[HN Gopher] A tutorial quantum interpreter in 150 lines of Lisp
A tutorial quantum interpreter in 150 lines of Lisp
Author : varjag
Score  : 167 points
Date   : 2023-07-16 16:41 UTC (6 hours ago)
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| adamnemecek wrote:
| Recently, I have been working on some things that sometimes
| overlap with quantum computation and I have realized that the way
| all the quantum languages approach this wrong. If you are
| programming explicitly with CNOT gates, you are doing it wrong. A
| Python programmer doesn't care about logical gates, and neither
| should a quantum programmer. To that end, I'm convinced that the
| interplay between coinduction and induction, or coalgebra and
| algebra is the way forward.
  | archgoon wrote:
  | [dead]
  | reikonomusha wrote:
  | This very well may be true, in the same sense that a Python
  | programmer doesn't (usually) care about assembly language. But
  | at their lowest levels, quantum computers _are_ executing a
  | sequence of gates, and much of the work and sophistication of a
  | quantum compiler is to optimize said sequences for rapid and
  | accurate execution. So while gate sequences may not be the end-
  | game to the programmers of tomorrow, they 're undoubtedly a
  | necessary component in any software stack.
    | adamnemecek wrote:
    | I never said that they weren't. It's just that most
    | programming language don't deal with gates as a part of their
    | API.
      | taeric wrote:
      | This is true, but at that point, the goal would be to have
      | a higher level language above the quantum gates. And at
      | that point, I'd guess the code is less educational?
      | That is, at the end of the day, something like Shor's
      | algorithm can be reduced to some math constructs we roughly
      | know. The speedup comes from these only being efficient
      | using quantum gates. Implementing the code using abstract
      | quantum gates isn't to try and compete, but to try and
      | understand the gates and how they work at a logical level.
      | This is like learning how boolean gates work to understand
      | some ideas of how computers work. The only people that
      | really think in many of those terms are the CPU designers.
      | Teaching the next round of the designers does so by working
      | with boolean models to get there.
      | And you are correct that we may have other quantum
      | constructs someday. Just like much of what goes into a CPU
      | isn't strictly OR/AND/etc. With the way gates are wired, it
      | can be confusing to folks as the input signal can also be
      | seen as destroyed in the circuit, but a deterministic
      | signal is captured on the other side.
      | Now, the above is all from my weak intuition here. I would
      | not be shocked to find I'm wrong on parts.
  | miguelmurca wrote:
  | Maybe not your point, but a lot of programmers like to take
  | this as "I should invent the Python of quantum computing",
  | which is just about as silly as trying to approach anyone in
  | 1960 and telling them they shouldn't be thinking about
  | electronics at all.
  | 082349872349872 wrote:
  | > _the interplay between ... coalgebra and algebra_
  | If you have not already seen it, you may be interested in
  | Squiggol (to get an idea of its age, it probably had some
  | indirect influence upon Python)
  | cf Charity:
  | https://prism.ucalgary.ca/server/api/core/bitstreams/756b50a...
| robbywashere_ wrote:
| "Thanks for interviewing with us today at xyz... please click on
| that link I just sent you in the chat. Today we will be doing a
| little quantum coding question. Try to speak out loud so I know
| what your thinking and your thought process."
| adamisntdead wrote:
| I wrote something similar a couple of years ago -
| https://github.com/adamisntdead/QuSimPy
| Happy to answer any questions people have, including on other
| simulation methods other than state vector!
  | reikonomusha wrote:
  | One of the aspects emphasized in TFA is being able to simulate
  | gates of any dimension/number of qubits (like a 3-qubit Toffoli
  | or a 5-qubit Molmer-Sorensen), instead of just 1- and 2-qubit
  | gates. Have you thought about extending your simulator to
  | support gates of greater than two qubits?
    | adamisntdead wrote:
    | I guess back when I wrote it I didn't see the need given that
    | single qubit gates along with CNOT are universal and they're
    | implemented. I think airing on the side of 'as few features
    | as is educational' was my mentality on this.
| jramirezpr wrote:
| On the X gate, the more relevant identity regarding X being its
| own inverse is X*X=I, the other one is true for all invertible
| matrices
| frankdejonge wrote:
| You had me until Lisp.
