(2024-09-09) Making pure C great again (feat. Mongoose)
Here, I'm not going to talk about that Mongoose that has something to do with
MongoDB, I don't even know what it does. I'm going to talk about that 
Mongoose that resides on https://mongoose.ws and is an "industrial-grade" 
networking library with more or less complete Web server capabilities. It's 
written in pure C and compilable directly with your own sources: you just 
add mongoose.c and mongoose.h to the project, include the .h file in the 
source and the .c file to the list of files passed to the compiler, and 
that's it. I, for instance, could not find the process as straighforward for 
libhttp, which they say had been derived from Mongoose some time ago.

I've stumbled upon this library when looking to simplify my upcoming
livestream chat aggregation server to make it not use raw socket and become 
more cross-platform in the future. The backend-server-frontend interaction 
concept had changed several times but I still liked the idea the core should 
be written in pure C with little to no third-party additions, and its 
structure should be kept as simple and robust as possible. The amount of 
manual work, however, began to overwhelm me and made it look not so simple 
anymore, so I started to look for alternatives. And this is the one I 
decided to use after all.

Of course, Mongoose does have some issues on its own: it doesn't compile with
-std=c89 (or pretty much any -std for that matter), it can throw out 
"Illegal instruction" errors when compiled with -O flags (and I'm not even 
sure what's to blame here — Alpine Linux, musl or Mongoose codebase itself), 
and it leads to pretty heavy binaries even when no additional compiler flags 
are switched on. However, despite all this, the package provided here is so 
complete that I can live without -O flags and C89 compatibility. You get 
your own multiprotocol networking, API server, static file server, 
WebSockets, JSON decoding, string processing and much, much more in a single 
place. It's adding to C almost everything that I have missed here from what 
I have in Python. And it's also said to be extremely portable across various 
OSes and architectures, which is quite important for what I'm trying to 
achieve here.

By the way, I'm also still looking for a pure C, lightweight, cross-platform
desktop GUI library. The closest to what I want is libui/libui-ng, but its 
almost non-existent scrolling capabilities make it a no-go for most real use 
cases. Dear ImGUI+cimgui, raylib+raygui and Nuklear only seem tiny, but the 
first two of them are built on top of OpenGL, which is quite far from my 
definition of lightweight, and the third one requires providing your own 
platform-dependent rendering code. In fact, the search for a sane desktop 
GUI is still ongoing, but for now Web-based seems like the only choice.

Lastly, I think pure C programming is still underrated. Of course it requires
you to adhere to strict security practices in terms of memory management and 
type checking, but when done properly, it rewards you with full knowledge 
about the internal flow of the program and unparalleled execution speed and 
resource efficiency, something that's sadly often forgot about these days.

--- Luxferre ---