[HN Gopher] The weird world of Windows file paths
The weird world of Windows file paths
Author : sharevari
Score  : 287 points
Date   : 2023-04-21 14:47 UTC (8 hours ago)
web link (www.fileside.app)
w3m dump (www.fileside.app)
| naikrovek wrote:
| eh some of these are slightly wrong but yeah it's weird.
| MSDOS included some compatibility for CP\M and everything since
| has maintained compatibility with the version prior, except for a
| few exceptions.
| so even today we have compatibility built into Windows for things
| that don't exist anymore in any real capacity.
| Microsoft is very serious about backwards compatibility.
  | pjmlp wrote:
  | Old Microsoft was very serious, young blood Microsoft not so
  | much.
    | naikrovek wrote:
    | I am not sure where you are coming from with that comment.
    | Microsoft hasn't broken backwards compatibility on anything
    | that I'm aware of in some time.
      | pjmlp wrote:
      | .NET Framework to .NET Core transition, Xamarin.Forms to
      | MAUI, XNA, the multiple rewrites on the WinRT platform
      | since Windows 8, Windows 8 to 10 users pace drivers
      | framework, .NET Native, C++/CX, Win2D, WinRT for XBox
      | replaced by WinGDK, .NET Sharepoint Framework via a
      | JavaScript one,
| fisian wrote:
| > Disallowed characters
| > < > " / \ | ? * Never allowed
| A friend once somehow crated a file called .
| I don't know how, but he also couldn't delete or do anything with
| it.
  | kps wrote:
  | They should have fixed that when they went to long file names.
  | It's ridiculous that you can't name a file with its contents'
  | actual title. Random example:
  | http://doi.org/10.1145/327070.327153
| dark-star wrote:
| So many things wrong with this article. Some things that I
| noticed by skimming over it:
| > UNC paths can also be used to access local drives in a similar
| way:
| > \\\\C$\Users\Alan Wilder
| > UNC paths have a peculiar way of indicating the drive letter,
| we must use $ instead of :.
| This is actually incorrect... He's actually accessing some random
| share that has no real connection to a drive. Yes, sometimes
| (quite often), the C$ share corresponds to the C: drive's root,
| but this is by no means given, as one can easily either delete
| the C$ share, or have it pointing to somewhere else entirely
| > When the current directory is accessed via a UNC path, a
| current drive-relative path is interpreted relative to the
| current root share, say \\\Earth\Asia.
| This is also wrong. There is no "current directory" on an UNC
| share (which can easily be shown by trying to open a command
| prompt on a UNC share, it will show an error and start you
| somewhere on C:\users), and the example he gives just tries to
| access the share "Asia" on the server "Earth"
| > Less commonly used, paths specifying a drive without a
| backslash, e.g. E:Kreuzberg, are interpreted relative to the
| current directory of that drive. This really only makes sense in
| the context of the command line shell, which keeps track of a
| current working directory for each drive.
| Also wrong, it's not the command line shell that keeps track of
| the current directories, it's the Windows kernel itself. But I
| agree that such a scenario is quite useless as you can never be
| quite sure on what CWD you are on a given drive
| > For the most part, : is also banned. However, there is an
| exotic exception in the form of NTFS alternate data streams.
| Yeah, well, surprise: the ":" is not part of the file name, it's
| just a separator between filename and stream name. This is like
| saying that "you cannot have \ characters in a file name, but in
| directory names it is allowed". No, it's not. It's a separator
  | ChrisSD wrote:
  | > There is no "current directory" on an UNC share
  | SetCurrentDirectory allows setting the current directory to a
  | UNC share. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-
  | us/windows/win32/api/winbase/...
  | > Also wrong, it's not the command line shell that keeps track
  | of the current directories, it's the Windows kernel itself. But
  | I agree that such a scenario is quite useless as you can never
  | be quite sure on what CWD you are on a given drive
  | Not for a long time. It's set as a special (hidden) environment
  | variable like `=C:=C:\current\directory`.
  | https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20100506-00/?p=14...
    | muststopmyths wrote:
    | >SetCurrentDirectory allows setting the current directory to
    | a UNC share.
    | Exactly. The cmd prompt not setting UNC paths as current
    | directory was introduced around Windows 2000 (or maybe post-
    | XP, it's been a while) to help legacy batch files being run
    | from a share and then getting confused by being on a UNC path
    | instead of one beginning with a drive letter.
    | This was also why, when you do a pushd \\\server\share
    | cmd.exe puts you on a mapped drive instead of directly on a
    | UNC path.
    | If you use the Windows native version of tcsh, for example,
    | you can happily use UNC paths as current directories and run
    | commands (provided they don't try to parse drive letters from
    | their CWD)
| tpmx wrote:
| This got me to try out out the Fileside app (an Explorer/Finder
| alternative) from the blog post author. It's available for
| Windows and Mac.
| I think this is an interesting space with room for innovation.
| Fileside starts out with a grid of four directories: Home,
| Documents, Desktop and Downloads. You can customize and name new
| grid layouts that are shown in a sidebar for quick switching.
| This seems like a neat idea for specific recurring manual
| workflows.
| It's doesn't seem to be targetted to the minimalist crowd.
| Directory entries beginning with a dot are visible (but greyed
| out). Full Unix-style permissions are shown for each entry, etc.
| It looks like it's Electron-based and implemented in a javascript
| SPA framework. It doesn't use the default system font (SF Pro) on
| Mac. A bunch of other things also don't look or behave as you
| expect.
| The font weight in the size column maps to each file's relative
| size. All the way from very thin to very bold. Kind of cute.
| The path completion seems pretty good - as could be guessed from
| the blog post.
| I think this app sometimes confuses power with details/verbosity.
| There are some gold nuggets in there though.
| ChrisSD wrote:
| I think what's missing from this discussion is an emphasis on how
| layered Windows paths are.
| The Win32 paths are like an emulation layer. They parse the given
| path and produce a kernel path. Win32 implements all the weird
| history you know and love as well as things like `.` and `..`.
| You can use the `\\\?\\` prefix to escape this parsing and pass
| paths to the kernel.
| The NT kernel has paths like
| `\Device\HarddiskVolume2\path\to\file`. NT paths are much
| simpler. There are no restrictions on paths except that they
| can't contain empty components (notably they can contain nul). At
| this layer, `.` and `..` are legit filenames.
| However, it's the filesystem driver ultimately says what's a
| valid filename and what isn't.
| janvdberg wrote:
| These path shenanigans get even trickier when invoking WSL or
| Cygwin.
| Here's an alias from my Cygwin .bashrc (which took me way too
| long to figure out) where both the *nix and Windows style paths
| are invoked:
| alias ms='/cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/OpenSSH/ssh.exe -A -i
| 'C:\Users\me\\.ssh\mm-id_rsa' me@myserver'
  | Calzifer wrote:
  | Or MSYS2. Other tricky variants is using Windows commands
  | (which typically use '/' as option marker), e.g.
  | $  tasklist /V       ERROR: argument/option invalid -
  | "C:/msys64/V"
  | or the time I wanted to use xmlstarlet and any xpath expression
  | was interpreted as Windows path :(
  | At least for MSYS2 the environment variable MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXC
  | can be used to prevent conversion.
  | https://www.msys2.org/docs/filesystem-paths/#process-argumen...
  | mynameisvlad wrote:
  | I believe it's because it's executing a Windows program
  | (ssh.exe) located in Cygwin's mount for your C: drive and that
  | program therefore expects Windows-style paths.
    | janvdberg wrote:
    | I know now :)
| throwaway09223 wrote:
| The bit about allowing / as a path separator is one of my
| favorite bits of DOS/Windows trivia. As a unix guy it's fun to
| give a windows person a path with the slashes wrong like
| "z:/foo/bar", being corrected for a unix-ism, then having it
| actually work!
