2024-11-04-22:44:58-Monday-5 ~inquiry ------------------------------------------------------------------ ### 2024-11-04-22:44:58-Monday-5 Oh! I forgot to mention I think I'm going to work up "Blackhole Sun" for tomorrow night's performance, as the night has an 80s/90s theme. Maybe there'll be a handful of others my age that, like me, considered the 90s quite the musical renaissance. Oddly, coming to that inclusion was inspired by remembering Linkin Park's "In The End" in the shower, and remembering that its lead singer (can't remember his name) was a fan of the Soundgarden lead singer (can't remember his name either.. ugh...), and that both committed suicide. <Deity>, those guys could sing.... ### 2024-11-04-22:37:47-Monday-4 Oh wow. I just noticed that a two finger scroll gesture on my Chromebook touchpad in a tmux pane containing a bash shell results in past command quickly being shown on the command line - a sort of scrolling through past commands instead of having to do ESC-k-k-k-.... Will Linux-y wonders never cease? ### 2024-11-04-19:05:34-Monday-3 Okay... a couple vocalists, and then a sax player visited. Went well, although it was sad to learn the husband of the vocalist couple is a legacy media believer, and thus becomes borderline psychotic if/when Trump is mentioned. Trust me: he's gonna get mentioned. But, well... it's weird. I'm not a Trump fan, let alone a "MAGA" person. But I can see how the other side's trying to ram their beliefs and lifestyles down others' throats precipitates and incubates a Trumpian response - kind of a social version of nature abhorring a vacuum. And I definitely don't mind unreasonable others being so easily provoked into losing their shit.... ### 2024-11-04-13:44:33-Monday-2 Kind of a slow day on the home front, but that'll be changing mid-afternoon, as three vocalists will be arriving to rehearse for a performance tomorrow night. My wife and I have agreed that our process enabling others to perform with us is causing us too much heartache and misery, so we think we've come up with improved parameters and/or expectations of others, because we honestly don't need others to put on a great show. Mighty fine article deserving of your immediate attention right here: => https://detritus.smol.pub/1730655299 Murica But, well, this day has led me down the good 'ole "certainly there's something better than yet another story of human fuckuppedness to attend to" path. And there is, located conveniently out of space and time from whence what you mistakenly call "your" attention seemingly paints all this life/world that is but an attention-directed-outwardly-from-itself dream. All the fuckuppedness? ---> THE ALARM GOING OFF!!!! So wake the godmotherfuckingdamned up, for fuckssakes! ;-) ### 2024-11-04-11:22:44-Monday-1 The basis of individuality is ignorance of there being no such thing. See how that works/loops? In related news, no system can remain itself save in name-only once a critical mass of primarily self-interested individuals participating therein is attained, because self-interested individuals can - and demonstrably will - sacrifice the system on the altar of their own interests, and no system can withstand enough of that and remain itself. Said another way, systems attaining unto a so-called "Eternal September" is the rule, not the exception. So, whether it's usenet, capitalism, democracy, social networks, etc., it can "have good things" until critical self-interested-individuals mass is attained.