[HN Gopher] The Twelve-Factor App (2011)
The Twelve-Factor App (2011)
Author : edward
Score  : 317 points
Date   : 2023-10-12 14:19 UTC (6 hours ago)
web link (12factor.net)
w3m dump (12factor.net)
| ris58h wrote:
| You should add 2017 in the title.
  | wesleytodd wrote:
  | yeah I got confused seeing this on the top. in my head said
  | "what is this, 2012?". Am I wrong this existed way before 2017?
  | edit: I am correct, it is much more old.
  | https://github.com/heroku/12factor/graphs/contributors
    | larsnystrom wrote:
    | First commit was 2011.
      | webmaven wrote:
      | The 12 factors go back even further, to Joel Spolsky's
      | "Joel Test" in 2000:
      | https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2000/08/09/the-joel-
      | test-12-s...
        | richardwhiuk wrote:
        | That's a rather different set of 12 factors.
| screamingninja wrote:
| Previous discussion-
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31198956 (102 comments)
  | didntcheck wrote:
  | Another interesting thread about how these practices have held
  | up or changed over the past decade:
  | "Twelve-factor app anno 2022"
  | Article: https://xenitab.github.io/blog/2022/02/23/12factor/
  | Discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31225921
| songshu wrote:
| I love this generally but some of it has leaked out to the wrong
| people and there are strong cargo cults around such things as one
| codebase===one app.
| notoverthere wrote:
| Back in the early days of Docker, I did a whole bunch of work to
| make WordPress behave as a Twelve-Factor App.
| It traditionally hasn't behaved as one - which sort of makes
| sense, because WordPress grew-up in a world where long-lived
| servers with writable and persistent local disk storage was
| commonplace.
| I'm sure things have moved on since those days. This was back in
| 2016. But it sure was a fun challenge!
  | DanielHB wrote:
  | I remember when I learned about making servers stateless by
  | storing session information in a database and just not writing
  | to disk and stuff. I was amazed at how much simpler it made
  | things and added the capacity to load-balance multiple nodes
  | without having to bother with session stickness.
  | Of course it made things harder in other ways like having a
  | separate DB for sessions.
| frankfrank13 wrote:
| I like this in general, but the number of times I've had to delay
| a release because some non/psuedo-technical person has pulled out
| "12 factor" like a universal yellow card has been enough for me,
| overall, to ignore it almost completely. I guess the same has
| happened to me for "agile" honestly. I recognize the intent of
| guidelines like these, but they seem to be much more useful to
| people whose only "value" is to provide ivory tower technical
| leadership.
  | Waterluvian wrote:
  | I've had issues like that before. The solution was to have a
  | clear, documented process, and point them to that.
  | I've learned to take issues like that in good faith. Why are
  | they raising an issue? Is the existing process not clear? Is
  | there a deficiency in it? Is there a lack of reliability? If
  | reasonable concerns are found, the process can change (and the
  | documentation is to be updated).
    | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
    | _> The solution was to have a clear, documented process, and
    | point them to that._
    | This has its own drawbacks. I worked for a company, in which
    | Process Was God, and Thou Shalt Do Only That Which God Has
    | Proclaimed Good.
    | It worked most of the time, but made it very, very difficult
    | to introduce flexibility and orthogonal approaches.
    | There's really no way to duplicate the results of
    | experienced, cohesive teams of high-functioning engineers,
    | with process. We can get similar results, in many ways, but
    | there's always a price to be paid.
    | T. A. N. S. T. A. A. F. L.
  | willseth wrote:
  | Give an example. Like most things, it's context dependent and
  | there are grey areas, but I think most devs use 12 factor like
  | a north star. I wouldn't block a release due to some minor
  | deviation, but generally lacking alignment should be treated as
  | tech debt as a minimum. If a release regresses significantly in
  | one of the factors, I think it's fair to block or at least
  | force more detailed review to understand why the dev felt the
  | tradeoff was worth it for that release.
    | cduzz wrote:
    | There's the "Plumber Problem[1]" by John Siracusa where you
    | watch a story and see a problem in your specific domain that
    | leads you to mistrust the whole story.
    | With the 12 factor nonsense, I see the guidance of "Dump
    | unformatted logs into stdout and make it someone else's
    | problem; they'll hadoop or splunk it and everyone wins."
    | There is no magic splunk that absolve you (the developer) of
    | generating useful data to logs, if you expect useful data out
    | of your logs. You can't reverse "cow -> burger -> sewage" and
    | shouldn't expect some magic hadoop to reverse entropy without
    | a ton of work.
    | So -- I guess the 12 factor app dictum is fine for some
    | trivial "I rewrote twitter in 80 lines of erlang" app, but in
    | my opinion it is a "if we can land a man on the moon we can
    | land a man on the sun" misstatement of complexity in actually
    | getting things done in the real world.
    | [1] https://hypercritical.co/2023/08/18/the-plumber-problem
      | morelisp wrote:
      | Spoken like someone who has never had to work on a Java
      | application with 22 custom log files, not including stdout,
      | stderr, and two separate syslogs.
      | Yes, if you want useful data from logs you'll need to log
      | useful data, but this is a case where 12 factor is so
      | successful / dominant today I don't think you even know
      | what it's arguing against anymore.
        | cduzz wrote:
        | No, writing files is nearly as bad as writing to stdout
        | -- both imply someone else has to parse the output.
        | If the logs matter -- write them to an API that retains
        | log structure by serializing it.
        | If the logs don't matter, then they don't matter, but
        | typically the logs are used for all sorts of analytics
        | processes after the fact.
        | Asking someone else to parse your data is rude.
        | nightpool wrote:
        | Again, "this is a case where 12 factor is so successful /
        | dominant today I don't think you even know what it's
        | arguing against anymore"
        | cduzz wrote:
        | The twelve factor app says: A twelve-factor app never
        | concerns itself with routing or storage of its output
        | stream. It should not attempt to write to or manage
        | logfiles. Instead, each running process writes its event
        | stream, unbuffered, to stdout. During local development,
        | the developer will view this stream in the foreground of
        | their terminal to observe the app's behavior.
        | That guidance is deeply foolish; I have to assume the
        | rest of the guidance is just as silly for anything but a
        | toy application.
        | lexicality wrote:
        | Where does it say "unformatted"? All it says is that your
        | logs should be sent to stdout.
        | You write your logs in whatever structure you want and
        | have something in the runtime environment (k8s, systemd,
        | file redirection in bash whatever) forward them to the
        | eventual storage location. I don't see the issue.
        | cduzz wrote:
        | So -- there's a file, that's created by some something in
        | a container emitting a string of bytes. A file must go
        | through a parsing and serialization phase to be useful to
        | a logging infrastructure. Just because you decorate the
        | contents of that file with { and } and other punctuation
        | doesn't make that file a string of json records, until
        | something's read and verified it.
        | I'm supposed to just load it into memory hoping it's json
        | or avro or whatever? Nope, errors happen; there's a limit
        | to the number of bytes that can be sent from one place to
        | another before the kernel may interrupt it (you're
        | writing an application log and your runtime emits it's
        | own debugging message; they get intermingled because
        | they're both being written to a fifo).
        | Maybe this is fine (usually it's fine) but eventually it
        | isn't fine. Use a logging library, categories your logs,
        | maybe start off with stdout but eventually put on some
        | big person pants and use a logging api and use the
        | stderr/stdout for high cardinality exceptions, not "all
        | my logs"
        | jameshart wrote:
        | 12 factor does not say 'don't use a logging library'
        | Use a logging library. Configure it to output well formed
        | and categorized log messages to stdout. Let the runtime
        | environment take that stream of data from there.
        | lexicality wrote:
        | Just so I understand, you are saying that the entire
        | concept of the 12 factor app is bogus because it tells
        | you to write unformatted logs to stdout because anything
        | you write to stdout is by its very nature unformatted
        | because even if you're outputting formatted data
        | something else in your program might decide to
        | concurrently write into your stdout buffer while you're
        | writing a log line and that will corrupt your entire data
        | stream irreparably?
        | jameshart wrote:
        | What 12 factor is telling you to do is to _not build a
        | log file rotator into your application_.
        | It is the least controversial and most broadly beneficial
        | of the 12 factors.
        | Why do you think it's foolish?
        | cduzz wrote:
        | It says "send it to stdout and let someone else figure it
        | out."
        | As that someone else, who often has bug reports like "why
        | aren't my log events all in one record in my thing?
        | Because you filled your stdout with newlines!" "Why did
        | my message vanish? It was important!" "because it's
        | malformed json because your runtime had an error; it's
        | over there instead of over here."
