Music library cleanup
september 22nd, 2019

This weekend I  started a little project  that has been
on my  todo-list for ages:  sorting and cleaning  up my
digital music collection.  Over the years I've ended up
with  several copies  of  my music  library on  several
machines  with various  levels  of completeness.   Some
parts were rips of my CDs in ogg format which I made in
the  late  90s and  early  2000s.  Others were  in  MP3
format,  also ripped  from my  CD collection,  some MP3
files were bought from  7digital.com[1] and a couple of
albums  were copied  from  some of  my collegues.  I've
always resisted  to copy tons  of music files  from the
internet, especially  when Napster  & co. where  at its
top. Though I seldom play  a CD these days (except from
a few in  my car), I like having the  cover with lyrics
and physical box available.

The metadata of my collection was questionable at best,
mostly without  coverart, lyrics,  and the  song naming
was inconsistent.  I've played the the  excellent beets
utility [2] before, but never came about to organize my
whole collection. Until this weekend.

I'm  still  not  finished,  but so  far  everything  is
looking good, so I guess in a couple of hours (okay, to
be honest,  it might be  days) I will have  a completly
tagged music library  on my FreeNAS box.  From there, I
can sync the  collection to my various  devices. One of
my challenges  is that  many CDs  in my  collection are
rare Jazz  records where  music metadata is  not always
available, so I might end  up contributing some data to

I still like  the OGG format, and luckily  my litte MP3
player,  a SanDisk  Sansa  Clip 8GB  [3] supports  this
filetype,  so does  the player  in my  car. I  like the
Sansa Clip a lot, especially  when going for a walk and
I  don't want  to carry  my phone  with me.  It's super
lightweight   and  the   battery   lifetime  if   quite
good.  More   than  enough  for  a   weekend  of  music
listening. I also have an old 1st generation iPod nano,
but unfortunately, it does not play OGG files. I'd like
to write a little script  to copy a random selection of
files given a  genre to my Sansa Clip, but  this has to
wait for another time.

Occationally,  I also  stream music.  After years  with
Spotify, I  wanted to  try something  new and  a little
while ago I switched to  Deezer, which has an excellent
choice  of  jazz-records.  I   mostly  use  Deezer  for
discovery of new albums. After a while I usually end up
buying DRM-free digital files from 7digital.com.

I'd like to (re-)jump on the Vinyl bandwagon, but space
in my  home is limited  and most of my  music listening
happens  on the  road.  Besides, I  already have  enogh
stuff to look after.

[1] https://7digital.com
[1] https://beets.io/
[2] https://www.digitaltrends.com/gadget-reviews/sandisk-sansa-clip-review/

                          Gophered by Gophernicus/3.0.1 on FreeBSD/amd64 12.3