| In practice I think the biggest problem with using forward
| slashes on Windows is confusing programs which expect "/" to
| indicate program switches. The non-uniformity of shell parsing is
| also a big unix/win design difference.
  | naikrovek wrote:
  | yeah almost no one knows that forward slashes have been
  | acceptable as path separators since (I wanna say) Win95.
  | perhaps MSDOS.
    | layer8 wrote:
    | It doesn't work everywhere. For example tab completion in
    | cmd.exe doesn't work for a path containing forward slashes
    | (even when quoted), because forward slash is the prefix
    | character for command-line options.
      | naikrovek wrote:
      | right but that's a cmd.exe thing, not a Windows thing.
      | Windows supports it, CMD doesn't. programs that you run
      | from a CMD prompt support other options flag syntaxes, so
      | it's just a cmd.exe feature.
      | CMD.exe is its own thing with its own backwards
      | compatibility requirements and the case could be made that
      | cmd.exe is "Windows" as much as anything else is, so I get
      | it.
    | chungy wrote:
    | Since MS-DOS 2.0.
    | throwaway09223 wrote:
    | It actually predates MSDOS, and I believe dates back to PCDOS
    | 2 when support for directories was first added.
    | zwieback wrote:
    | I'd qualify that as "almost no non-programmers know". Forward
    | slashes are so useful in languages that use \ as an escape
    | sequence that most programmers do know this.
  | ambicapter wrote:
  | Can you mix the two in one filepath though? '/' and '\\\'?
    | levidos wrote:
    | Depends on the interpreter, batch and PowerShell accepts
    | both.
    | [deleted]
    | layer8 wrote:
    | Yes. You can even write stuff like "cd foo/\bar\/baz".
| usrusr wrote:
| It's not really a new version of Windows if it does not introduce
| a new variation of universal path addressing to end all
| variations of universal path addressing.
| usefulcat wrote:
| > That's what sticking to a policy of total backwards
| compatibility for several decades gets you!
| Kind of? Surely unix file path conventions are of a similar age
| (if not older), yet somehow they seem to exhibit much less
| weirdness..
| NelsonMinar wrote:
| Add \\\wsl$ to the list of "weird paths". This one fits in the
| general schema the article is about but has the special meaning
| of "your files in the Linux VM hiding in the Windows box" (aka
| WSL). It's running as a Plan9 network filesystem.
  | jeroenhd wrote:
  | Is it a weird path? It's just a simulated computer with
  | hostname wsl$. It looks like this is just a network share
  | server running on the loopback interface. Similarly,
  | \\\wsl.localhost\ will also show you your WSL files. The dollar
  | sign has some weird special meaning to the Windows security
  | system (trusted account, local computer, etc., in AD it's
  | related to this mess:
  | https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/core-
  | infrastructure-a...) but it's essentially just a standard
  | Windows UNC paths.
| helloooooooo wrote:
| This is a better explainer:
| https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2016/02/the-definitiv...
| sim7c00 wrote:
| you can create files and folders with illegal names like '.' or
| '..' with python. comedy ensues if you try to recursively go into
| . directory and explorer crashesh -_- . despite windows having
| rules, appearently not everything needs to play by it despite
| giving these expectations
| cryptonector wrote:
| > Say you, for whatever incomprehensible reason, need to access a
| file named .., which would normally be resolved to the parent
| directory during normalisation, you can do so via a literal
| device path.
| Oh no. No. Windows allows files to be named `..`?!
  | Karellen wrote:
  | > Windows allows files to be named `..`?!
  | Maybe not?
  | Under unix, if you create a symlink to a directory, e.g.
  | `~/syslogs` is a symlink to `/var/log`, then `..` can be used
  | to traverse the "true" parent directory. So `~/syslogs/../lib`
  | will traverse `/var/log/..` and refer to `/var/lib`, not to
  | `~/lib`.
  | However, a "normalising" path interpreter will just take
  | something like `~/syslogs/../lib` and change it to `~/lib`
  | without consulting the filesystem.
  | Given that (AIUI) Windows has supported symlinks for a while
  | now (?), it's possible that files called `..` aren't actually
  | allowed, but the ability to access `..` is still necessary.
  | (Notably, the article does point out that filenames ending in
  | `.` are disallowed - which should exclude `..` as a name one
  | can give a file.)
  | rxtdc wrote:
  | Preferring a minimal look (and being immature) my desktop
  | shortcuts for "This PC" and "Recycle Bin" have been renamed
  | with two of the many invisible characters that windows allows.
  | I also routinely use single extended unicode characters as root
  | folder names and identifiers for various purposes.
  | Using a search programme 'Everything", it's a lot easier to
  | find things if I use something like pilcrow symbol as the root
  | folder for any directory dedicated to text documents, when the
  | alternative is to wade through results for 'documents', 'text',
  | 'reading' or any combination of those words.
  | For the same reason, I find I can make much more memorable
  | associations. It helps me harness things relationally. I can
  | preserve uncertainty and avoid the frustration and negativity
  | of trying to make shades of grey and rose fit black and white
  | patterns. It does sound a bit new age, but there's no doubt in
  | my mind, flat heirachical alphanumeric patterns are
  | restrictive, prescriptive, insufficient. For example, a lot of
  | artists actively work to defy pidgeon holing. I still need
  | identifiers.
  | I mean, even if I wasn't into 'bleeding edge' culture,
  | restrictions, problems and frustrations are the normal
  | experience. I think this is illustrated by the unsatisfactory
  | experiences that people find when they try to make id3 tagging
  | "work".
  | It's as close as I can get to banishing the pervasive 'what-if'
  | heartbreak of WinFS being cancelled. Sadly it doesn't help at
  | all make up for what 'Semantic Web' promised. But that's
  | probably why I'm a believer in GPT and the like.
  | Is it just me that can't help thinking they are products that
  | have arisen from the need to make non-semantic computing useful
  | again?
  | jaclaz wrote:
  | There are even more "strange" cases, JFYI:
  | https://msfn.org/board/topic/131103-win_nt~bt-can-be-omitted...
  | Jap2-0 wrote:
  | I can't find a way to create one - so if Windows allows that,
  | it's begrudgingly at best.
  | You can put `..` earlier in the file name, though.
  | jagged-chisel wrote:
  | Seems like that violates the "can't end in a period" rule
    | chungy wrote:
    | Just using Cygwin will show that file names can indeed end in
    | periods (and spaces). The article is very much restraining
    | itself to the standard limitations imposed by the Win32 API,
    | but not what the operating system actually allows. Case
    | sensitivity has always been a thing, since Windows NT 3.1,
    | for example; the "forbidden" characters are not so forbidden
    | with the right file access APIs.
  | ChrisSD wrote:
  | Yes you can create files named `.` and `..`. However, any
  | sensible filesystem driver will reject that name (spoiler:
  | there does exist drivers that aren't sensible).
    | [deleted]
  | garaetjjte wrote:
  | Maybe? https://i.imgur.com/ebo4Nd8.png
  | But seriously: no, at least not on NTFS. This filename does
  | have trailing space. Though it is enough to defeat Explorer,
  | you cannot move or delete it and properties window is broken.
| Calzifer wrote:
| One thing that make Windows paths wired is that Windows API, NTFS
| and most Windows tools have different restrictions on file paths.
| NTFS would accept almost anything. The Windows API (I think of
| the old Win32 one) would apply most restrictions the article
| mentions.
| But for example not the normalization part. A filename can end
| with a space, no problem. That lead me once to a minor bug in
| .NET Framework. One of the path related functions (I think it was
| Directory.move) did not correctly apply this normalization and
| could produce directories with trailing whitespace. Good luck
| removing/fixing those in Windows Explorer.
| kelsolaar wrote:
| The 260 characters limit has been the bane of my existence. Even
| though it can be disabled in the registry there are gazillions
| software built against old APIs that will still not work. You
| also get really odd bugs when that plague hits you.
