[HN Gopher] Archive (2023-05-13) - Page 2 ___________________________________________________________________ | |
Recreating the sounds of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop | |
35 points by lobbly (4 comments) | |
How we hack Hacker News and consistently hit the front page | |
115 points by muchtest (50 comments) | |
TikTok Feeds Teens a Diet of Darkness | |
87 points by Jimmc414 (80 comments) | |
Revolut CFO quits after auditor BDO warning | |
74 points by haasted (32 comments) | |
1980 Terminal with Linux - TeleVideo 950 | |
48 points by ecliptik (17 comments) | |
Google Launches AI Supercomputer Powered by Nvidia H100 GPUs | |
156 points by jonbaer (138 comments) | |
Rails Cheat Sheet | |
199 points by joemasilotti (102 comments) | |
Laudspeaker hiring engineer to build open source customer journe... | |
1 points (job listing) | |
Julia 1.9.0 lives up to its promise | |
82 points by leephillips (53 comments) | |
Asus UK PR believes it is 'legal to buy positive reviews' | |
203 points by dangle1 (105 comments) | |
Who Were 'The Celts' and How Did They (Some of Them) Fight? | |
66 points by gostsamo (24 comments) | |
Ocean Temperature | |
78 points by luu (48 comments) | |
Fake scientific papers are alarmingly common | |
155 points by tyjen (90 comments) | |
New TLDs: Not Bad | |
88 points by NavinF (93 comments) | |
Caproni Ca.60 | |
36 points by apollinaire (6 comments) | |
Microsoft will take nearly a year to finish patching new 0-day S... | |
66 points by LinuxBender (26 comments) | |
IBM sued for age discrimination by former global software director | |
185 points by belter (131 comments) | |
Attention Viz | |
53 points by djoldman (12 comments) | |
First Came the Sports Betting Boom. Now Comes the Backlash | |
6 points by mikhael (0 comments) | |
Committing changes to a 130GB Git repository without full checko... | |
16 points by eliomattia (10 comments) | |
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