About Me:
  Hello, my name is Tom and my ham radio call sign is KD4WOV.
I am a multi generational Floridian (one or more of my parents were born in Florida)
I have been doing electronics for many years. started out with simple things like playing
with am broadcast recievers and way back in those days i talked to my dad's friends and 
relitives on the CB. 

  I also started listening to Shortwave. WOW that open up a new world. Voices from Around
 the World, came thru the speaker loud and clear. To me it was amazing, that a signal
 transmitted from a far away place could be heard like they were accross the street. This
is what got me interested in radio and has lead to a life long interest in communications
 of all types.

  Besides radio, and electronics, I like Theology, science, physics, computers, and good
debates. I also like reading. I have several Kindle readers, A Papper white, Kindle touch,
Kindle Keyboard, and a Kindle Fire 8HD. I like a program called Calibre. It works great
 with the kindles and managing content on them.

I am a ham radio operator. My  Ham Call is KD4WOV. 
I have been a ham for more than 25 years.
I work as a 2 way radio Technician, and have for many years.
I also hold a comercial FCC GROL.
I live in Florida.
I am an electronics engineer by training.
I love to work on radios and electronics.
I have been on the internet since about 1988.
I love IRC and Jabber.
I use Linux Everyday, only used windows when i have to.
Love the Bible and Thology. Even Preach when the oppotunity happens.
Politics, Religeon and Computers are 3 of the most controveral subjects.

More to come later.