Welcome to Liquid Doom Server!!

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This server was launched in the fall of 2006 (gophered in 2021)
and is dedicated to the game Doom, mainly for multiplayer.
First ZDaemon, Odamex later. Now ZDaemon only.
Later Icecast stream, forum and other things were added.
There is also a huge PWAD collection.

For start you can try all available alpha/beta/shareware versions
of Doom, Heretic, Hexen and Strife.
Download here and enjoy
(it's a DosBox package)
What's new
(just common boring stuff ...)
DooM Stream Radio
(do you know anything better than doom radio? :))
ZDaemon servers
(that's why this server exists)
CZ/SK reviews
(czech and slovak articles about doom, heretic, hexen and strife)
PWADs download
(here you can extend your game!)
Our Projects
(pwads made by people around liquid doom forum)
(some doom related links)
DooM Forum
(well, this one is HTTPed ...)
(feel free to leave short message here)
                                                  - by cyberreality