10-27-2024 - Band name or butcher shop? ==== Oh man, has it been some kinda last few months... My recent phlog hiatus is explained by the many new responsibilities I've picked up over the past several months: daughter starting middle school, son starting high schoool, DIY'ing as much of what reamins of our recent (and over-budget) backyard remodel as possible, and oh yeah, starting a new job... That's right. I'm almost 3 months into my new role as a senior "Solutions Engineer" at Memfault, an embedded systems tooling vendor. I'm excited about the new gig and have really enjoyed getting to know my new co-workers, and I'm sure I'll have more to say about Memfault, but this post is actually a tribute to my previous team of co-workers. We used to play a game we called "band name or butcher shop?" that goes (obviously) like this: if anyone hears a thing that sounds like a good band name (or butcher shop), they ask the aforementioned question. It's silly, but it's an example of the fun we had together. I've introduced the new crew to the game, but will they ever "get it" like the old crew did? :)