| simonsarris wrote:
| One of these tripped me up, the "Disallowed Names" section has a
| bunch of not-too-wordlike names, except one.
| When I made carefulwords.com, which I made because I wanted a
| thesaurus where you could just write eg
| https://carefulwords.com/book for "book" and get the results, I
| found out the hard way that you cannot make a file named "con" on
| Windows. Or "con.html", or any file extension. You can try to
| force this, make it via a script, but then programs like Git will
| hang when they come across it. So in my thesaurus the actual page
| is /con-word.html and I just have it rewrite to /con
  | ChrisSD wrote:
  | This has actually changed in Windows 11. You can use "con.html"
  | without fear. "con" is still a bit of a problem. ".\con" will
  | work but not a bare "con".
| noAnswer wrote:
| There is also this can of worms regarding translations. For
| example C:\Users will be shown as C:\Benutzer on a German system
| but still be C:\Users on the FS. "C:\Program Files (x86)" will
| show up as "C:\Programme (x86)" BUT "C:\Program Files" will stay
| the same (non translated).
| (I forgot how this topic is called though and on what layer it
| takes places.)
| Windows XP already could do it, but didn't for the most part. I
| remember, like ~18 years ago, I was a sysadmin. One user out of
| 50 got his "My Doc/Pictures/etc." in English but for me on the
| File-Server it was all in German. Very confusing.
| softfalcon wrote:
| After years of working exclusively on Windows, I took a job that
| required me to build file management, except now, on macOS and
| Linux (along with Windows).
| All I can say is, this article is the tip of the ice berg on
| Windows I/O weirdness. You really don't realize how strange it is
| until you are actively comparing it to an equivalent
| implementation on the two other competing operating systems day-
| to-day.
| Each of them has their quirks, but I think Windows takes the cake
| for "out there" hacks you can do to get things running. I
| sometimes like to ponder what the business case behind all of
| them was, then I Google it and find the real reasons are wilder
| than most ideas I can imagine.
| Fun stuff!
  | ChuckNorris89 wrote:
  | From my experience as an EE, working with serial ports is much
  | nicer on Windows (COM1, COM2, etc.) than on Linux where serial
  | ports are abstracted to files like /dev/ttyACM0 and has a lot
  | more gotchas.
  | PowerShell is also quite a powerful alternative to Bash/Mingw,
  | although it came out much later.
  | Windows might do some things differently than UNIX-like OSs,
  | but it does them really well.
    | mikub wrote:
    | I just started with using serial ports on windows while doing
    | some Raspberry Pico hobby projects. Something that I find
    | strange is that every new device gets assigned a new comport,
    | I mean let's say I do this for a while one day I will have a
    | comport 100, 200 and so on. Is that right, or does it somehow
    | reset the comports?
      | zwieback wrote:
      | That's how it works and generally it's to the user's
      | advantage. We often set specific parameters based on the
      | device's serial number so getting the same COM port is
      | nice, sometimes the devices are so simple that you cannot
      | query its serial number.
      | Sometimes I'll do a "blank slate" and delete all my
      | accumulated COM ports in Device Manager (need to enable
      | "Show Hidden Devices").
    | wolletd wrote:
    | Technically, COM1, COM2 etc. are filenames as well. They are
    | just special in that they are available everywhere. That's
    | why you are not allowed to create any file named COM1 or
    | such.
    | But it's a DOS relic. Actually, Windows has a "Win32 Device
    | Namespace" under "\\\\.\", which is something like /dev/ in
    | Unixoids. COM1 is actually \\\\.\COM1:
    | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-
    | us/windows/win32/fileio/namin...
      | pixl97 wrote:
      | I deal with software that processes files on a Windows
      | system... loves to break when people on other OS's subnet
      | AUX, PRN, COM, File:Name, and tons of other unacceptable
      | names (like 'file ').
      | I'm glad our new releases work on Linux and we don't have
      | to deal with that crap in 99.99% of cases now.
      | riffic wrote:
      | it's a CP/M relic of i'm not mistaken
      | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CP/M
        | blooalien wrote:
        | Wow! There's an operating system I ain't heard tell of in
        | a good long while. That's the very first OS I used in a
        | professional context. Got me my first computer store job
        | (in my late "teens") on a CP/M system.
    | throwaway09223 wrote:
    | I've done quite a bit of work with serial ports on Windows,
    | Linux and other unixes. I've also written a serial device
    | driver.
    | Your comment is very confusing to me. The serial ports are
    | abstracted to a file on Windows just like on unixes - the
    | file is actually discussed in the above article: \COM1
    | Maybe you're talking about the old days where you would just
    | outb 0x3f8? The modern interfaces are actually fairly
    | similar.
      | zwieback wrote:
      | 0x3f8 IRQ4, 0x2f8 IRQ3 - still hardcoded in my brain 30yrs
      | on!
        | blooalien wrote:
        | My "burned in" code snippet is "call -151" from Apple ][+
        | days, to drop to the built-in 6502
        | (dis)assembler/debugger.
        | zwieback wrote:
        | MONZ
        | I spent a lot of time reading the disassmbly listing in
        | the back of the manual to see what happens when I jump to
        | the monitor.
    | qalmakka wrote:
    | COM ports on Windows are crap nowadays due to how crappy USB
    | to serial adapters have become. I've seen Windows reassigning
    | different COM names to the same device every single time it
    | was unplugged due to it "remembering" what COM port was used
    | previously. Needless to say, that was an anti-feature if
    | there ever was one.
      | dfox wrote:
      | Windows tries to keep a long term identity of all of the
      | device instances that it knows about (and in the idela
      | world assign the same COM port numer to the same physical
      | serial adapter). For USB this is supposed to be done by
      | combination of VID, PID and serial number in device
      | descriptor. But even early on there was a lot devices that
      | had the serial number empty and thus Windows came up with
      | some heuristics about when this method is unreliable and
      | switches to identifying the device by its physical position
      | on the USB bus. The whole mechanism is well intentioned,
      | but in the end probably somewhat misguided because it is
      | not exactly reliable and has surprising consequences even
      | if it were reliable.
      | As a side note: on modern Windows NT implementations the so
      | called "registry bloat" is non-issue (anyone who tells your
      | otherwise is trying to sell you something), but keeping
      | list of every device that was ever plugged into the
      | computer in there is somewhat ridiculous.
        | InitialLastName wrote:
        | > As a side note: on modern Windows NT implementations
        | the so called "registry bloat" is non-issue
        | How modern? I manage Windows 7 (transitioning to 10)
        | machines that are used for QC in a hardware manufacturing
        | environment that enumerate hundreds of devices (with
        | mostly identical VID/PID) every week. We find that if we
        | don't clear old devices out of the registry every so
        | often, the enumeration time slows to a crawl.
        | dfox wrote:
        | That is kind of a niche use case ;)
        | In the times when it was a real issue (I would hazard a
        | guess that that means "before XP") the reason was that
        | the original registry on disk format made every registry
        | access more or less O(n) in bunch of things like the
        | overall on disk hive size, total number of keys, number
        | of subkeys in each of the keys along the path...
        | mmis1000 wrote:
        | It also do this for monitor or usb/bluetooth earphones.
        | So you end up get earphone(2), monitor(2) even you never
        | have a second one. The only way to fix it is delete the
        | hidden device in device monitor and rename it back in
        | monitor/audio manager.
        | It's really a confusing thing to me that the script I use
        | to change sound output and leveling suddenly didn't work
        | after a bios/mobo software/whatever windows update and
        | noticing the device have an appended (2).
        | yndoendo wrote:
        | And this is why I hate Windows in an industry automation
        | environment. Dislike having to troubleshoot why that USB
        | NIC or Serial device being destroyed by plugging it into
        | another port. Had to write a PowerShell script for the
        | USB NIC issue to reapply NIC settings with a reboot.
