[HN Gopher] Whatever you do, don't autoload Rails `lib/`
Whatever you do, don't autoload Rails `lib/`
Author : todsacerdoti
Score  : 28 points
Date   : 2023-05-05 06:58 UTC (1 days ago)
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| p-o wrote:
| At my current place of work, we have this strategy and I think
| it's a mistake. app/lib is just another way of writing
| app/service. It becomes, over time, a chaotic place where
| everything goes. If it doesn't fit for _any_ reason, app/lib
| becomes the place where those files live.
| The benefit of lib/ is clearer in my opinion. Files that live
| there are only explicitly loaded. Some might be loaded in
| development, some in production, some in test. The conversation
| about the structure becomes more important because you need to
| think about what is going to consume your class.
| But I think we could take this a step further and instead replace
| lib/ with engines/. This way, you can create multiple Rails
| engines that will have their own paradigm and environments'
| handling.
| Every Rails application I got to work on had a lib/ (or
| app/service) that could have been grouped in a few different
| engines/. The benefit of using those kind of engines is that
| conversation about architecture, pros/cons get more defined. At
| least that's been my experience.
  | LesZedCB wrote:
  | services are IMO the biggest misfire of an attempted rails
  | convention. "service" is completely domain agnostic and because
  | there's no standard API like there is for controllers or model,
  | the "service" API ranges from `MyService.call` to
  | `MyService.new.call` `MyService.do_thing` etc etc.
  | service became the junk drawer of junk drawers even worse than
  | lib because people at least 'believe' there is supposed to be a
  | convention when there isn't. at least you know lib is kinda
  | wild west.
  | rails has failed to channel applications into domain logic once
  | it scales past start-up rapid development to a huge team of ICs
| jack_riminton wrote:
| Tbh I'm getting tired of these "you must never do x" or "you've
| been doing y wrong" articles, they're always such overblown
| statements for mostly trivial things
  | btown wrote:
  | While this is generally true, systems like Rails have so much
  | magic going on that "best practices" are actually closer to
  | being part of a specification. Whether that's noteworthy enough
  | for a dedicated post, and why it can't just be part of Rails
  | documentation, is a separate question - but there's nothing
  | trivial about this kind of advice.
| nightpool wrote:
| Why do people keep spelling it "Mastadon"? It's such a strange
| spelling to me, it's not how it's pronounced and it doesn't
| really make any sense to me (unlike some mispellings where the
| "wrong" spelling clearly makes more sense then the actual
| spelling). But this is just a bog-standard greek root, right up
| there with masticate and smilodon and all the other -odon
| prehistoric animals of the world. is there some kind of
| connection here i'm missing? It's so common that I feel like
| there must be some kind of underlying logic driving it
  | kjeetgill wrote:
  | Some people just actually pronounce it as Mastadon over
  | Mastodon.
  | capableweb wrote:
  | I think there is a lot of topics one might discuss online that
  | you don't talk with others AFK with, and then the connection
  | between spelling<>pronunciation never gets cemented.
  | I see the same thing all the time with Etherium/Ethereum as
  | well for example.
  | I had the same problem when NGINX first came out. It wasn't
  | until maybe a year later after starting to use it that I
  | actually talked with another person AFK about NGINX, and they
  | said "engine-x" which I had never heard of.
  | [deleted]
  | BugsJustFindMe wrote:
  | The sounds are not as different as you believe they are. It's
  | the same reason people write Tobasco.
  | tdeck wrote:
  | > I's not how it's pronounced
  | I pronounce it rougly /maest@dan/ and I imagine many other
  | people do as well. That sounds is closer to "a" than "o".
  | a1369209993 wrote:
  | Probably because they're parsing it as masta+don rather than
  | mast+odon, and word-final schwa[0] is written with a "a".
  | Compare eg "arenadon", "pastadon", or other somethinga+"don"
  | psuedo-portmanteaus.
  | 0: I assume they don't pronounce it as mas-TO-don, since that
  | would be a rather bizzare stress pattern, so the "o" generally
  | gets weakened to a schwa as is typical for unstressed vowels.
| [deleted]
| viraptor wrote:
| I'm not sure the article really explains why. If one of the
| solutions is to just move lib to app/lib where it's autoloaded -
| what's the actual issue with autoloading lib?
| nico wrote:
| What's the difference between lib and app/lib if they both
| autoload or both don't?
| Or is the solution to just put everything in a folder that always
| get autoloaded?
| Wouldn't that be the same as autoloading lib?
  | wkdneidbwf wrote:
  | if they both did or didn't autoload there would be no practical
  | difference.
  | but by default every dir under `app/` autoloads, and `lib/`
  | does not.
  | so using app/lib is really just a reasonable solution for not
  | breaking the existing defaults and conventions.
  | jrochkind1 wrote:
  | The issue OP has run into, if I understand it, is that there
  | are some things that _can 't_ autoload and work properly, and
  | when you configure lib/ with a non-default configuration to
  | autoload, there's no place for these things, as lib/ is
  | ordinarily just about the only place in a Rails app that is on
  | the load path but doesn't autoload.
  | No idea what about HN algorithm made this wind up on the front
  | page! It's not an _especially_ interesting post, I agree.
  | Perhaps just a testament to the in fact continued interest in
  | Rails?
| benatkin wrote:
| If you miss Rails but are slinging JavaScript these days there's
| Nuxt 3. It autoloads all the things.
| rco8786 wrote:
| Ehhh I've autoloaded lib for like 10 years and never experienced
| any of the problems the author says that arise from doing so.
  | buf wrote:
  | Yep - me too. Don't know what the author's on about.
(page generated 2023-05-06 23:00 UTC)