(2023-12-18) On passion
There is a huge difference between passion and motivation, however big the
latter is.

With motivation, you can clearly explain why you're doing what you're doing.
Passion is when you generally can't do this. You still understand why, but 
can't explain. At least in a way that general public will get your point. 
But if you really don't know why you're doing that, that's not even passion, 
that's called stupidity.

There are some things I'm motivated to do (e.g. in order to survive) and some
things I'm just passionate about. For instance, I can logically explain why 
I started learning Toki Pona but I can't explain why I recently created the 
Toki Pimeja encoding for arbitrary binary data. If I try to explain this, 
I'll look like a crazy person to anyone who doesn't know the premise of what 
I'm living in now, and even to those who do. This is an actual problem for 
me because I can't find same-thinking people to help me with some of my 
initiatives, just because I never can fully explain what they are for. This 
can lead to me running out of passion for a particular thing that completes 
an already long list of abandoned projects of mine.

GerdaOS is an example of such a thing. It started as a project to essentially
make the Nokia 8110 4G stock ROMs more secure and give KaiOS back to the 
community in terms of liberating it from the KaiStore lock-in. The eventual 
idea was to turn it into a custom and more secure KaiOS distribution that 
gives its users much more control over their devices than they have, making 
it a keypad smartphone platform to hack and build upon. But, while being 
overwhelmed by work, I ultimately couldn't deliver that idea to other 
community members. Most of them didn't even want that degree of freedom and 
security, they just wanted a less laggy system that could also run WhatsApp 
and other proprietary BS. Meanwhile, I tried to integrate at least some VoIP 
but the KaiOS 2.5.x API is so buggy that I couldn't even acquire the 
earpiece control the way it should have worked 99 times out of 100, only the 
multimedia speaker. Even WhatsApp does this via some system .so library, not 
the Gecko API. But that was the least of my problems, and eventually, I 
couldn't even understand who my target audience was and whether it was worth 
to continue any effort in that direction. By the way, Kopher and RCVD are 
relatively new but too niche, so my last "big impact" KaiOS applications 
appreciated by the community were CrossTweak, FastContact and FastLog. But I 
wrote them for myself in the first place, and I did so before finally 
realizing KaiOS was a dead end from the start, at least for my true goals.

But why? One word: complexity. Linux kernel is extremely complex. Android is
extremely complex. Any modern browser engine is extremely complex. So, 
KaiOS, being a combination of Linux kernel + Android base system + a 
suboptimal UI running on top of a browser engine, is a nightmare to even 
start thinking of building any really secure communication system with. And 
let's not forget it is also running on a piece of smartphone hardware which 
itself is obscure enough to not trust it to build such a system, not to 
mention how complex it is as well. This is the closest I could get to any 
logical explanation about why I ran out of passion of developing anything 
for KaiOS anymore, and I tried to share these thoughts with the KaiOS 
community in their Matrix bridged with Discord. I was met with dead silence. 
No one was interested in this. I even tried joining some other Discord chat 
dedicated to featurephones, but it turned out to consist of straightaway 
noobs who couldn't even get that any commercial non-UMS9117(L)-based 
"featurephone" that supports LTE nowadays actually is running a 
stripped-down Android version on fully smartphone hardware. There was 
nothing to discuss with them. Other groups who claim to develop "secure 
phones" use the same approach of putting modified Androids onto smartphone 

If you ask me, I really am stuck alone with my vision right now. I think some
answers might have been given by the first luxury XOR phones and their 
firmware, but this is something I really doubt will appear in any leaks 
anytime soon, and, of course, you can't order the first model from the 
official sources anymore. SC6531E isn't something I'd view as a platform of 
perspective, and SC770x and UMS9117, as I said, really are hard to crack 
even on the handshake level as of now. On the other hand, I do have plenty 
of MT6261-based devices to work with (and even some gigabytes of leaked MAUI 
sources to study) but don't have a reliable open-source way to flash any 
memory area yet, only the BROM method to load and run any code from RAM. I 
also have some SIM800 modules that can be soldered into a phone of my own 
design... but that's exactly what I want to avoid. I want my solution to 
eventually be able to fit into some of the cheapest featurephones on the 
market, with these official Chinese Nokias like 130-2023 being a good target 
as they are available internationally. Don't get me wrong, they still are 
incredibly complex, but first, alas, only MIPS-based CT8851/SC6533G (which 
no major brand uses and they are being phased out) are simpler than that, 
and second, they still are orders of magnitude simpler than any smartphone 
hardware and corresponding firmware.

Maybe there really is no logic in this vision and doing all this. Maybe
there's no logic in researches aiming to create my own firmware for such 
phones (with the planned application scripting language being based on TRAC 
T64 like nntrac). Maybe no one will appreciate it. But, as I said before, 
I'm sort of a dreamer, and this particular passion of mine takes a lot to 
put off.

--- Luxferre ---