        | Also, always locking an open file is repulsive. Other OSs
        | allow for renaming an open file. Not Windows! Thumbs.db
        | being locked because File Explorer keeps the file open /
        | locked preventing deleting an empty folder and wastes so
        | much time waiting for Windows to unlock the file.
        | You have to pay me to use Windows!
    | scoutt wrote:
    | COM1 = CreateFile("COM1", ...) => Nice!
    | COM9 = CreateFile("COM9", ...) => Nice!
    | COM10 = CreateFile("\\\\\\\\.\\\COM10", ...) => NOT nice!
      | Kwpolska wrote:
      | How often do you end up with 10 COM ports?
        | zwieback wrote:
        | We do all the time. In industrial automation COM ports
        | are still shockingly popular, although it's usually the
        | USB emulated variety. On a lot of our development and on
        | some of our production tools we end up with COM20 or
        | COM30, not because we have that many running at one time
        | but because over time we've plugged in that many distinct
        | devices. Nowadays most drivers will assign COM(n+1) when
        | they see a device with a new serial number.
        | connicpu wrote:
        | UART is available on nearly every microcontroller under
        | the sun, and USB<->UART serial chips are super cheap, so
        | it makes complete sense to me that'd become the defacto
        | system for interfacing the automation controller with a
        | computer
        | InitialLastName wrote:
        | Even beyond that, USB is available on many
        | microcontrollers, a USB CDC device is dead simple to
        | implement, the drivers are baked into every modern OS,
        | and all the software developers operating at that layer
        | already know how to interact with text streams. Add in
        | the ease of debugging when you can just manually
        | send/receive ASCII to operate a device, and you've got
        | the makings of a standard practice.
        | rogerbinns wrote:
        | If you use USB dongles for serial adapters, then each
        | path through USB is assigned a different COM number when
        | you plug it in. For example if you plug into USB
        | controller 2, port 3 which goes to a hub, and then you
        | plug into port 2 that gets a number. Now plug the same
        | thing into a different port and it will get another COM
        | number.
        | Under the hood this is because the USB devices do not
        | have the (optional) unique serial number (or in some
        | cases they all get the same serial number).
        | https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20041110-00/?p
        | =37...
    | JohnFen wrote:
    | Interesting. I very much prefer working with serial ports
    | under Linux than Windows. It's more straightforward and
    | easier to engage in fine control.
      | BrandoElFollito wrote:
      | So do I, I find the addressing more consistent, too.
      | It used to be completely predictable when I was working
      | with drivers on 1994 (patching the code), then less
      | predictable when hardware for more diverse, and predictable
      | again (or at least "always the same") with UUIDs.
      | It was always amateur/hobby dev or sysadmin so I may have
      | had the wrong impression.
    | klysm wrote:
    | I've found the assignment of com ports in windows really
    | annoying
  | fsckboy wrote:
  | "get-a-byte, get-a-byte, get-a-byte, byte, byte" - Dave Cutler
  | https://retrocomputing.stackexchange.com/questions/14150/how...
  | > _Windows I /O weirdness. You really don't realize how strange
  | it is until you_
  | "can I get a wut... WUT?" - Developers, Developers, Developers
  | ====
  | it's just hard for people today to understand what a revolution
  | stdin and stdout was, full 8 bit but sticking with ASCII as
  | much as possible. There was nothing about it that limited
  | Unices from having whatever performant I/O underneath, but it
  | gave programmers at the terminal the ability to get a lot done
  | right from the command line.
  | The web itself is an extension of stdin and stdout, and the
  | subsequent encrusting of simple HTTP/HTML/ _et al_ standards
  | with layer upon layer of goop that calls for binary blobs can
  | be seen as the invasion of Cutlerian-like mentalities. It 's
  | sad that linux so successfully took over that all the people
  | who we were happy to let use IIS and ASP and ActiveX had to
  | come over to this side with their ideas. No idea of which is
  | bad, but which together are incoherent.
  | client server FTW, bring it back
    | chasil wrote:
    | At least Windows paths are not as clunky as Cutler's prior
    | operating system, VAX/VMS Version 1.00 21-AUG-1978 15:54.
    | $ create/directory dm0:[foobar]       $ set default
    | dm0:[foobar]       $ copy DM0:[SYSMGR]SYSTARTUP.COM
    | example.txt       $ dir/full            DIRECTORY
    | DM0:[FOOBAR]       21-APR-23 14:42            EXAMPLE.TXT;1
    | (615,2) 0./0. 21-APR-23 14:42 [1,4] [RWED,RWED,RWED,RE]
    | TOTAL OF 0./0. BLOCKS IN 1. FILE
      | dhosek wrote:
      | I rather liked VMS conventions as it was immediately
      | obvious what was the directory part of the path and what
      | was the filename and the device. You could create virtual
      | devices as well, so for example, with VMS TeX, I had
      | TEX_ROOT defined to point to the root of the TeX
      | distribution and you would have TEX_ROOT:[INPUTS] for the
      | input directory, TEX_ROOT:[MF] for Metafont files,
      | TEX_ROOT:[EXE] for executables, etc. and everything was
      | logically arranged. CLD files were another wonderful thing
      | where you could define your CLI interface in an external
      | file and let the OS handle argument and option parsing for
      | you.
  | hilbert42 wrote:
  | _" All I can say is, this article is the tip of the ice berg on
  | Windows I/O weirdness."_
  | Well, then, is there a more detailed summary than this one
  | that's accessible?
  | This one looks very useful and I'll use it, but to make the
  | point about more info it'd be nice to know how they differ
  | across Windows versions.
  | For example, I've never been sure about path length of 260 and
  | file length of 255. I seem to recall these were a little
  | different in earlier versions, f/l being 254 for instance. Can
  | anyone clear that up for me?
  | Incidentally, I hit the 255/260 limit regularly, it's damn
  | nuisance when copying stops because the path is say 296 or 320,
  | or more.
    | ChrisSD wrote:
    | There are some APIs that have a lower limit than 260. But the
    | limits can be bypassed using `\\\?\\` prefixed paths (except
    | when using SetCurrentDirectory) or by enabling long paths
    | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-
    | us/windows/win32/fileio/maxim...
      | arka2147483647 wrote:
      | Windows.h defines MAX_PATH as 260.
      | Many apps do something like
      | char path[MAX_PATH]
      | In that case, no amount of prefixing will help you, if
      | random app enforces the limit.
  | rightbyte wrote:
  | > All I can say is, this article is the tip of the ice berg on
  | Windows I/O weirdness. You really don't realize how strange it
  | is until
  | In one way it is beautiful. "Laid cards lies", you know. Don't
  | mess with the user for your conception of Agile Clean Extreme
  | Code (tm). Each stupid design decision is forever.
  | Windows .bat files win the awfulness and quirkyness contest
  | with sh with a razor thin margin. And both are awesome.
    | Kwpolska wrote:
    | Windows has PowerShell these days, and it is actually usable
    | and not at all awful (if a little quirky) compared to bat
    | files.
      | maccard wrote:
      | Powershells biggest problem is error handling. There's just
      | no equivalent to set -euo pipefail
      | It ends up with manual error handling to handle the case of
      | bat, ps1 and exe's
        | WorldMaker wrote:
        | `$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"` is very similar and
        | does that for all of PS1 cmdlets. You still have to check
        | $LastExitCode manually for BAT/EXEs, though.
        | `$PSNativeCommandUseErrorActionPreference = $true` is an
        | experimental flag [1] as of PowerShell 7.3 that applies
        | the same $ErrorActionPreference to BAT/EXEs (native
        | commands), stopping (if $ErrorActionPreference is "Stop")
        | on any write to stderr or any non-zero return value.
        | [1] https://learn.microsoft.com/en-
        | us/powershell/module/microsof...
