[HN Gopher] Archive (2023-12-17) - Page 1 ___________________________________________________________________ | |
AMD's CDNA 3 Compute Architecture | |
118 points by ksec (37 comments) | |
Fsearch, a fast file search utility for Unix-like systems | |
31 points by karlicoss (11 comments) | |
How Africans are changing French, one joke, rap and book at a time | |
60 points by mikhael (86 comments) | |
ArtBot for Stable Diffusion | |
21 points by webmaven (2 comments) | |
The Final Speech from The Great Dictator | |
336 points by hypertexthero (230 comments) | |
BrainGPT turns thoughts into text | |
217 points by 11thEarlOfMar (137 comments) | |
OpenAI employee: GPT-4.5 rumor was a hallucination | |
26 points by georgehill (11 comments) | |
Perl Poetry Generators in 256 Characters | |
9 points by raldu (1 comments) | |
How to Choose Cookware (2014) | |
15 points by bottega_boy (6 comments) | |
Where Johnny Cash came from | |
75 points by tintinnabula (39 comments) | |
Intel proposes XeGPU dialect for LLVM MLIR | |
11 points by artagnon (2 comments) | |
Victorian romantic rituals and charms | |
16 points by diodorus (0 comments) | |
NaiveSystems Analyze - FOSS static analyzer for MISRA C/C++, AUT... | |
6 points by xjia (0 comments) | |
So you want custom allocator support in your C library | |
16 points by nalgeon (0 comments) | |
Show HN: Get any piece of Google Earth as a single normalized gl... | |
28 points by OmarShehata (0 comments) | |
Things we learned analyzing 515M Wordles | |
30 points by jakubmazanec (25 comments) | |
Motion (YC W20) Is Hiring Front End Engineers | |
1 points (job listing) | |
Show HN: WebGPU Particles Simulation | |
7 points by psincf (0 comments) | |
Salmon in the Loop | |
4 points by atg_abhishek (0 comments) | |
Misra C++:2023 | |
93 points by ksec (75 comments) | |
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