        | Programming's a stack of details; all of which matter.
        | Log using a logging API where available; use
        | stdout/stderr for exception logging only, if at all
        | possible. If you want your logging to be useful, think
        | carefully about how and what you log.
        | jameshart wrote:
        | That's a total misreading of what 12 factor is about.
        | All it means is to let someone else (other than the
        | program itself) figure out how to get the log messages
        | (whatever you decide they should be) from your process
        | (running wherever it is) to wherever you want to have
        | those logs for inspection.
        | Do not hardcode into your application the assumption that
        | they are written to a file or sent to a port.
        | In your application, write them to stdout.
        | In local dev, stdout will probably go to an interactive
        | console. In a container running in a cloud hosted cluster
        | it will probably go to a networked log aggregator that
        | collects it all into an indexed time oriented data store
        | along with other logs from other running instances.
        | Because you used stdout, that's easy to do.
        | If you wrote them to a file whose name your application
        | manages and changes itself to manage log rotation...
        | either of those is _hard_ to do.
      | jeremyjh wrote:
      | The reason people pay outrageous prices for Splunk is you
      | can get some pretty decent burgers out of sewage if you
      | know what you are doing, and from personal experience the
      | results can be totally game-changing if you are stuck with
      | a mishmash of different log formats and have to support a
      | large distributed application.
    | Aurornis wrote:
    | > Give an example.
    | I can give an example. The part about sticky sessions is good
    | generic advice for someone building generic web services, but
    | there are situations where sticky session-like functionality
    | or sharding-like behavior might be a better choice. Anyone
    | adhering literally to the 12-factor guide would get hung up
    | on trying to move that data to redis or memcached:
    | > Some web systems rely on "sticky sessions" - that is,
    | caching user session data in memory of the app's process and
    | expecting future requests from the same visitor to be routed
    | to the same process. Sticky sessions are a violation of
    | twelve-factor and should never be used or relied upon.
    | Session state data is a good candidate for a datastore that
    | offers time-expiration, such as Memcached or Redis.
    | The guide also has a strong preference for languages like
    | Ruby, Perl, and Python. There's even a quip about how
    | 12-factor prefers languages with a REPL, which in the wrong
    | hands becomes an argument against using Rust or other
    | languages.
    | People who think the entire world is simple CRUD web apps
    | tend to think that guides like this are completely universal.
    | It's a good guide for people making common web apps, but it's
    | not a perfect methodology for every backend service.
      | brodouevencode wrote:
      | > People who think the entire world is simple CRUD web apps
      | tend to think that guides like this are completely
      | universal
      | That's the very first point they make:
      | > In the modern era, software is commonly delivered as a
      | service: called web apps, or software-as-a-service. The
      | twelve-factor app is a methodology for building software-
      | as-a-service apps that...
      | Anything not web app/SaaS they express no opinion on.
      | willseth wrote:
      | I think it depends on how you interpret "rely". If your app
      | can gracefully recover to a reasonable state from a failure
      | to resume the expected session, then you could argue it's
      | not that reliant on it. Many systems use sticky sessions as
      | simply as an optimization, which is fine.
      | You didn't actually give an complete example. When are
      | sticky sessions a better choice than persistence?
  | robertlagrant wrote:
  | > but they seem to be much more useful to people whose only
  | "value" is to provide ivory tower technical leadership.
  | I've found it pretty useful in practice. I don't see why it's
  | much more useful to those people than it has been for me.
  | flakes wrote:
  | I call that weaponized dogmas. It's at least better than people
  | who insist on being DRY by writing an inscrutable generic
  | helper function which will only save 3 or 4 lines of code
  | duplication.
    | laurent_du wrote:
    | Nothing I hate more than a useless "helper" function that
    | wraps a built-in feature of the language and gets buried in a
    | "common lib" package that you need to inspect when you want
    | to understand what is going on, instead of just relying on
    | your knowledge of the language. Do we really need a function
    | to map a dictionary and a list of keys to the corresponding
    | values?
      | BossingAround wrote:
      | Oh my god I got a flashback to Groovy's missing method [0]
      | which caused us so many issues, and made our codebase so
      | unreadable.
      | When you discover it for the first time, you think, "huh,
      | neat, why not use it". Before you know it, nobody can
      | reason about your code and if you leave, nobody wants to
      | maintain it (esp. if your test suite is not extensive).
      | [0] https://groovy-lang.org/metaprogramming.html
      | booleandilemma wrote:
      | I'm a huge hater of these and I think they almost always
      | decrease readability of the code and slow down the
      | development and review process.
      | I want to read and write the language I'm developing with,
      | not the helper methods of some overeager developer who
      | wanted to leave his mark on the codebase.
    | brodouevencode wrote:
    | The absolute counter to weaponized dogma is itself weaponized
    | dogma. There are times when implementing DRY, 12FA make sense
    | and times when it doesn't. Be careful with hard-lined
    | stances.
  | samtho wrote:
  | This is more a reflection of the organizational structure that
  | allows or tolerates such behavior rather than anything to do
  | with the 12 factor app methodology. I think most reasonable
  | people would agree that if you were able to incorporate most of
  | the list, you're doing alright.
  | Aurornis wrote:
  | > some non/psuedo-technical person has pulled out "12 factor"
  | like a universal yellow card has been enough for me, overall,
  | to ignore it almost completely.
  | Ignoring it completely on principal is just as bad as the
  | people who treat it like mandatory dogma.
  | I've also had over-eager junior engineers or wannabe architects
  | use the 12-factor article as mandatory requirements for any
  | launch. It takes a firm and unified explanation that these are
  | good goals to strive for, but in the real world we need to make
  | compromises for launch and choose which aspects to delay or
  | defer.
    | lopatin wrote:
    | Ignoring it completely is a viable strategy. A lot of 12
    | factor sounds like common sense to people who regularly ship
    | stuff. For example, if I fail to put the config in the
    | environment, the risk that introduces will be immediately
    | obvious in the PR and someone would be able to raise that
    | concern, with real justification, not because it's declared
    | in a 12 factor manifesto.
      | i-use-nixos-btw wrote:
      | I think ignoring it completely is a viable strategy once
      | you've already gone through the stages - when your mind is
      | in the right place.
      | I have moved on a long way from the days that 12 factor was
      | my bible, but those days completely redefined my way of
      | developing software. I'm not exaggerating here - it
      | completely shifted my approach.
      | I guess it's similar to Scrum in that way - it isn't a
      | great end point, but if you're stuck in the old ways (i.e.
      | the methods used before it was even a thing) then it's at
      | least a good approach to sink your teeth into, try it out,
      | shape your approach, and move on from there.
      | Basically, I'd rather see a replacement that improves on 12
      | factor than throwing out the book entirely.
      | ascendantlogic wrote:
      | > A lot of 12 factor sounds like common sense to people who
      | regularly ship stuff.
      | In 2023, yes. A lot of the 12 factor methodologies became
      | table stakes in the modern cloud era. Back when this was
      | written "cloud" was not nearly as ubiquitous as it is now,
      | although we were certainly headed in that direction. A lot
      | of the comments here are viewing this through a 2023 lens
      | and forgetting it was written in 2011.
  | darkwater wrote:
  | Well, if your app log directly to files on disk (extra bonus if
  | it doesn't respect any verbosity setting) or will only works if
  | secrets are hard coded in config files (even if this could be
  | work-arounded at deploy time probably), I for one will do all
  | that I can to avoid your app reaches production.
  | Yeah, I work in ops^W platform.
  | brodouevencode wrote:
  | No amount of dogma should interfere with a deployment within
  | the scope of an MVP. Once it's out of MVP then anything not
  | addressed best practice-wise is tech debt. If your organization
  | had adopted 12FA as a set of best practices then those should
  | be met, but they should never interfere with a deployment.
  | 12FA is not a single box that is to be checked. It can and in
  | most cases probably should be implemented over time as the
  | product matures, taking each point, point by point (and maybe
  | even breaking those up) and adding that into the product. If
  | you've done good engineering up front (abstractions and
  | interfaces where it makes sense, not hard coding everything)
  | this should not be an issue.
  | inb4 YAGNI: this is just as abused as 12FA.
  | EDIT: the biggest thing 12FA is missing are concrete examples
  | that junior engineers can reference.
  | jsight wrote:
  | TBH, most of the value in things like this is for consultants
  | who go into shops that really don't know better.
  | Being able to point management at this can be really useful.
  | For most of us here, it is 99% common sense.