        | arka2147483647 wrote:
        | Sadly, the powershell windows ships with is 5.1.
        | Why?
        | Because of backwards Compatibilytytytyy
        | WorldMaker wrote:
        | `winget install Microsoft.PowerShell`
        | 5.1 was the last "Windows-specific"/"Windows-only"
        | PowerShell (and is still branded "Windows PowerShell"
        | more than "PowerShell") before it went full cross-
        | platform (and open source). It's an easy install for
        | PowerShell 7+ and absolutely worth installing. If you are
        | using tools like the modern Windows Terminal and VS Code
        | they automatically pick up PowerShell 7+ installations
        | (and switch to them as default over the bundled "Windows
        | PowerShell"), so the above command line really is the one
        | and only step.
        | pxc wrote:
        | You can also install the latest PowerShell Core (the
        | open-source, cross-platform releases we're talking about)
        | via Scoop, which is a package manager for Windows that
        | works even if you don't have admin rights:
        | https://scoop.sh/#/apps?q=pwsh&s=0&d=1&o=true
        | moremetadata wrote:
        | [dead]
      | _a_a_a_ wrote:
      | A bit like finding in favour of london's old, awful slums
      | by comparing them to the Somme.
      | "Well yes, kind of..."
      | 2devnull wrote:
      | "Powershell(tm): Not Entirely Awful (if a little quirky)!"
      | Seems worth investing a lot time into given Microsoft's
      | history of not rug pulling developers.
        | connicpu wrote:
        | The first release was 16 years ago and they're still
        | making new releases of it so I'd say it's definitely here
        | to stay ;)
        | WorldMaker wrote:
        | Also it is MIT-licensed open source today:
        | https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell
      | blibble wrote:
      | powershell is still built on crap
      | I had it randomly throwing exceptions the other day that a
      | path was too long
      | (it was only about 300 characters...)
        | dingdingdang wrote:
        | It also adds it's own special brand of crap .. as in
        | after trying 10x different ways (not kidding: https://soc
        | ial.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/...) of
        | executing an external ffmpeg command over several hrs I
        | eventually wrote a one line .bat file* and was done with
        | it. Never again.
        | * for %%a in ("*.mp4") do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -vcodec libx265
        | -crf 26 -tune animation "%%~na.mkv"
        | mdaniel wrote:
        | The irony of commenting that under an article that cites
        | the maximum path cannot exceed 260 characters is not lost
        | on me
        | mauvehaus wrote:
        | The maximum path length of the NT kernel is
        | 3276-something UCS-2 characters. 260 is a limit imposed
        | by the legacy Win32 interfaces IIRC. I believe the
        | W-interfaces get you the full-fat version, it's just that
        | they're so inconsistently used as to all but guarantee
        | that something you need will have problems.
        | The user-mode stuff is kind of a mess. The kernel-mode
        | stuff is comparatively orthogonal.
        | blibble wrote:
        | how is that ironic?
        | inferiorhuman wrote:
        | It's like rain on your wedding day
        | noAnswer wrote:
        | But the path length can be longer! They just don't care
        | and offload the work.
      | levidos wrote:
      | PowerShell is an absolutely amazing scripting language; it
      | gets things done way quicker than Bash, because it's object
      | oriented, and you don't have to call external tools to get
      | anything done (sed, grep, find, touch, curl, etc.). It can
      | even run raw C# code for you.
        | xp84 wrote:
        | This definitely falls into the category for me of "things
        | that I wasn't there for."
        | Because I learned computers when DOS was a thing, I will
        | always be able to write a .bat or use CMD when necessary,
        | but having been on the UNIX/Linux side since 2003, I
        | didn't learn C# or PowerShell but rather bash, php, ruby.
        | So while I'm friendly with modern Windows now that they
        | closed up the "is it a stable OS" gap with Apple, I don't
        | really know what to do in PowerShell and am more likely
        | to use WSL!
        | WorldMaker wrote:
        | It's worth learning at any age, especially now that it is
        | an open-source, cross-platform shell. The PS Koans [1]
        | that recently showed up on HN seemed an interesting way
        | to try to learn it.
        | [1] https://github.com/vexx32/PSKoans
    | klodolph wrote:
    | I think the margin of bat vs sh is a larger margin. Batch
    | files use gotos, the entire file is reread for each line,
    | etc.
    | My main complaint about sh and Unix is that environment
    | variables are mostly inherited from parent processes, and
    | that can be awkward.
    | (And Windows at least, these days, is seeing a lot more
    | PowerShell adoption.)
      | rightbyte wrote:
      | > I think the margin of bat vs sh is a larger margin [...]
      | the entire file is reread for each line
      | Ye agreed. Separation of data and code always was a
      | mistake.
      | I wonder if this feature of bat files was like a thing once
      | as a "best practice"? Practically, you should only append
      | lines I guess. When I close my eyes, I can see a DOS batch
      | file doing actual batch job processing, appending to itself
      | and becoming a intertwined log and execution script.
  | conductr wrote:
  | I'm not familiar with inner workings, but simply moving files
  | feels odd in Windows compared to macOS. If it's a big lift in
  | terms of data size or file/folder counts it's most obvious but
  | it feels like Windows literally copies the files into memory,
  | then rewrites them on disk or something similar that has
  | results in negative performance and a long running
  | cut/copy/paste dialog box. I've had some of these run for hours
  | on decent hardware (SSD, etc) for what I consider small
  | datasets (couple GB). It's been a major Windows gripe of mine
  | for years now.
  | Meanwhile macOS appears to just change an internal link to the
  | data that's already written on disk. As such, it's usually so
  | very fast compared to Windows.
    | fencepost wrote:
    | A lot of this depends on whether you're crossing devices. If
    | you think of drive letters as mount points it may make more
    | sense - if you're moving between mountable filesystems
    | obviously a move has to be a copy-then-delete; if you're
    | remaining on the same filesystem a move can typically be a
    | rewriting of indexing information only with very limited data
    | rewriting.
    | One other thing that can be an issue particularly on NTFS
    | with ACLs is that moving files typically retains their
    | ownership and permissions, while copying files typically
    | inherits the ownership and permissions of the destination.
    | This can bite you if as an administrator you're moving data
    | from one user's account to another because a move will leave
    | the original owner still owning the files.
    | Strom wrote:
    | Windows does literally copy (parts of) files into memory.
    | More precisely it's Windows Defender Real-Time Protection.
    | It's a real menace when you're dealing with a lot of small
    | files, e.g. node_modules.
    | Windows Explorer is also slow for an unknown reason.
    | Doing file operations through the API with Real-Time
    | Protection turned off is several orders of magnitude faster
    | in the case of small files. It's crazy stuff.
    | pixl97 wrote:
    | Eh, with moving files on Windows in the same security context
    | it is 'generally' pretty fast on the same drive.... Are you
    | sure you didn't paste in a directory that is setting new
    | security permissions on all files?
    | WorldMaker wrote:
    | Windows File Explorer does a lot of extra work to get a sense
    | of file sizes and other metadata to try to keep the UI
    | looking fresh/interesting/useful to someone watching the job
    | in real time.
    | If you need to seriously move/copy lots of files or lots of
    | data in Windows it is generally a good idea to use shell
    | commands. Robocopy [1], especially, is one of the strongest
    | tools you can learn on Windows. (It gets very close to being
    | Windows' native rsync.)
    | [1] https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-
    | server/administrat...
    | ripley12 wrote:
    | Been a while since I looked at the details, but Explorer's
    | file management is generally slow compared to what you can do
    | with the actual Win32 APIs.
    | armarr wrote:
    | That's likely to be due to the NTFS file system. Another
    | piece of legacy Windows drags along
| e4m2 wrote:
| A lower-level, more security oriented look at some of the same
| issues: https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2016/02/the-
| definitiv...
