## Burrow the Burrows ##

       (last update: 20180827 17:00:00 GMT)


 The graph of type-1 selectors is obtained by 
 associating a node to each menu that is traversed
 by `burrow`, and by drawing a directed edge from
 menu A to menu B if there exists a selector to 
 menu B in menu A. As a result, this graph contains
 only menus in servers that have been found active
 at the time of the crawl.

 The subgraph of type-1 selectors containing other
 type-1 selectors to active servers consists of:

 *  7372325   menus linked through
 *  8843199   live selectors

 Of those menus, only:

 *  1178121   have valid type-1 selectors to visited
              active servers, and each of them 
              points on average to 
 *   7.5062   other menus

 The remaining type-1 selectors contain no 
 link to the active servers visited so far (but 
 they are linked from at least one of them, otherwise
 they would not be part of the graph).

 You find below a plot (axes in log-scale) of the
 number of menus having a given out-degree (i.e.,
 number of type-1 selectors to other menus):

   1e+06 ++++----+-++--+----+-++--+----+-++--+----+-++--+----++++   
         O+.        +          +          +          +         ++   
  100000 +-+O.O.                  # menus by out-degree +..O..+-+   
         ++     OOO                                            ++   
         ++       OO                                           ++   
   10000 +++       OOO        O                               +++   
         ++           OOO   O :O                               ++   
    1000 +++          OOOOOOOOOO                              +++   
         ++              OOOOOOO                               ++   
     100 +-+                OOO:   O                          +-+   
         ++                  OOOOO ::                          ++   
         ++                    OOOOOOOOO                       ++   
      10 +++                    OOOOOOOOOO                    +++   
         ++         +          + OOOOOOOOOOOOOO  OO  +  ..O    ++   
       1 +-++----+-++--+----+-++-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-OOO-+----++-+   
         1          10        100        1000      10000      100000
                             outgoing edges                         
 This means that the vast majority of menus in 
 Goperspace have less than 10 type-1 selectors
 to other live menus.

 Of those 7372325 active menus:

 *  7072600   are referred by 1 other menu
 *   150873   are referred by 2 other menus
 *    77778   are referred by 3 other menus
 *    24063   are referred by 4 other menus
 ...and only:
 *    47011   are referred by 5 or more menus.

 As a result, each menu in an active server is
 referred on average by:

 *   1.1995   other menus. 

 But 97.9% of all the menus in the Gopherspace
 are referred by less than 3 other menus. 

 You find below a plot (axes in log-scale) of the
 number of menus having a given in-degree (i.e.,
 number of other menus pointing to them):

   1e+07 O+++----+-++--+----+-++--+----+-++--+----+-++--+----++++   
         ++         +          +          +          +         ++   
   1e+06 +++                       # menus by in-degree +..O..+++   
         ++:                                                   ++   
  100000 +++O.O.                                              +++   
         ++     O                                              ++   
   10000 +++     O                                            +++   
         ++       OO O                                         ++   
    1000 +++        OOO                                       +++   
         ++           OOOOO                                    ++   
     100 +++             OOOOO                                +++   
         ++                OOOOOO     O                        ++   
      10 +++                  OOOOOOOOOO                      +++   
         ++         +          +OOOOOOOOOOO OO  O    +         ++   
       1 +-++----+-++--+----+-++--OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO+-++O-+----O+-+   
         1          10        100        1000      10000      100000
                             incoming edges                         


 A strongly-connected component of a directed 
 graph is a set of nodes such that any node in
 that set can reach all other nodes in the set 
 through a directed path *and* can be reached by
 all the other nodes in that set. 
 The 10 largest strongly-connected components of
 the graph of type-1 selectors among active 
 servers contain:


 *   247302  nodes
 *   133193  nodes
 *     6221  nodes
 *     6081  nodes
 *     3768  nodes
 *     3398  nodes
 *     3333  nodes
 *     2020  nodes
 *     1987  nodes
 *     1914  nodes

 You find below a plot (axes in log-scale) of the
 size of each strongly-connected component against
 its rank:

   1e+06 +++--+-++-+--+-++-+--+-++-+--+-+--+--+-+--+--+++--+--+++   
         ++      +       +       +      +       +       +      ++   
  100000 O-+                     component size by rank +..O..+-+   
         ++                                                    ++   
         ++                                                    ++   
   10000 ++O.O                                                +++   
         ++   OOOOO                                            ++   
    1000 +++      OOO                                         +++   
         ++         OOO                                        ++   
     100 +-+          OOOO                                    +-+   
         ++              OOO                                   ++   
         ++                OO                                  ++   
      10 +++                OO                                +++   
         ++      +       +   OOOOO      +       +       +      ++   
       1 +-+--+-++-+--+-++-+--+-+OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO+   
         1       10     100     1000  10000   100000  1e+06   1e+07 
                             component rank                         


 It is worth noting that a large fraction of all 
 the menus found by `burrow` are inside large file
 and news archives/mirrors. Typical examples 
 include ftp.icm.edu.pl, taz.de, bkandbc.com, and 
 hngopher.com. Those four gopherholes alone 
 account for about 90% of all the links traversed
 by `burrow`. ftp.icm.edu.pl alone (an archive 
 containing software, operating systems, packages, 
 and documentation) accounts for about 79% of all 
 the links in the Gopherspace.
 I personally think that this is totally fine, 
 and actually expected, since Gopher is first and
 foremost a distributed file system. The fact 
 that the "social" aspect of Gopher, with phlogs
 and personal gopherholes, is not that central in
 terms of bare size does not mean anything: that 
 part can still be the most important one to 
 most of us, the humans who make and shape the 
 Gopherspace ;-)