapist:

=> https://x.com/DavidSacks/status/1854288195154047160 Why Trump
Won (David Sacks)

Why Trump Won (Victor Davis Hanson)

### 2024-11-07-09:28:35-Thursday-4

Please don't reply to anything I write as though you know what I
mean. In doing so, you'll likely be hurting yourself with my words,
yet holding me responsible.

You think you know what I mean, but you don't. All you have are the
words: you assign meaning, context, significance, intent, etc. to

That's all you.

A more effective - or is it merely more honest? - response would be
to yourself (which, of course, could still be posted in public if
it suits you), explaining how you took the words, perhaps with
analysis of how/why that happened, additional past life experiences
that were likely the biggest influencers of how/what that happened,

Because that - i.e. you taking the words in varieties of ways - is
what happened.

### 2024-11-07-09:05:12-Thursday-3

Ever notice that when people take offense, it's really more that
they make offense?

And that - in related news - the "take away" is really more the
"make away"?

But, of course, an ego could never admit to that, i.e. that it not
only makes its own problem, that it *is* its own problem?

Misunderstanding is always on the receiving end, because the
delivering end couldn't possibly have anything to do with the
thought processes, past thought history, memory, etc. of the
receiving end.

But a core aspect of the ego game is insisting that all but itself
is the source of all its problems.

It's not that some egos are victims and some aren't: all egos are
the essence of victimhood. It's just that some (the ones that don't
think they are) are clever enough to notice the argument against
its victimhood, and thus pre-loads its game with the notion that
it's one of the few egos that doesn't play the victimhood game.

(Inasmuch as it can be said.)

### 2024-11-07-07:18:15-Thursday-2

The sense of Truth seems inversely proportional to the number of
seconds that have passed in a day.

In other words, after dream/nightmare related confusion dispels, it
seems rather obvious.

But the idea of self/person/individual reasserts, as - respectively
- does faith in the world that comes with faith in said

And then eventually that self/person/individual's wife awakens, and
her incessant talking and asserts of what all we must do today to
fulfill responsibilities and, therein, be happy intensifies the
sense of the world being real - as opposed to merely appearance.

And somewhere along that tragic-tory, the Truth disappears behind
the illusion of the world altogether, the illusion of the world
instantly becoming the Reality.

New cycle thereof next day.

### 2024-11-07-06:43:59-Thursday-1

Crazy dream of playing craps in a gambling section of a Mexican
grocery store, attempting to describe to the owner I thought one of
the dealers was cheating. Somewhere in the midst of my explanation
I also realized that the table layout was missing a lot of standard
bets, which got me wondering how I was going to bring that up with
this fellow, whom I could tell thought I was a schmuck.

It was a classic case of too good to be true coming to less than
good fruition. The "too good" part was that it wasn't far from
where I lived, and it was a $1 game (these days it's nearly
impossible to find a craps table that's less than a $10 game).

Anyway, awoke rather stressed out about all that, and over a
secondary facet of the dream being that I was there with my
brother, and we needed to be somewhere else soon for my dad, but
this arguing with the grocery store owner thing was going much
longer that I could have imagined, so we were clearly going to be
late, and I rather despise being late.

Sheesh... when even dreams aren't free of "hell is other