| nicetryguy wrote:
| As a related anecdote, you NEVER want to put whitespace in
| filepaths. Ever. Tons of programs will just break, even in 2023,
| even Microsoft ones (looking at you Powershell), and i'd imagine
| forevermore.
| Your life will end up as a series of awful MYPATH~1\ kludges. You
| have been warned.
| EDIT: There seems to be different camps here and perhaps a
| generational divide. Maybe the kids haven't (or never will be)
| burned with this one, but i've seen too much, wasted too many
| hours, wrote too many workarounds, and will forever remain
| #TeamNoWhiteSpace.
  | dmd wrote:
  | Counterpoint: Nearly all of my (thousands of) users use
  | whitespace in basically every single folder name and file name
  | every single day (which are usually titles of papers or
  | experiments), and none of them ever have any problems.
  | When writing software I always make sure that all my test data
  | has spaces - and not just the normal one but weird unicode ones
  | too - in paths and filenames.
  | wvenable wrote:
  | Microsoft called the directory where programs are installed
  | "Program Files" and documents in "My Documents" specifically so
  | that developers would have to learn to deal with spaces
  | immediately.
  | ygra wrote:
  | Curious about PowerShell misbehaving there. Care to share any
  | details? Typically you never want to handle paths to files as
  | strings, or at least resolve them to File/DirectoryInfo objects
  | as soon as possible. But the only real blunder regarding paths
  | in PowerShell I'm aware of is the Path parameter to various
  | cmdlets and having [] in file names (which is why LiteralPath
  | always exists alongside Path parameters).
    | 13of40 wrote:
    | Came here to mention []. For those who haven't looked it up,
    | in addition to * and ? as wildcard characters, PowerShell
    | supports "[xyz]" and "[a-z]", meaning "x y or z" and
    | "anything from a to z", so "[a-z]alls" would match calls,
    | falls, walls, etc.
    | I knew the guy who tested the feature in PowerShell and he
    | was deeply frustrated over the fact that there was no way to
    | escape some sequences. For example, you can loosely match
    | "[abc]" with something like "?abc?" or "[[]abc?" because the
    | [[] indicates exactly one opening square bracket but there's
    | no way (as far as I know) to say "this section ends with a
    | square bracket".
    | The PM really wanted that feature, though, even though you
    | could probably count on one hand how many times it's been
    | used in real life.
    | Edit: That guy down there corrected my example.
      | justeleblanc wrote:
      | Uh... You can escape these sequences. But the escape
      | character isn't the backslash for obvious reasons (it's the
      | path separator). It's the backtick.                   > ni
      | '[abc]'                  Directory: C:\Users\
      | Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
      | ----                 -------------         ------ ----
      | -a---          21/04/2023    12:23              0 [abc]
      | > gi '[abc]'              # no output - would have matched
      | files named a, b, or c              > gi '`[abc`]'
      | Directory: C:\Users\              Mode
      | LastWriteTime         Length Name         ----
      | -------------         ------ ----         -a---
      | 21/04/2023    12:23              0 [abc]              > gi
      | -LiteralPath '[abc]'                  Directory:
      | C:\Users\              Mode
      | LastWriteTime         Length Name         ----
      | -------------         ------ ----         -a---
      | 21/04/2023    12:23              0 [abc]              > gi
      | -lp '[abc]'                  Directory: C:\Users\
      | Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
      | ----                 -------------         ------ ----
      | -a---          21/04/2023    12:23              0 [abc]
      | As far as I know that's been in powershell forever.
        | 13of40 wrote:
        | Ah, OK. This works because you're using single quotes on
        | your strings, meaning the escape sequence `[ is preserved
        | until it reaches the globbing layer. This will not work,
        | for example...                 gi "`[abc`]"
        | ...because the `[ will be processed before the string
        | gets sent to globbing, meaning the back tick will be
        | removed. This would work with double quotes:
        | gi "``[abc``]"
        | ...because at the command line level this will evaluate
        | to `[abc`] and the globbing will know that the square
        | brackets are literal. So I will concede and downgrade my
        | complaint from "impossible" to merely "overly complicated
        | for the layman".
        | justeleblanc wrote:
        | Anyone used to scripting languages knows there's a
        | difference between single quotes and double quotes for
        | escaping.
        | LoganDark wrote:
        | > Anyone used to scripting languages knows there's a
        | difference between single quotes and double quotes for
        | escaping.
        | Not necessarily. There are all sorts of scripting
        | languages where single and double quotes are identical.
        | It is, however, super common for there to be escaping
        | differences in _shell_ scripting languages.
    | nicetryguy wrote:
    | $args[x] breaks. Get-Content breaks. probably more.
    | ...admittedly i'm not the best with Powershell. There are
    | probably workarounds or things that i did wrong.
      | justeleblanc wrote:
      | Just put them in quotes. PowerShell is infinitely better
      | than bash/zsh/... at handling spaces. You're spreading
      | nonsense.
        | nicetryguy wrote:
        | > Just use quotes bro
        | Man, it's never that simple. How about generating
        | Powershell scripts with quotes? Sometimes you are dealing
        | with escape characters \", sometimes you aren't. Why
        | bother with all that? Hell, versions of software and
        | compilers change such behaviors either on purpose or by
        | accident all the time. It just gets messy dude.
        | C:\NEVER_~1\AGAIN_~1.NOP
        | Perhaps i'm a dinosaur still scarred by the golden olden
        | days, but, there is no convincing me that whitespace in
        | filenames or URLs is ever a good idea.
        | justeleblanc wrote:
        | I don't know what to tell you. You gave two examples that
        | aren't actually issues. But if there's no convincing you,
        | I won't bother. Have a nice day.
        | nicetryguy wrote:
        | > You gave two examples that aren't actually issues.
        | Man, i've had config files break because i saved them in
        | UTF-8 instead of ANSI. I hope to god you never have to
        | experience the horror... You also have a nice day.
        | LoganDark wrote:
        | > Man, i've had config files break because i saved them
        | in UTF-8 instead of ANSI.
        | Isn't this because random Windows tools add garbage bytes
        | to the start of the file (a "byte order marker") and then
        | _don 't tell you they did this_?
        | It's not the encoding that's the problem, it's the
        | garbage bytes.
        | P.S. I do know of exactly one program that only accepts
        | UTF-16 for its config file, and won't accept UTF-8 _or_
        | ANSI.
        | justeleblanc wrote:
        | This is getting less and less relevant.
  | numpad0 wrote:
  | Non-ASCII characters too, if situation allows. Lots of apps
  | aren't tested to work with that whatever "new" API.
    | jeroenhd wrote:
    | I know someone with an e in his name. He once made the
    | mistake of using that character in his username.
    | Windows broke. Programs broke. The registry broke. Special
    | characters work well enough, but never use them in standard
    | directory paths.
    | If you want your folder to be written correctly in your own
    | language, you can use desktop.ini to correct the name of the
    | folder in Windows Explorer:
    | [.ShellClassInfo]         LocalizedResourceName=Fancy Name
    | Put that into a desktop.ini file, assign it the right
    | attributes (`attrib +S +H desktop.ini`) and your folder will
    | look right in any program that uses the shell API without any
    | risk of breaking programs.
  | eru wrote:
  | Tools in the Unix world aren't too robust in that regard
  | either. Gnu Make is particularly egregious.
    | Joker_vD wrote:
    | There is also gnu patch: the filenames in the unified patch
    | file format can't contain spaces and can't be quoted so...
    | just don't use spaces, I guess.
      | mdaniel wrote:
      | how old is your copy of patch?                   $ cat >
      | my.patch < maybe the kids
  | Really? You posted a divisive and absolute statement and people
  | pointed out how it's not accurate. Considering "Program Files",
  | a _very_ common Windows path, was introduced back in Windows 95
  | (https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20120307-00/?p=81..
