[HN Gopher] Archive (2023-09-13) - Page 1 ___________________________________________________________________ | |
Hutter Prize for compressing human knowledge | |
45 points by kelseyfrog (28 comments) | |
Bug in macOS 14 Sonoma prevents our app from working | |
498 points by eptcyka (116 comments) | |
Don't mess with a genius (2010) | |
86 points by wglb (18 comments) | |
A DIY near-IR spectrometer | |
261 points by johnmaguire (45 comments) | |
Show HN: Kr8s - a Python client library for Kubernetes | |
50 points by jacobtomlinson (34 comments) | |
Show HN: Lantern - a PostgreSQL vector database for building AI ... | |
103 points by ngalstyan4 (33 comments) | |
Category Theory Illustrated - Sets | |
121 points by boris_m (48 comments) | |
When MFA isn't MFA, or how we got phished | |
144 points by dvdhsu (121 comments) | |
Bitty Engine: An itty bitty game engine | |
152 points by user8501 (36 comments) | |
Greatest "Classic" Mac Laptop: Powerbook G3 Pismo (2021) | |
69 points by zrules (45 comments) | |
Why Fennel? | |
154 points by hk__2 (64 comments) | |
The stack monoid revisited | |
32 points by rvrs (1 comments) | |
Skip the API, ship your database | |
21 points by danielskogly (0 comments) | |
Stable Audio: Fast Timing-Conditioned Latent Audio Diffusion | |
313 points by JonathanFly (171 comments) | |
Lawrence Wright on Larry McMurtry | |
11 points by samclemens (1 comments) | |
An aroma picker for the Le Nez du Vin game | |
14 points by rcarmo (3 comments) | |
BOOLR - A digital logic simulator | |
23 points by cjdrake (5 comments) | |
SigNoz (YC W21), open-source Datadog, is hiring product designer... | |
1 points (job listing) | |
Deforestation in the Amazon rainforest continues to decline | |
46 points by PaulHoule (19 comments) | |
Control USB power on a port by port basis on some USB hubs | |
22 points by codazoda (11 comments) | |
Go to the next page | |
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