| eggy wrote:
| I'm deciding between Common Lisp and Mojo, so maybe I will try to
| implement this in Mojo and compare. Anybody have any thoughts on
| this, since I am a mediocre Lisper and a beginning Mojo person. I
| am familiar with Numpy and I also program in APL and J.
| mighmi wrote:
| Any recommendations on a textbook to understand this kind of
| math?
  | prezjordan wrote:
  | Might be of use! https://quantum.country/
    | reikonomusha wrote:
    | One of the authors, Michael Nielson, also wrote the "bible"
    | of quantum computing, as referenced in a sibling comment. The
    | remains one of the most popular and cited introductory texts
    | to the subject, though today there are many more options on
    | the market.
  | hackandthink wrote:
  | Ronald de Wolf: Quantum Computing: Lecture Notes
  | Ronald de Wolf:
  | https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.09415
  | David Bacon:
  | https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse599d/06wi/
  | Scott Aaronson:
  | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_Computing_Since_Democr...
  | abdullahkhalids wrote:
  | Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Nielson and
  | Chuang is the standard textbook for quantum computing. It has
  | excellent background chapters on linear algebra and quantum
  | mechanics, that will get you a lot of mileage.
  | Another book that I would recommend is Introduction to
  | Classical and Quantum Computing by Thomas Wong. It's recent and
  | has lots of examples, including lots of code, to show how to
  | work with the math.
  | jksk61 wrote:
  | maybe not of your interest, but if one is more from a ML
  | background, there's this nice book/overview by Maria Schuld and
  | Francesco Petruccione, called Machine Learning with Quantum
  | Computers, which is mostly regarding variational algorithm and
  | quantum kernel machine. However, the best intro material is the
  | one by Nielsen and Chuang.
  | Moreover, if you feel more comfortable by running examples
  | there are qiskit, pennylane and other libraries which shares a
  | lot of tutorials and notebook (and some can be run on a true
  | quantum computer if you have the money or the time to wait in
  | queue!)
| Strilanc wrote:
| The hardest part of implementing a quantum state vector
| simulation is understanding how the tensor product expands an
| n-qubit gate to apply to an m-qubit system. (A third of the
| linked post is dedicated to it; appropriately.)
| If you use a language or framework that's based on tensors to
| start with, things can be quite succinct (though you still need
| to understand the concepts). For example, in numpy, if you store
| the state vector in an array of shape (2,) * num_qubits, you can
| apply gates as one-liners using np.einsum:
| import numpy as np              # Init 4-qubit system with all
| amplitude in the 0000 state.         state = np.zeros(shape=(2,)
| * 4, dtype=np.complex64)         state[(0,) * 4] = 1
| # Unitary matrix of Hadamard gate         H = np.array([[1, 1],
| [1, -1]], dtype=np.complex64) / 2**0.5              # Apply
| Hadamard gate to third qubit of four qubit system.         state
| = np.einsum('XY,abXd->abYd', H, state)
| Here's a post explaining what np.einsum does:
| https://obilaniu6266h16.wordpress.com/2016/02/04/einstein-su... .
| In the above einsum string 'XY,abXd->abYd' the 'XY' part is
| naming the input and output axes of the Hadamard matrix, and the
| 'abXd->abYd' part is saying to multiply the matrix into the third
| axis of the state tensor. The notation is pretty general, able to
| permute and repeat axes in order to express things like traces
| and transposes and dot products and etc.
  | reikonomusha wrote:
  | "einsum" in Lisp [1]. It uses S-expressions instead of strings,
  | and compiles to native loops.
  | [1] https://github.com/quil-lang/magicl/blob/master/src/high-
  | lev...
    | lionsdan wrote:
    | (Link didn't work for me)
    | https://github.com/quil-lang/magicl/blob/master/src/high-
    | lev...
  | jxf wrote:
  | > The hardest part of implementing a quantum state vector
  | simulation is understanding how the tensor product expands an
  | n-qubit gate to apply to an m-qubit system. (A third of the
  | linked post is dedicated to it; appropriately.)
  | This feels like it could be the "git gets easier once you
  | understand branches are homeomorphic endofunctors mapping
  | submanifolds of a Hilbert space" of physics.
(page generated 2023-07-16 23:00 UTC)