  | .), almost 30 years ago, it's pretty hard to blame it on "the
  | kids".
  | That doesn't sound like "those damn kids and their newfangled
  | apps that can handle spaces, they'll never know the pain I went
  | through!!!" and more like "I said something that was clearly
  | not accurate and people pushed back".
  | The whole thing reeks of
  | https://www.mouser.com/blog/Portals/11/mrb-singularity-f1.pn...
  | NikolaNovak wrote:
  | This is a fascinating weekly topic for me :-)
  | I grew up in days of DOS 3 and onward, so I am basically
  | physically incapable of using whitespace in filenames. And
  | frequently I'll replace white spaces with underscores on files
  | shared with me.
  | Fascinatingly though (and sometimes irritatingly), several of
  | my mentors have cautioned me to drop this habit as I get
  | promoted. At management level, they all use white space and
  | dots haphazardly, and they apparently perceive underscored
  | filenames negatively. This goes up drastically at executive
  | level.
  | dr-detroit wrote:
  | [dead]
  | Joker_vD wrote:
  | That's... definitely not as dramatic as you try to make it
  | sound. "Program Files" and "Documents and Settings" have been
  | around for almost three decades, and most programs work just
  | fine with files living somewhere inside those paths.
    | mynameisvlad wrote:
    | I mean, let's go past "Program Files" to "Program Files
    | (x86)" which has both spaces and special characters, and
    | which was moved from the former.
    | And most programs are able to handle _that_ just fine.
      | mdaniel wrote:
      | And the "cherry on top" is there's an _env-var_ named
      | `%ProgramFiles(x86)%` (aka `${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}` in
      | PS) that points to where that directory actually lives
      | since AFAIK it 's controlled by a registry entry
| c0nsumer wrote:
| This is a great article and really illustrates just how hard
| Windows works to be backwards compatible.
| Lots of these (eg: the COM/LPT stuff) could be dropped and
| wouldn't affect most people either way, but for those things
| depending on it, it would be a profoundly breaking change.
| tragomaskhalos wrote:
| No coverage of this nonsense would be complete without also
| mentioning that CON, AUX and PRN and a couple of others are
| verboten as filenames in Win. Although apparently you can defeat
| this via e.g. \\\?\C:\con
  | jeroenhd wrote:
  | One of the early stupid annoying teenager programs I wrote was
  | a tool that would spam your desktop with CON.001, CON.002, and
  | so on through the \\\?\ trick.
  | Windows explorer could not delete the file. You have to specify
  | the \\\?\ path to get the delete call to work, but that didn't
  | work well with cmd.exe's `del` command.
  | I've since used these files to create directories that can't be
  | deleted by automated cleanups and such, like a special folder
  | in %TEMP% that one program needed but didn't create on its own.
  | dr-detroit wrote:
  | [dead]
  | loudgas wrote:
  | The article mentions this in the Disallowed Names section.
| 0xbadcafebee wrote:
| If they could slowly start adopting Unix file paths and slowly
| phase out Windows file paths, I think more people would start to
| use Windows. I would love to _want_ to use Windows. It 's a
| platform that has first class hardware support and paid support,
| and it's designed (well, in theory) with users and application
| platforms in mind. And it actually has a bunch of advanced
| features that Linux and Mac doesn't have.
  | naikrovek wrote:
  | people don't choose to use Windows or not based on the file and
  | path syntax.
  | chasil wrote:
  | Windows was built with a POSIX layer; it already does this.
  | "Broad software compatibility was initially achieved with
  | support for several API 'personalities', including Windows API,
  | POSIX, and OS/2 APIs - the latter two were phased out starting
  | with Windows XP."
  | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_NT
  | wvenable wrote:
  | Why would it matter? 99% of these are effectively edge cases
  | and feature-wise they're pretty equivalent.
| proactivesvcs wrote:
| It'd be nice if Microsoft read this list and adjusted their
| software, like perhaps File Explorer, to be able to read and
| write this data. Or at least delete it.
| antx wrote:
| "Legal" characters is a fun topic.
| I realized at some point that there is a discrepancy between
| what's allowed on the file system, and "Windows" itself (or, more
| exactly, the programs running on Windows and using its APIs to
| communicate with said file system.
| In this case, NTFS, totally allows for "illegal" characters such
| as < > : " | ? * etc... pretty much everything except / and \,
| and \0, I think.
| This makes for funny situations, where sometimes Windows programs
| cannot deal with that. At best, they can't read, write or rename
| them... at worse they'll crash, which is always fun.
| ambicapter wrote:
| This might be some run-of-the-mill weirdness, but I was using a
| Microsoft file globbing library recently
| (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.exten...)
| and it handed back filepaths with forward slashes (instead of
| double-backslash), even on Windows (and in .Net Framework). I
| don't know if this is a library someone developed for .Net Core
| and forgot that it also was going to be used in .Net Framework?
| Anyways, another reason I don't like the occasional dip into
| Windows I have to do at my job (which is 80% mac/linux).
| dataflow wrote:
| The (second-)worst offense I'm aware of here is that alternate
| data stream names can have otherwise special characters in them,
| like backslashes. So if you (for example) want to strip off the
| last path component, you technically cannot do this by just
| stripping everything after the last backslash.
| In fact this probably isn't the worst thing - it's even worse
| than this. Because you first need to strip off the prefix that
| represent the volume (like C:\\) before you can look for a colon.
| But the prefix can be something like \\\\.\C:\ or
| \\\\.\HarddiskVolume2\, or even
| \\\?\GLOBALROOT\DosDevices\HarddiskVolume2\\. Or it can be any
| mount point _inside_ another volume! (Remember that feature
| inside Disk Management?)
| Moreover you can't even assume the colon and alternate data
| streams are even a thing on the file system - it's an NTFS
| feature. So you gotta query the file system name first. And if
| the file system is something else with its own special syntax you
| don't know, then in general you can't find the file name and
| strip the last component at all.
| All of which I think means it's impossible to figure out the
| prefix length without performing syscalls on the target system,
| and that the answer might vary if the mounts change at run time.
  | flangola7 wrote:
  | What is an alternate data stream?
    | dataflow wrote:
    | C:\foo has a default (primary) data stream; the name of that
    | stream is empty, so it's omitted entirely when writing the
    | name. But the file can also have C:\foo:bar on NTFS. It's a
    | different stream that's part of the original. (Look up "NTFS
    | ADS" or just "NTFS streams".) These are often used to store
    | information tied to a file that shouldn't affect the file
    | contents.
      | KMag wrote:
      | In the late 1990s, there was a bug in MS IIS where if you
      | requested http://example.com/page.php , it would execute
      | the PHP script, but if you requested
      | http://example.com/page.php: , it would give you the PHP
      | source code. Even more than today, it was common to hard-
      | code database connection details, including passwords, into
      | the source code.
    | Calzifer wrote:
    | Any data stream which is not the first one.
    | Data stream is basically the file content and on NTFS a file
    | can have more than one. In practice it is comparable to
    | extended attributes in the Linux world but somewhat superior.
    | But like extended attributes it doesn't seem to have too much
    | real world use. The only use case for alternate data streams
    | I can remember are the "this file was downloaded from the
    | internet, do you really want to run it" warnings. In such
    | cases the browser attached a standardized marker as alternate
    | data stream to the file.
      | ajcoll5 wrote:
      | If you have macOS clients connecting to an SMB file share
      | hosed by a Windows server they use alternate data streams
      | to store resource forks - like fonts. Makes for a fun 'oh
      | shit' moment if you go to zip up files on Windows to
      | archive, then realize you're missing data when you later
      | unzip as most compression applications don't keep them.
        | LoganDark wrote:
        | > they use alternate data streams to store resource forks
        | - like fonts
        | macOS stores fonts in resource forks? I'm confused, what
        | use does this have and what happens when you accidentally
        | miss them?