  | bunderbunder wrote:
  | Indeed.
  | Hard to believe that treating best practices as strict rules
  | would not turn out to be best practice, isn't it?
| ireallywantthat wrote:
| Nowadays, I see many articles titled "Beyond 12 factor Apps"
| which proposes even more factors for App prominent among them
| being one from IBM. What's your opinion on that?
| https://developer.ibm.com/articles/15-factor-applications/
  | Moto7451 wrote:
  | This is a small but real trend. My experience at a company that
  | went deep into expanding beyond/removing some of the 12 Factors
  | is that it breaks portability of containerized software built
  | with those assumptions. There were a few times I needed to
  | install a vendor product or open source project that was built
  | to the 12 factors but spent a month or more just building a
  | shim to make it conform to our particular bend on it. I'm sure
  | there are good reasons to deviate but I wasn't particularly
  | impressed with our decisions and more importantly why we made
  | them.
| aj_g wrote:
| For sure an influential engineering codex. Feels almost strange
| thinking about all the easy abstractions we have now for hosting,
| like Render or Vercel or that this was written in 2012, when web
| apps were much much more of a wild west in terms of
| accepted/shared practices.
| RugnirViking wrote:
| I was kinda expecting this from the title to be some sort of
| commentary on two factor authentication, like an app that needs
| passport photo, face scan, drivers licence, sms text, google
| authenticator, email link, password, fingerprint, all together to
| log in just once.
  | patrickaljord wrote:
  | Your average centralized crypto exchange.
  | moffkalast wrote:
  | Sounds like roughly what the average stock or crypto exchange
  | requires before they let you trade haha.
    | rando_dfad wrote:
    | Thank KYC/AML for that.
    | Money is not data, it is a complex social construct. Moving
    | money requires interacting with that social construct, i.e.
    | government regulations.
    | Yes, crypto was supposed to get around that. No, government
    | didn't agree.
      | moffkalast wrote:
      | Well I'm glad they at least aren't collecting skin samples
      | yet.
| revskill wrote:
| Sorry, i put all secrets in my code. I don't need 12 factors at
| all.
| It's super easy to deploy to multiple environments, because code
| is single source of truth.
  | Aurornis wrote:
  | Secrets in code is bad practice because it puts the secrets in
  | source control and gives them to anyone with access to the
  | code.
  | You separate out the secrets to keep them secret.
    | revskill wrote:
    | Next evolution of Git should automatically introspect the
    | code base for comment to leaving out all "secrets".
    | My point is, make the code easy to clone in a runnable shape
    | wihtout any hacking on host system.
      | gdprrrr wrote:
      | You can configure GitLab to reject the push if you comitted
      | secrets, based on regex marching with common formats for
      | tokens.
  | pjs_ wrote:
  | Hell yeah brother. Move fast and break things philosophy
  | porsager wrote:
  | It's not a problem. Here you go: https://github.com/AGWA/git-
  | crypt
    | samus wrote:
    | This only works if secrets are frequently rotated and contain
    | enough entropy. Else, all secrets will eventually be
    | decrypted from leaked repositories and distribution
    | artifacts.
  | brodouevencode wrote:
  | What company do you work for? I'd like to cancel my
  | subscription.
  | Seriously...bad idea. One repo leak or even one bad copy/paste
  | in StackOverflow and you're done.
| ACV001 wrote:
| Boring. This is already happening in any sane modern application.
  | seanhunter wrote:
  | It might be worth you reading
  | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
  | In particular:                  > Be kind. Don't be snarky.
  | Converse curiously; don't cross-examine. Edit out swipes.
  | > Please don't post shallow dismissals, especially of other
  | people's work. A good critical comment teaches us something.
  | gouggoug wrote:
  | > This is already happening in any sane modern application.
  | Probably in part thanks to 12factor.net
| sbjs wrote:
| I genuinely feel like there's two camps of professionals: those
| who know how to do something and do it extremely well; and those
| who know how to describe something and break it down very well.
| The former are the ones making the magic happen, like Fabrice
| Bellard. The latter become very influential teachers like Bob
| Martin. Both are needed (although the former more so), but the
| latter usually get all the attention and credit.
| webscalist wrote:
| I prefer to have known configuration presets (groups) version
| controlled. Documents known shared environments (db host, ...
| etc) well.
| vilunov wrote:
| I feel like each of this points can be reasonably disputed.
| 1. One app - one repo. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with
| multiple apps (as in separate pods/containers/processes) being
| developed in a single repo, as long as they are tightly coupled
| functionally, share the release cycle, but still need to be
| deployed separately to get advantages of separate processes and
| independent scaling. The first example that comes to mind is
| separation of public api and worker processes, e.g. ruby's
| sidekiq, python's celery or a generic kafka consumer.
| 2. > A twelve-factor app never relies on implicit existence of
| system-wide packages.
| This is incredibly hard to achieve in practice if you're not
| running something nix, and even then there are leaks of
| dependencies on kernel syscall APIs. Every Rust app implicitly
| depends on a glibc (except musl ones), which is present in major
| Linux distros except slim ones such as Alpine. In fact, the whole
| Docker crutch IMO is needed specifically to alleviate this
| problem.
| 3. > The twelve-factor app stores config in environment variables
| It seems to me much more brittle, as it forces you to store
| secrets in envs, which could be less secure, and to abandon
| structured file configs, which may enjoy type safety, IDE
| autocomplete and automatic parsing. With envs you are forced to
| implement parses for non-trivial and non-string config vars
| yourself. In fact, envs are often committed into repos as well in
| form of dot-env files, so the point about commit-safety is moot
| as well.
  | twic wrote:
  | > This is incredibly hard to achieve in practice if you're not
  | running something nix, and even then there are leaks of
  | dependencies on kernel syscall APIs.
  | You're misinterpreting that guideline. The text says (my
  | emphasis):
  | > Most programming languages offer a packaging system for
  | distributing support libraries, such as CPAN for Perl or
  | Rubygems for Ruby. Libraries installed through a packaging
  | system can be installed _system-wide_ (known as "site
  | packages")
  | It's not saying not to depend on the operating system (of which
  | glibc is part), it's saying not to require particular language
  | package manager packages to be installed on the machine.
  | Agreed that the other ones you mention are silly, though.
  | Especially the one about environment variables - that isn't
  | actually reasoned advice, it was just the authors writing down
  | what was most common in Ruby development at the time, on the
  | assumption that that must be the best thing to do.
    | vilunov wrote:
    | Well, glibc could be considered part of the operating system,
    | although this too is arguably not correct, because some
    | technologies go out of the way to not depend on anything
    | present in the system and be completely self-contained, e.g.
    | fully statically linked Go binary with no Cgo usage.
    | Nevertheless, glibc is not the only system dependency which
    | is often used by apps, another such example is JVM of a
    | specific version, which is not tracked by any of the popular
    | JVM build tools and package managers; and OpenSSL, which is
    | too installed by the system package manager.
    | Dockerfiles exists to fix this by defining all the necessary
    | installation steps as a sequence of instructions, but this is
    | far from a proper package manager.
    | aniforprez wrote:
    | In my experience, sourcing config from env variables seems
    | like the best thing to do because you can completely ignore
    | where the app is running in favor of injecting whatever you
    | want in any environment of your choosing and your app no
    | longer needs to care about that. The implication is that
    | business logic must not include the content of your config or
    | where it is sourced from. It must simply use the values in
    | the config. This way my apps could give less of a fart if I
    | run it as a container in kube, in nomad, in local on
    | localhost, in a devcontainer, in a directory with vars loaded
    | using direnv, in vercel/netlify and so on. This also allows
    | incredible flexibility in how that config is sourced as long
    | as you simply dump them into the env vars. Want to load
    | secrets from a .env file on local? Sure. Want to load secrets
    | from Vault on production? Run a simple script to load vault
    | secrets onto the env and run your app.
      | dalyons wrote:
      | yeah this is the actual point - it makes the code/app
      | totally portable & decoupled from config. I find it
      | significantly better than having to have the app code
      | choose different config based on interrogating facts about
      | its runtime (eg am i in prod? use this value. am i in test?
      | use this)
    | jjice wrote:
    | I heavily agree. I used to work on a LAMP stack where the
    | deployment was just dumping the code into an EC2 instance.
    | All is fine until there's a weird system dependency error
    | that isn't documented because the AMI being used has just
    | been hand built over the last three years. Have fun tracking
    | down that specific PHP system dependency when AL2 goes EOL. I
    | don't want to write code that doesn't have _documented_
    | dependencies on system packages. Even just a Dockerfile
    | serves as solid documentation on what we're using.
