[HN Gopher] Archive (2023-05-13) - Page 2
Recreating the sounds of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop
35 points by lobbly (4 comments)
How we hack Hacker News and consistently hit the front page
115 points by muchtest (50 comments)
TikTok Feeds Teens a Diet of Darkness
87 points by Jimmc414 (80 comments)
Revolut CFO quits after auditor BDO warning
74 points by haasted (32 comments)
1980 Terminal with Linux - TeleVideo 950
48 points by ecliptik (17 comments)
Google Launches AI Supercomputer Powered by Nvidia H100 GPUs
156 points by jonbaer (138 comments)
Rails Cheat Sheet
199 points by joemasilotti (102 comments)
Laudspeaker hiring engineer to build open source customer journe...
1 points (job listing)
Julia 1.9.0 lives up to its promise
82 points by leephillips (53 comments)
Asus UK PR believes it is 'legal to buy positive reviews'
203 points by dangle1 (105 comments)
Who Were 'The Celts' and How Did They (Some of Them) Fight?
66 points by gostsamo (24 comments)
Ocean Temperature
78 points by luu (48 comments)
Fake scientific papers are alarmingly common
155 points by tyjen (90 comments)
New TLDs: Not Bad
88 points by NavinF (93 comments)
Caproni Ca.60
36 points by apollinaire (6 comments)
Microsoft will take nearly a year to finish patching new 0-day S...
66 points by LinuxBender (26 comments)
IBM sued for age discrimination by former global software director
185 points by belter (131 comments)
Attention Viz
53 points by djoldman (12 comments)
First Came the Sports Betting Boom. Now Comes the Backlash
6 points by mikhael (0 comments)
Committing changes to a 130GB Git repository without full checko...
16 points by eliomattia (10 comments)
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(page generated 2023-05-13 23:01 UTC)