  | damianh wrote:
  | "One app - one repo"
  | Where did you see that being expressed?
    | vilunov wrote:
    | https://12factor.net/codebase
      | ulizzle wrote:
      | It says there that a codebase can contain multiple repos.
      | They don't mean a monorepo when they say codebase
        | vilunov wrote:
        | > A codebase is any single repo (in a centralized
        | revision control system like Subversion), or any set of
        | repos who share a root commit (in a decentralized
        | revision control system like Git).
        | They do mean that a repo = a codebase. A remark about
        | "set of repos" is just a technicality of distributed
        | VCSs, meaning that each copy cloned from a single source
        | (or from other copies) is a single repo.
  | samus wrote:
  | I agree with your view of the first rule and would gladly store
  | multiple related apps in one repo. No rationale for why one
  | repo should only containing one app is given, therefore that
  | rule can be disregarded.
  | Dynamic or managed languages can often ignore most of the
  | hassle with system packages.
  | brodouevencode wrote:
  | > 1. One app - one repo.
  | There is a U-shaped utility to monorepos. Most projects fall in
  | the middle somewhere, largely ones managed by independent
  | engineering teams that have no centralized
  | platform/devops/whatever-we-are-calling-it-these-days team.
  | kagakuninja wrote:
  | They also say every server should be a separate process, which
  | is debatable. When using languages that lack real threads
  | (Ruby, Python, etc) you have no choice.
  | talent_deprived wrote:
  | > There is nothing fundamentally wrong with multiple apps (as
  | in separate pods/containers/processes) being developed in a
  | single repo, as long as they are tightly coupled functionally,
  | share the release cycle, but still need to be deployed
  | separately to get advantages of separate processes and
  | independent scaling.
  | We disagree on fundamentals then and I think more of the world
  | agrees with me and with the 12 factors.
| twic wrote:
| The big thing missing from this document is justifications for
| the rules. It's almost all just rules. Are the rules good? Hard
| to say, and this document won't help you find out.
  | brodouevencode wrote:
  | If you click on the rule it links to a page that is what you're
  | asking for. For example: https://12factor.net/backing-services
    | samus wrote:
    | Not all the rules are explained on. For example, a detailed
    | reasoning why there should be only one app per repository is
    | not provided. It is only stated that it is not the 12factor
    | way.
    | twic wrote:
    | The page you link to does not contain a justification for the
    | rule.
| moondev wrote:
| Kubernetes basically forces you to deploy 12fa, using these
| guidelines is a pretty good playbook for migrating an existing
| application as well.
| sergioisidoro wrote:
| Twelve factor app: use environment for config
| Docker: Don't use environment for config, it's insecure
| I like and use many of the patterns of 12 factor, but indeed some
| of these were written in the context of VPS, where environment is
| stable, secure and more constant (unlike containers, where
| environment might end up shipped in one of the layers). In the
| age of containers, this particular point has been a bit of a
| struggle for me. Docker secrets don't always play well, and you
| need to do some gymnastics to make it work.
  | samus wrote:
  | The basic idea is still valid. You might just have to use a
  | more appropriate mechanism when using containers. For example,
  | the explanation of the Config factor explains that a config
  | file can also be used.
  | 3by7 wrote:
  | In retrospect, a better name for that section could have been
  | "Separate config from code" as it says in one of the first
  | paragraphs.
  | chrissoundz wrote:
  | How are environment variables insecure?
    | dharmab wrote:
    | Envvars have much weaker access controls than files;
    | basically anything in the same PID namespace can read your
    | envvars. Poke around in /proc/*/environ to see for yourself.
    | Files can use user permissions and MAC (AppArmor, SELinux,
    | etc) to secure them against unauthorized processes.
      | wutwutwat wrote:
      | If running in a containerized environment ENV is injected
      | only to the container, at container runtime. If you're
      | running your containers with a single process, you are
      | doing the exact access control you just outlined. At that
      | point what is the difference between a file on disk with
      | read permissions for the proc owner vs only the proc having
      | the ENV injected to its shell at runtime? I'd maybe even
      | say the ENV at runtime is _more_ secure than the chown'd
      | file on disk because the ENV injected variant is ephemeral
      | and when that container /proc dies, so does the ENV sitting
      | in its memory, whereas the other leaves a file on disk
      | potentially depending on where it was written to,
      | regardless of who can access it. Then there's the fact that
      | a lot more people than you think run containers as root so
      | all file access control goes out the window.
      | From a security perspective it is always more secure to
      | have something only in memory of the running process than
      | it is to have a file on disk regardless of file permissions
        | dharmab wrote:
        | Containers don't enforce that isolation. Another process
        | can nsenter the container's PID namespace. You also have
        | issues if your container's PID1 creates subprocesses.
        | File are not necessarily written to disk. e.g. the
        | Secrets CSI Driver loads secrets directly from a secrets
        | store as virtual files within ephemeral volumes.
  | jcrites wrote:
  | Could you elaborate? How are environment variables insecure? If
  | the secret will be present in the application throughout it's
  | lifetime, then what's a better alternative?
  | Just because a secret is injected into the application as an
  | environment variable does not mean it's handled insecurely
  | elsewhere. For example, AWS ECS containers have built-in
  | support for fetching secrets from Secret Manager at startup and
  | passing them as environment variables:
  | https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/...
  | This fetches the secret at the time the container starts up
  | (IIRC), and uses the IAM credentials of the running application
  | to fetch them from Secret Manager (so it must have permission
  | to the secret).
  | The merit of using environment variables seems to depend
  | entirely on how they are, well, configured. With a mechanism
  | like this I don't see much disadvantage. (The main disadvantage
  | I see is that generic malware that attempts to dump environment
  | variables might capture them, but defending against that threat
  | is largely obfuscation, unless you aren't storing the secret at
  | all permanently in memory.)
    | dathinab wrote:
    | - any sub process has full unlimited access to env variables
    | - env variables are prone to be dumped in various contexts
    | and might leak secrets to e.g. logs
    | - env variables might leak, e.g. in context of docker build
    | stages etc. (but then using building a docker image to build
    | both the image and the software is often anyway not a good
    | idea)
    | - env variables are often easily accessible by other
    | processes
    | the method you mentioned of ad-hoc injecting a secret as env
    | by some form of security manager for containers avoid many
    | such problems
      | lazyant wrote:
      | > - env variables are often easily accessible by other
      | processes
      | A process would need to have the same permission (same
      | user) or root to read /proc/$PID/environ no? or what
      | mechanism is there for a process to read another process
      | env vars (not children processes, that was already
      | mentioned)? unless of course, a process dumped them in some
      | world-readable file (like logs as mentioned) or some other
      | silly way
        | ezekg wrote:
        | Exactly. The operating system already offers security for
        | environment variables: use it. And you get the benefit of
        | increased security in other places by not sharing users
        | between applications.
      | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
      | > env variables might leak, e.g. in context of docker build
      | stages etc. (but then using building a docker image to
      | build both the image and the software is often anyway not a
      | good idea)
      | Since the rule describes runtime configuration, it
      | shouldn't be involved with the build process at all
    | sergioisidoro wrote:
    | My comment is specific to docker, although environment as a
    | broader sense can be discussed.
    | I remember reading that it is possible to end up in
    | situations where your environments can end up in the layers
    | of the docker image. Also, you can read the secrets of a
    | container with inspect, and apparently linked containers
    | might be able to access other containers's secrets.
    | I think it was this article: https://snyk.io/blog/keeping-
    | docker-secrets-secure/
    | derefr wrote:
    | Presumably because /proc/$PID/environ exists and can be read
    | by the user that owns the process -- which means that any
    | attacker that can figure out how to spawn an arbitrary
    | subprocess running as the daemon user (a pretty common
    | vulnerability class!) can exfiltrate all your env-vars.
    | It's similar to the reason that you're not supposed to supply
    | passwords on the command-line (/proc/$PID/cmdline exists),
    | but instead either read them from stdin, or do the big dance
    | of
    | 1. creating a file that contains the password, is owned by
    | root, and is 0400;
    | 2. having your daemon start off running as root for just long
    | enough to read the password into process memory;
    | 3. then having your daemon drop privileges before doing any
    | work, so that someone exploiting the daemon _won 't_ have the
    | privilege as the "do the work" user to read the file with the
    | password in it.
  | dathinab wrote:
  | it's both true
  | putting any form of secrets into a env var is deeply insecure
  | using env is the most simple uniformly available way to have
  | configs
  | through I would take it a step further, anything which must not
  | be leaked probably should not be in any config, weather env or
  | file or similar, it should be injected through other means if
  | viable
  | 0cf8612b2e1e wrote:
  | On the other hand, without platform support there are not a lot
  | of easy alternatives. It at least encourages separation of
  | config and code, keeping secrets out of vcs.
  | wutwutwat wrote:
  | One could argue that you should never consider any input as
  | "safe to consume", and if you write defensive app code, would
  | never consider the ENV to ever be secure or what you expect,
  | and would therefor sanitize that input before consuming. If
  | you're blindly trusting any input just because you're single
  | tenant, you're in for some hard to track down bugs and long
  | nights when those circumstances one day change due to random
  | business pivots.
  | jsight wrote:
  | Yeah, I've never been a fan of secrets in env vars for this
  | reason. It is shocking how frequent dumb debug consoles have
  | accidentally exposed env vars. You really don't want that to
  | accidentally expose your private keys.
  | There's really nothing wrong with secrets mounted on the file
  | system via k8s. But, of course, all of this depends on your
  | deployment environment.
  | Sometimes env vars are the least bad option, because secrets
  | really are always hard.
    | berkes wrote:
    | > dumb debug consoles have accidentally exposed env vars
    | Huh? If the app can read the secret, then the app can... read
    | the secret. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you call a "debug
    | console", but if this is anything running in the app, it can
    | ... read the secrets. Regardless of their source.
    | Or, to put it differently: it matters nothing if your secrets
    | at rest are stored in a quantum-resistent-encrypted vault,
    | secrets.yml or ENV vars, if your logging, backtracing or
    | debug consoles dump them somewhere, you are compromised
    | regardless.
      | jsight wrote:
      | This is absolutely true, but it is far more common for
      | someone to accidentally leave open a display of env vars
      | than a display of files.
      | I've got this problem to debug in prod, I know, I'll embed
      | the env vars in the source code of the error page. No big
      | deal and it might help me debug that! For a dev used to not
      | using secrets in env vars (for example, when testing
      | locally), this is an easy mistake. He may even use a third
      | party library that embeds features like this without
      | knowing it! Even things like the jmx console can be risky,
      | since access to that may not relate 1:1 with access to
      | secrets.
      | I've never seen anyone make a similar mistake and
      | accidentally embed all_my_passwords.ini in their output.
      | I must admit that some of what I've said above has become
      | outdated, since it is now a much more common practice to
      | embed passwords in env vars than it used to be.
| zemo wrote:
| the twelve-factor app is a set of recommendations from 2011 that
| are based less on engineering principles and more on the
| capabilities of Heroku and containerized infrastructure in 2011.
| For example:
| > Another approach to config is the use of config files which are
| not checked into revision control, such as config/database.yml in
| Rails. This is a huge improvement over using constants which are
| checked into the code repo, but still has weaknesses: it's easy
| to mistakenly check in a config file to the repo; there is a
| tendency for config files to be scattered about in different
| places and different formats, making it hard to see and manage
| all the config in one place. Further, these formats tend to be
| language- or framework-specific.
| > The twelve-factor app stores config in environment variables
| (often shortened to env vars or env).
| yeah the reason they argue for this is that the people that wrote
| this worked on Heroku, and the way that Heroku worked is you
| populated the environment variables from some fields in a web
| app. If you want your config history tracked in version control,
| or you do gitops, or you have k8s configmaps, or you want to have
| your configuration files on a mounted volume ... those things are
| all broadly fine; they keep the configuration state separate from
| the app deploy state. This document really confuses the forest
| with the trees and recommends things based less on actual
| engineering principles and more on the product capabilities of
| the corporation that produced it. It is an actively harmful set
| of guidelines.
  | morelisp wrote:
  | The 12 factor app that stored config in env vars found it
  | trivial to migrate to ConfigMaps. The LOB apps today that
  | expect complex ConfigMap layouts (at worst case, directly from
  | the k8s API) are going to be hell to migrate to whatever comes
  | after k8s.
  | throw1234651234 wrote:
  | The whole .env file holding all your configs thing is a
  | disaster. People forget to update the template, it has to be
  | passed around, etc.
  | Configure your secrets in Azure Key Vault (AWS Secrets Manager,
  | GCP-something-I-forget) or whatever the non-cloud Vault
  | software is called.
  | Devs only set client_id, client_secret, and env defaulted to
  | dev. On startup, the app fetches configs for the secret store.
  | The needed secrets are in source control. If the needed secret
  | is missing from the secret store, there is a clear error on
  | startup.
  | You are welcome, I just saved you weeks of onboarding,
  | confusion, and devs passing around .envs on Slack.
    | campbel wrote:
    | I agree, sops / ejson / gitcrypt or something else that
    | encrypts a file in vcs, then use your cloud or shared secret
    | vault to disperse the decryption key.
    | danwee wrote:
    | > You are welcome, I just saved you weeks of onboarding,
    | confusion, and devs passing around .envs on Slack.
    | Don't get it. At one company I worked, .env files for the DEV
    | environment were open (the file itself was stored on Vault,
    | so only engineers had access to it), and one could only
    | access DEV resources via VPN. So, starting a service using
    | the DEV .env file was rather easy an uncomplicated.
      | throw1234651234 wrote:
      | Here is the problem with that. A dev pushes a change that
      | requires a change to the env file. Another dev pulls down
      | the code, but doesn't change the env file. Everything
      | breaks. At really bad companies, DevOps sets env vars from
      | somewhere other than that file passed around by devs -
      | another failure point.
      | My proposal:
      | 1. Key Vault | HashiCorp Vault | whatever is the source of
      | truth for secrets.
      | 2. When a developer adds a key, they add it to Key Vault
      | and update code to use it.
      | 3. On app startup, code checks the dev's local for 2 env
      | vars ONLY, which allow access to key vault.
      | 4. The app then tries to pull in all the env vars it needs
      | by secret name.
      | 5. If any are missing, it fails.
      | This keeps devs from having to pass around .env files
      | outside of source control. Btw, Azure (and all other cloud)
      | builds can be configured to pull env vars directly from Key
      | Vault, so there's that benefit too.
        | parasti wrote:
        | "5. If any are missing, it fails."
        | That's literally all you need to solve the scenario you
        | described with .env files.
        | meowtimemania wrote:
        | The difference is any time the .env config is updated,
        | all engineers have to update their .env file.
        | So with .env file:
        | - developer adds to .env
        | - pushes code
        | - all developers see failures in dev env due to missing
        | env var
        | - all developers search slack/email to figure out what
        | went wrong
        | - all developers update their .env file and things are
        | working again
        | --------- In gp's comment -------
        | - one person works on feature that introduces new config
        | - failure happens in their local environment
        | - they update config backend and push code
        | - all other developers get updates with no changes needed
        | throw1234651234 wrote:
        | Exactly, thank you for phrasing it much better than I
        | did!
        | Rapzid wrote:
        | You can also just supply defaults that can be locally
        | overriden.. Benefit is they are reviewable in the same PR
        | that adds the code depending on them..
    | nickzelei wrote:
    | I've resulted into a pretty similar setup.
    | We use SOPS and the encrypted .env file is stored in VCS. The
    | key is stored in 1password with instructions on where to
    | stuff it on your machine. Then you just decrypt the .env file
    | and you're off to the races.
      | edwinbalani wrote:
      | For anyone new to SOPS like I was -
      | https://github.com/getsops/sops
    | victorNicollet wrote:
    | Hard agree. I think it's easy to get stuck on the mental
    | model that "the configuration value is the secret" (which
    | means the configuration itself needs special handling), and
    | the correct mental model should be "the configuration value
    | is the identifier of the secret", with another system (Azure
    | Key Vault, etc) being responsible for converting the secret-
    | identifier into the secret-value.
    | My company open sourced the .NET library we use for this:
    | https://github.com/Lokad/Secrets
    | geraldwhen wrote:
    | The corporate VPN and proxy setups tend to fail or be slow.
    | This would add non-trivial startup time to any app, and
    | catastrophic startup time to integration tests.
  | jbotdev wrote:
  | It is true that this is somewhat influenced by how Heroku
  | works, but ConfigMaps and GitOps do not meet the same security
  | and usability requirements as Heroku config/env vars.
  | If you want secure config storage on Kubernetes, you end up
  | using Secrets, which ends up being key-value like env vars
  | anyway. If you want similar security with Git you need a layer
  | of encryption, which breaks diffs and requires additional
  | tooling. This all leads back to why high-level deployment tools
  | like Heroku were created.
    | campbel wrote:
    | > If you want secure config storage on Kubernetes, you end up
    | using Secrets, which ends up being key-value like env vars
    | anyway.
    | You can load the secret file directly into the app, no need
    | to load it as env vars or keep it strictly as key-value
    | pairs.
    | > If you want similar security with Git you need a layer of
    | encryption, which breaks diffs and requires additional
    | tooling. This all leads back to why high-level deployment
    | tools like Heroku were created.
    | You can use tools like ejson[1] or sops[2] to get encrypted
    | files checked into Git that have key level granularity on
    | diffs.
    | There is definitely a place for higher level abstractions
    | than Kubernetes. Mostly it gives operators a standard
    | platform to build from when teams outgrow the PaaS sandbox.
    | [1] https://github.com/Shopify/ejson [2]
    | https://github.com/getsops/sops
      | Spivak wrote:
      | > You can load the secret file directly into the app
      | Now you're getting away from the spirit of 12factor and
      | hard-coupling them again. The intent is for the app to
      | consume the secrets but have no knowledge or care where
      | they came from.
      | Edit: misread as "load the secrets directly into the app."
      | Yeah, this is just env vars but different.
        | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
        | I'm not really kubernetes expert, but don't they come
        | from /my-secrets and the application doesn't need to care
        | how that got mounted?
        | derefr wrote:
        | My trick for this with k8s Secrets, when there's some
        | sort of config file that absolutely must be consumed from
        | disk, is to
        | 1. create a Secret that defines the file as a key
        | 2. mount that Secret into the container
        | (.secret.secretName in the volume definition) under an
        | arbitrary conventional path, e.g. /secrets
        | 3. define an env-var _that gives the full path to the
        | file_ ; where the fallback when this env-var _isn 't_
        | defined is to find the file in the working directory with
        | a conventional filename.
        | If your own code uses the file, it can read the path from
        | this env-var; while if the core of your container is some
        | opaque tool that doesn't know about the env-var but
        | _does_ take the file 's path on the command-line, then
        | you can wrap the tool in an entrypoint script that reads
        | the env-var and passes it as a command-line arg to the
        | tool.
        | IMHO, this approach is flexible but principle-of-least-
        | surprise obeying for both development and production
        | deployment.
        | inferiorhuman wrote:
        | That sounds an awful lot like a .env file to me.
        | pojzon wrote:
        | yup thats exactly what .env is, and tbh that doesn't
        | change anything in the bigger picture
        | kelnos wrote:
        | > _Now you 're getting away from the spirit of 12factor_
        | The entire point here is that 12-factor isn't the be-all,
        | end-all, so this is irrelevant.
        | > _The intent is for the app to consume the secrets but
        | have no knowledge or care where they came from._
        | This doesn't really make sense, and is an impossible
        | requirement. The app will always have to know where
        | configuration or secrets come from. Environment variables
        | is just one option of "knowing where they come from".
        | Choosing file storage is just as valid.
        | kagakuninja wrote:
        | I don't use kubernates. We have JVM servers running on
        | AWS. We load secrets from Secrets Manager. Configs are
        | mostly HOCON files stored in S3. The knowledge of where
        | to find them is configured via env vars.
        | We use a custom setup in which the config values are
        | loaded from multiple sources actually, so we could put
        | everything into secrets manager, or load them all from
        | env vars or HOCON files.
        | If we had to set every config value in ECS / lambda using
        | env vars, it would be a major pain in the ass, and error
        | prone.
        | pojzon wrote:
        | > We load secrets from Secrets Manager
        | And how your apps authenticate to Secrets Manager ? Did
        | you ever call `env` on a pod that has IRSA configured ?
        | This is just a middle step to do exactly the same thing
        | but instead of using envFromSecret you use envFromSM
        | maccard wrote:
        | Not OP but an IAM role with scoped access to secrets.
        | Better again, using secretsFrom in the task definition
        | which injects the secret as an environment variable for
        | you.
    | redeux wrote:
    | > somewhat influenced by how Heroku works
    | The Twelve-Factor App is marketing content produced by the
    | former Founder & CTO of Heroku. It's a great piece of content
    | no doubt, but it should be viewed with that lens.
      | probotect0r wrote:
      | If it's marketing content then it's not doing a very good
      | job. I have known about the 12factor app principles for a
      | long time, and only found out today that it has ties to
      | Heroku.
  | xwdv wrote:
  | If it is truly harmful, it shouldn't be sitting at the top of
  | Hackernews. Let's flag it.
    | zemo wrote:
    | I... don't think the "flag" functionality is intended to
    | communicate "this is bad advice".
      | xwdv wrote:
      | It is "harmful" advice, not bad. Regardless, why should it
      | sit on the front page of hackernews?
        | zemo wrote:
        | it's really hard for me to express just how much content
        | hits the front page of HN that, if you follow it, will
        | make you worse at programming.
    | v2223943777435 wrote:
    | i got a ton of value out of reading the comments though
  | wutwutwat wrote:
  | Heroku didn't invent ENV variables nor did it dream up the idea
  | of using them for app config. This has been in use long before
  | Heroku existed. I'll give Heroku credit for making it common
  | knowledge and spreading the use of these concepts, though.
    | zemo wrote:
    | yeah I never suggested that heroku invented environment
    | variables, and the idea that environment variables weren't
    | common knowledge before heroku came along is ... let's say at
    | best revisionist.
      | wutwutwat wrote:
      | True.
      | If you remember the world before 12 factor you know that
      | even if motivated by self serving incentives, Heroku making
      | this mainstream has been an overall win for the entire
      | industry and we are generally better and more secure for
      | them having done so. We are still benefitting from all of
      | this today, and Heroku who championed it is making death
      | rattles.
        | hirako2000 wrote:
        | While valid points in many contexts, I've seen many other
        | contexts where following this principle/pattern a/ yields
        | none of its benefits b/ results in very significant
        | business impact.
        | Here is some obvious case observed many times.
        | A small and very fast pace team builds a server
        | application having limited to no external dependencies.
        | No db even.
        | Just a server doing stuff.
        | It does have some config yes, many many key/value pairs
        | even, a config file ended up with a dozen properties just
        | to control Req per sec limits and such.
        | Now just to deploy the thing, since of course env defined
        | configurations is where things belong in best practice,
        | the dev team setup a process to peer review those env
        | values and despite all of that, fail to get the app
        | running.
        | Human errors happen but since more mistakes and release
        | delays were caused by misconfiguration than any other
        | reasons, the keen and bright enginnering team all agreed
        | it would be better to have a config repo. One genius in
        | the group argued that having a config service would be
        | even neater than have the app read from a git repo! The
        | whole got so hyped and of course spend the whole next
        | sprint building and testing that. Brilliant, it worked!
        | Except that of course outages happened, of course.
        | Outages happen.
        | Bringing down all environments one by one, hence blocking
        | pretty much everyone. Everything went down because hey,
        | since we made that effort which took for longer than we
        | thought to build a config service and have our app reads
        | from it, one of the dev minds thought it was a genius
        | idea to have the app reload the config every 5 mins at
        | runtime so that if a configuration change was made, no
        | need to even restart anything. Of course error handling
        | wasn't robust and well tested since the boss reminded the
        | team we've got to ship a product by the end of the
        | quarter and solving the universe can maybe wait 5 or 10
        | years after the IPO.
        | Team resorted to simply track the config in the repo.
        | Kept the runtime reload of the config and things worked
        | just fine.
        | Things can be done right and impacts could have been
        | avoided. The example may seem like a twisted case since
        | these were all configurations, not environment specific
        | values. But I've just seen so many occurences of env
        | variables being separated from the application repo
        | costing so much and distracting contributors for no
        | benefit that I have grown very cautious of it.
        | ElevenLathe wrote:
        | The intent of this part of 12 Factor comes from the Bad
        | Old Days when devs didn't run their own stuff in
        | production. There was a dev team who could push code and
        | cut releases, and an ops team who would then deploy the
        | releases, and who was paged when things blew up.
        | If you store the database hostname/credentials, as an
        | example, in the "code" (either literally in the app code,
        | or in a config.ini that lives in the repo and gets baked
        | into a release), then the ops people can't quickly
        | repoint the app at a hot-spare database during an
        | incident: they'll need to edit the repo, push it, cut a
        | new release, etc. If there is a long build step (as for a
        | C++ app, for example), then this isn't really tenable
        | during an outage. If this is in an environment variable,
        | their normal deployment scripts can make the change for
        | them.
        | I agree that this is probably not necessary anymore if
        | your team is all wearing both hats (dev and ops), and its
        | just as quick to make an edit to the repo and cut/deploy
        | a new release as it would have been for the Ops team to
        | run their deployment script in the old days.
  | phendrenad2 wrote:
  | History repeats itself. Netlify tried this with the MACH
  | Alliance.
  | donatj wrote:
  | The invention of dotenv files just makes me chuckle and seems
  | to completely miss the point of not putting them in a config
  | file.
    | bunderbunder wrote:
    | dotenv files are great as a piece of developer ergonomics.
    | And that's fine. I use them for that purpose all the time. I
    | would not willingly consent to using them to manage
    | environment variables in production. But I would also not
    | willingly consent to doing it the way that's best for
    | production during development.
    | I think that's fine. 12-factor is a set of guidelines about
    | what you do _in production_. There 's a whole universe of
    | things that are smart ideas for development and bad ideas for
    | production. Leaving debug symbols in your binaries, leaving
    | ports for connecting a debugger open on your containers, etc.
    | scooble wrote:
    | I've read a bunch of tutorials promoting env vars to avoid
    | secrets being accidentally checked into git. Step 1 is
    | usually to create a .env file and add it to your gitignore.
  | rbanffy wrote:
  | "Store config in the environment" does not necessarily mean
  | configs are in environment variables - it only means
  | configuration comes from the hosting environment, not the
  | application itself - you are not adding a "settings.json" file
  | to your machine before starting the app.
  | This way, the same source deployed in, i.e. your AKS cluster in
  | Azure EU north will take the configuration you set for that
  | cluster while the one you run out of an Docker Swarm of RPi
  | Zero's in an Ikea photo frame (I have one cluster like that,
  | called Gibson), will take the configuration from that cluster.
    | Kwpolska wrote:
    | The page https://12factor.net/config disagrees with you:
    | > The twelve-factor app stores config in environment
    | variables (often shortened to env vars or env).
      | rbanffy wrote:
      | I would assume that is the interpretation back in 2011.
      | While the mechanism changed, the principle still holds.
  | lucideer wrote:
  | > _or you have k8s configmaps [...] those things are all
  | broadly fine; they keep the configuration state separate from
  | the app deploy state_
  | Why are they fine? This seems to be an argument grounded in
  | "it's a newer norm therefore it's better" but I don't see the
  | justification. I've never used Heroku but ConfigMaps are a bane
  | to manage. Even as a general programming principle within
  | application code, colocality is a well-known, long-discussed
  | topic around improving maintainability. If you're not using
  | monorepos, that's currently not a reasonable option with
  | current orchestration conventions.
  | Even if you are using monorepos, you're highly likely to either
  | get into writing & automating DSLs to feed into your configmaps
  | or do weird things like using Jinja to do file includes in your
  | mounts. That's all before you run into the etcd 1MB size limit
  | & realise that actually this whole system is a hack.
  | TL;DR newer ain't intrinsically better
  | throwaway4good wrote:
  | As far as I can tell this is the standard way of doing things
  | also in a kubernetes setup: The application gets its
  | configuration from the environment variables.
  | Then in the case of a kubernetes setup. The application is
  | wrapped inside a mechanism that gets the configuration from
  | some where else.
  | ljm wrote:
  | Nobody calls it '12 factor' anymore but we still adhere to a
  | generic set of principles as a result (since 12-factor predated
  | docker and kubernetes in the mainstream).
  | - Logs as a stream: yep, just write your logs to STDOUT instead
  | of a file. Let the orchestrator deal with reading and storing
  | it.
  | - Configuration in the environment. Apps tend to pull config
  | from different sources depending on the deploy - maybe a .env
  | locally and a secret store in production.
  | - Port binding - your app listens on a port and you put nginx
  | or whatever in front of it and set up a reverse proxy. K8S
  | services and ingress do that.
  | I think the biggest criticism you can lay down on 12 Factor
  | these days is that it's not actually written very well and
  | assumes you know exactly what it is talking about.
    | talent_deprived wrote:
    | > Port binding - your app listens on a port and you put nginx
    | or whatever in front of it
    | Apache for my personal projects, in front of the docker
    | containers.
    | morelisp wrote:
    | It's written very well but the audience is server application
    | programmers in 2011, not someone who has written a dozen
    | services yet never seen a log rotator, "production mode", or
    | an AF_UNIX socket in their whole career.
    | rbanffy wrote:
    | > - Logs as a stream: yep, just write your logs to STDOUT
    | instead of a file. Let the orchestrator deal with reading and
    | storing it.
    | This is one that always feels odd to me: what happened to
    | rsyslogd?
| zoogeny wrote:
| Seems good as a general heuristic but bad as a requirements
| checklist.
| lhnz wrote:
| It's pretty bad that, more than a decade after this was released,
| there are detractors for some of the guidelines but yet nobody is
| able to point to a singular more modern set of principles. A lot
| of our advice is now nuanced and spread out all over the
| internet...
| qwerty4343 wrote:
| It's good to see it coming up again. I hope there will be a
| platform among the new PAAS players that is 100% compatible with
| the 12-factor app principles.
| PaulKeeble wrote:
| I have always disagreed most with the config advice. Config ends
| up getting defined by a lot of different parties and quite often
| by developers and its often best to ship the application with
| reasonable defaults and then allow overrides from environment
| specific files and then environment variables. This is the most
| flexible for most server side applications because you often know
| what a setup should be and its best source controlled but secrets
| need to be injected at run time. Configuration needs to have
| cascading levels to make life easiest in dev, test and production
| without enormous setup time.
  | Kinrany wrote:
  | You can, and probably should, have reasonable defaults.
  | Configuration should be version controlled, but separately from
  | source code because it describes deployments, not images used
  | for deployments.
  | willseth wrote:
  | Why not also express the defaults as config, or is that what
  | you meant? I don't think that runs afoul of 12 factor.
  | schneems wrote:
  | > Configuration needs to have cascading levels to make life
  | easiest in dev, test and production without enormous setup
  | time.
  | The backdrop of when the 12factor app was written is that you
  | can toggle modes like that with RAILS_ENV=test (an environment
  | variable).
  | One way I think of the config section is "does your config
  | strategy play well with containers?" Once you build an image
  | you have a static disk state that doesn't persist changes
  | unless you make a new image. If your config is file based
  | (only), then to toggle between test and production behavior you
  | would have to build a whole new image.
  | By allowing config to change without the underlying disk, it
  | helps to isolate changes. Did the app break because something
  | in the deploy (image generation) broke? Or is it a bad config?
  | If you decouple image generation from configuration changes it
  | eliminates that question.
    | ahtihn wrote:
    | > Once you build an image you have a static disk state that
    | doesn't persist changes unless you make a new image. If your
    | config is file based (only), then to toggle between test and
    | production behavior you would have to build a whole new
    | image.
    | You could mount a volume with the config file. The nice thing
    | is that this lets you change the config at runtime (assuming
    | the app watches for file changes). Env vars cannot be changed
    | at runtime.
  | CraigJPerry wrote:
  | So long as you are systemically protecting against someone
  | spinning up a QA instance against some Prod resource then it's
  | probably alright to ship most config with the app. You don't
  | want to allow a (entirely predictable) human error to cause
  | 100k auth denied retries against a prod job submission queue
  | from QA for example. Much config isn't about infra though, it's
  | often what kind of ResolverStrategy (made up but plausible
  | sounding name) bean do I want to wire in each env for example.
  | sethammons wrote:
  | > application with reasonable defaults
  | defaults for dev or defaults for prod :)
  | If you say dev, you will eventually break prod. And prod
  | defaults may not make _any_ sense for dev.
    | berkes wrote:
    | > And prod defaults may not make _any_ sense for dev
    | They are actually rather dangerous even. You certainly don't
    | want your dev (or test CI) to reset the database if you are
    | accidentally connected to prod. Same for email-endpoints,
    | CDN, a message-bus, etc.
    | I've had my share of near-heart-attacks where I send out 10k
    | emails or thousands of payments _on actual production
    | services_ because of a spagetti config loaders with stuff
    | that boils down to `if (getHostname() ===  "localhost") {
    | include("dev.json") } else { include("prod.json") }`.
    | I'd prefer a hundred .envs and whatnots to avoid just one of
    | these scares.
| porsager wrote:
| Would be nice to have a simple term for all these absolutist
| ideas about how to solve a Problem. I nominate the term "The Holy
| Grail Jail".
| I've actually had great success doing the opposite to most of
| these points.
| dathinab wrote:
| every time I read Twelve-Factor App I'm like who they set up
| twelve factor authentication, that's crazy isn't 2FA enough
| then I remember that it's about something else
| theusus wrote:
| I hate things like these. They just make people architects and
| SEs create forceful indirection that creates nothing but burden.
  | bdcravens wrote:
  | Perhaps in 2023, but in 2011, we were still at the edge of when
  | people would deploy by moving folders and individual files via
  | FTP, hard-coding credentials, and dropping in extracted zip
  | files as a method of dependency management.
  | Of course even then added layers were often considered
  | "burden", but in general, we need some degree of order lest we
  | create an unmanageable mess of index.old.3 and files edited
  | directly on production.
| adolph wrote:
| _The 12 factor app guidelines are still relevant today since many
| software teams are building distributed systems, which require
| careful attention to detail as to how services are coupled,
| configured, and deployed. The 12 factor app is a wonderful
| starting point for best practices. In my experience though they
| omit a few facets and leave room for antipatterns in certain
| facets._
| https://smallbatches.fm/5/transcript
|  _[00:03:52] Joe Kuttner: But today the infrastructure that we
| run on is disposable, right? It 's much more like livestock or
| cattle where we can buy new ones when we need one at market and
| we can dispose of, you know, something's not working. Right. We
| get. Yeah. So it's a very, it's a very different model._
|  _[00:04:07] Joe Kuttner: And that was just emerging when the 12
| factor app was first launched. I think it did a great job of
| helping bring people into that state of mind._
| https://smallbatches.fm/20/transcript
| nopurpose wrote:
| I wish there was a generic control plane for generating and
| shipping config to apps. Kinda what Envoy proxy has, but capable
| of shipping arbitrary schema.
| Many complications of config management will go away then. Every
| app instances knows just its ID, then everything else (region,
| cluster, stage, current experiment, maintenance, anything else)
| is discovered by "configd" service and config suitable for that
| very instance is returned. Not unlike feature flags, but for
| backend services.
| OPA (Open Policy Agent) comes close: it has data sources (so it
| can fetch inventory from cloud providers, kubernetes, any other
| internal system) and Rego language to program config generation,
| but it doesn't have means to notify instances of config updates,
| so they have to resort to polling.
| wly_cdgr wrote:
| "last updated 2017" if you look at the footer
| RyeCombinator wrote:
| Thought we are up to 15 now?
| https://domenicoluciani.com/2021/10/30/15-factor-app.html
| freedomben wrote:
| Over the years I've had a lot of discussions around 12 factor
| apps and encountered a lot of confusion. I find that the
| 12-factor site is great, but mainly for people that already
| understand _why_ those things are important.
| For people that don't already understand the _why_ behind the
| rules, it took more in-depth explanation. For that purpose, I
| made the video:  "What are 12 Factor Apps and Why Should You
| Care?"[1]. I know of a couple of companies that use that for new-
| hire orientation for engineers/devops that have said it's been
| really helpful.
| Regardless where you get the information, it's worth taking an
| hour or two to learn about 12-factor apps. Most of these "rules"
| are just things that take awareness and aren't immediately
| obvious unless you've learned them all the hard way by making the
| mistakes and feeling the pain.
| [1] https://youtu.be/REbM4BDeua0
  | commandlinefan wrote:
  | It's like unit testing. The idea of writing code to test your
  | code was so blindingly obvious to me from the time I started
  | programming that I was shocked that it took so long for other
  | people to pick up on it, but the concept of "unit testing"
  | started to gain some traction around the late 90's and I was
  | relieved that somebody with some authority was advocating it.
  | But the reason I didn't just do it myself before Kent Beck
  | published JUnit was because the code I worked on didn't lend
  | itself well to being controlled by other code. Global variables
  | everywhere, widely distributed state, dependence on external
  | systems and specific file system layouts and general disregard
  | for modularity made it impossible to run anything outside of
  | the context it was designed in. All of this was "bad design",
  | but it met deadlines, so everybody did it anyway. I was
  | _hoping_ that if unit testing gained some traction, programmers
  | would get away from monolithic design.
  | After 25 years of observing unit tests for getters and setters
  | and then one big unit test that creates an in-memory database
  | because every function in the app needs a live database just to
  | run and then gets commented out because it fails, I've lost any
  | faith that unit testing will ever be more than a meaningless
  | checkmark that everybody fills out because it's a "best
  | practice" but nobody actually stops to think why.
    | berkes wrote:
    | I'd like to believe that "everybody" and "nobody" in your
    | story aren't as black-and-white.
    | Many people see the value of unit testing. And see how TDD
    | actually shapes your code to be testable and (accidentally,
    | well, not really) therefore also cleaner and better
    | organized.
    | I've always said, and will continue to do so: good,
    | maintainable code, is accidentally also very well testable
    | code. And vice-versa. And it's not a real accident, if you
    | think about it.
    | freedomben wrote:
    | I've seen similar as well. Aggressive scrum has also made
    | this much worse by laying all the incentives at "ship now and
    | let the poor sap later who has to work this figure it out. I
    | got my 'story points' and shipped so I won't be under the
    | metrics microscope." Having a general requirement of "each
    | code change should have tests in order to pass code review"
    | can definitely help, but it doesn't incentivize _good_ tests,
    | and IMHO the only thing worse than no tests are bad tests.
| throwaway4good wrote:
| Holds up well 12 years later.
| lakomen wrote:
| Not this again. Let the horse die already
  | commandlinefan wrote:
  | This horse or any other horse. I read this and I think "this is
  | good advice, we should follow it." You read it and you think
  | "this is good advice, we should follow it." And then we both
  | do, but our interpretations conflict completely so we end up
  | arguing about the true definition of "implicit existence of
  | system-wide packages".
| robbywashere_ wrote:
| Fun to compare this to with how insane deployments are now
| featuring kubernetes manifests which only big brains can
| understand
  | mplewis wrote:
  | What part of the Kubernetes manifest do you think makes
  | deployments insane?
    | xdennis wrote:
    | Not GP, but here's an example I've seen. Kubernetes files are
    | generated by Jsonnet. It is invoked from makefiles. Makefiles
    | are spread across different git modules. The scripts require
    | various Go binaries. Most are installed through a command,
    | some have to be installed manually. If the version is wrong,
    | mysterious errors happen.
    | I once had a problem with the generated files so I deleted
    | the generated directory and regenerated everything. Turns out
    | you can't do that. The generated files are edited, and if you
    | generate from scratch you've wiped out the manual edits.
    | Note that I'm not criticizing Kubernetes here. But when you
    | have a non-simple system with some missing aspects, some
    | people take the opportunity to make it even more complex.
| pizzaknife wrote:
| makefile cackles as it observes the exchange
| dang wrote:
| Related:
|  _Ask HN: Is 12factor.net Still Relevant?_ -
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36283702 - June 2023 (6
| comments)
|  _12 Factor App Revisited_ -
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33164407 - Oct 2022 (7
| comments)
|  _Twelve-factor app anno 2022_ -
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31225921 - May 2022 (35
| comments)
|  _The Twelve-Factor App (2011)_ -
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31198956 - April 2022 (102
| comments)
|  _Twelve-factor app development on Google Cloud_ -
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21415488 - Nov 2019 (63
| comments)
|  _The Twelve-Factor App_ -
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19947507 - May 2019 (3
| comments)
|  _12 Factor CLI Apps_ -
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18172689 - Oct 2018 (247
| comments)
|  _12 factor app configuration vs. leaking environment variables
| (2014)_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15869436 - Dec
| 2017 (2 comments)
|  _Ask HN: Alternative to Heroku that doesn 't enforce 12-factor_
| - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10628961 - Nov 2015 (1
| comment)
|  _The Twelve-Factor App_ -
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10288216 - Sept 2015 (3
| comments)
|  _The Twelve-Factor App_ -
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9492120 - May 2015 (2
| comments)
|  _Twelve-Factor Applications with Consul_ -
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7780249 - May 2014 (2
| comments)
|  _The Twelve-Factor App_ -
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7547687 - April 2014 (1
| comment)
|  _Building Twelve Factor Apps on Heroku_ -
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6219444 - Aug 2013 (1
| comment)
|  _12 Factor model for architecting SaaS applications_ -
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6060381 - July 2013 (1
| comment)
|  _The Twelve-Factor App_ -
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5979452 - July 2013 (1
| comment)
|  _12factor: Methodology for Building Software-as-a-Service Apps_
| - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4027026 - May 2012 (1
| comment)
|  _Twelve Factors of Web Application Development_ -
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3267187 - Nov 2011 (37
| comments)
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