      | jra_samba wrote:
      | Oh contraire :-) .Alternate data streams are widely used by
      | virus writers and spies using them to exfiltrate data from
      | foreign (to the spy) government and corporate Windows IT
      | systems.
      | You think I jest ? Look up the leaked source code for the
      | US government spy tooling. They hide data to be exfiltrated
      | in an ADS on the root directory of the share :-).
      | I finally realized ADS were the mother of bad ideas when
      | Ted Tso responded to me asking why I couldn't have them in
      | Linux for the umpteenth time by showing me a Windows task
      | manager screenshot of Myfile.txt as an actively running
      | process.
      | If the ADS ends in .exe then Windows will happily run it
      | :-).
      | nereye wrote:
      | That standardized marker is also known as the 'Mark of the
      | Web' (MOTW) in case you want to search for more details
      | about it.
      | In general, there is a tool which comes with the
      | SysInternals suite that allows you to see which files have
      | streams and their size:
      | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-
      | us/sysinternals/downloads/str...
      | dataflow wrote:
      | It's used for other things too. Like modern file
      | compression (compact /exe:lzx).
        | Alupis wrote:
        | And used to be used to hide malicious software back in
        | the early days.
        | Calzifer wrote:
        | Are you sure we mean the same thing?
        | You seem to talk about a specific command line argument
        | of the compact command with a Windows typical (and IMO
        | ugly) option style with '/' instead of '--' as option
        | marker and ':' instead of '=' as option value separator.
        | But that would not be directly related to ADS and I
        | cannot imagine a good use case where the compact command
        | should use ADS.
        | dataflow wrote:
        | Yes, look up WofCompressedData. It's the stream name
        | ultimately used by that command.
        | Calzifer wrote:
        | Thanks, with this keyword I found https://devblogs.micros
        | oft.com/oldnewthing/20190618-00/?p=10...
        | In context of ADS the first thing I imagined was storing
        | the compressed and uncompressed file alongside. (which is
        | rather silly, why compress at all)
        | This use case is also kinda strange. Have the compressed
        | content as ADS, the primary contend filled with 0 as
        | sparse and fill it when needed/accessed. :/
  | ChrisSD wrote:
  | A stream name is somewhat more limited than that:
  | > All Unicode characters are legal in a streamname component
  | except the following:
  | > * The characters \ / :
  | > * Control character 0x00.
  | > * A streamname MUST be no more than 255 characters in length.
  | >
  | > A zero-length streamname denotes the default stream.
  | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocol...
    | dataflow wrote:
    | Oops, thanks for the correction! I must've seen this with
    | other characters (most likely double quotes) and not realized
    | slashes and backslashes are an exception.
    | Though ironically that still doesn't help you strip the last
    | component, since it could still be a volume mount point. Like
    | you don't want C:\mnt\\..\foo to suddenly become C:\foo, just
    | like how you don't want \\\\.\Server\Share1\\..\Share2 to
    | become \\\\.\Server\Share2, or for
    | \\\\.\C:\\..\HarddiskVolume1 to become \\\\.\HarddiskVolume1,
    | etc.
  | cryptonector wrote:
  | > Moreover you can't even assume the colon and alternate data
  | streams are even a thing on the file system - it's an NTFS
  | feature. So you gotta query the file system name first. And if
  | the file system is something else with its own special syntax
  | you don't know, then in general you can't find the file name
  | and strip the last component at all.
  | If the :stream syntax is not FS-specific then you can parse the
  | data stream name out statically in almost every case. Yes, you
  | have to work out the prefix, but you can mostly do that
  | statically too, I _think_ :
  | > In fact this might not even be the worst thing - it's even
  | worse than this because you first need to strip off the prefix
  | that represent the volume (like C:\\) before you can look for a
  | colon. But the prefix can be something like \\\\.\C:\ or
  | \\\\.\HarddiskVolume2\, or even
  | \\\?\GLOBALROOT\DosDevices\HarddiskVolume2\\. Or it can be any
  | mount point inside another volume! Which I think means it's
  | impossible to figure out the prefix length without performing
  | syscalls on the target system, and that the answer might vary
  | if the mounts change at run time.
  | The prefix of `\\\\.\C:\Foo:Bar` is `\\\\.\C:` as `C:` couldn't
  | be a file name. The prefix of `\\\\.\HarddiskVolume2\Foo:Bar`
  | is `\\\\.\HarddiskVolume2` because the volume name ends at the
  | backslash. The prefix of
  | `\\\?\GLOBALROOT\DosDevices\HarddiskVolume2\Foo:Bar`... can be
  | harder to determine but it doesn't matter because clearly there
  | is no letter drive name in sight since a letter drive name
  | would be... a single letter, but if the volume name were a
  | single letter then it might require using system calls to
  | resolve it (`\\\?\GLOBALROOT\DosDevices\X\Y:Z\A:B` is harder to
  | parse because X might be the volume name, or maybe Y: might be
  | the letter drive and X might be part of the path prefix).
    | dataflow wrote:
    | > If the :stream syntax is not FS-specific
    | It is, I believe, as I alluded to in the comment.
    | > `\\\?\GLOBALROOT\DosDevices\X\Y:Z\A:B` is harder to parse
    | As in, this is impossible to do statically in the general
    | case - those names aren't guaranteed to look like that. See
    | the note I had added about mount points. Remember C:\mnt can
    | itself be the mount point of a volume instead of a drive
    | letter. (Junctions present a similar problem, but at least
    | for those, you can make an argument that they're intended to
    | look like physical folders, and treat them similarly. With
    | mount points, you might not have that intention - you might
    | be just trying to go over 26 drive letters.)
| fifticon wrote:
| the worst thing about windows paths is how unintegrated it all
| is. You can navigate into all kinds of weird paths in the win32
| com shell (file explorer), which is itself possibly the pinnacle
| of executed design MS ever achieved. But those paths you build..
| You can't copy them to the clipboard, you can't serialize them,
| you can't move them between various tools, and particularly not
| to the command prompt nor to socalled Power"shell. If there ever
| was a continent of independent fiefdoms, windows is it :-/. If
| you don't know what i am talking about, try navigating to your
| android phone's image folder in file explorer. Next, then try to
| USE that path in powershell or cmd, to copy those image files..
| good luck. there must certainly have been some moron in charge to
| make SURE things couldnt interoperate on windows.. in spite of
| them having explorers design.
| [deleted]
| jaclaz wrote:
| Another lesser known fact:
| The volume id string (what you get with mountvol) is - at least
| up to Windows 10[1] a UUID version 1 according to RFC 4122, i.e.
| time and node based:
| https://www.famkruithof.net/guid-uuid-make.html
| https://www.famkruithof.net/guid-uuid-timebased.html
| Since windows creates the UUID the first time it "sees" a volume,
| and - usually - uses the network card MAC as node, by decoding
| the UUID you can get the MAC address of the PC and the time the
| volume was seen (this can be useful for forensics, expecially
| with removable devices and to verify there has been no
| manipulation of the MountedDevices in the Registry).
| [1]possibly windows 11 changed that, or at least the UUID's shown
| in the article are type 4
| planetafro wrote:
| Was Dave Gahan left off purposely?
| mixmastamyk wrote:
| The period as the final character limit has gotten me when
| copying albums to a fat32 drive. Turns out a few album names end
| in a period. :-/
| EvanAnderson wrote:
| In UNC paths you can append "$NOCSC$" to the hostname to force
| the client to bypass the "Offline Files" cache. (There are
| probably other wild undocumented bits like this one hiding in
| other places in the Windows stack.)
  | mdaniel wrote:
  | Do you happen to have a source where you learned that? I'm
  | always interested in "teaching myself to fish"
    | EvanAnderson wrote:
    | I don't recall. Like the other reply to you says, these get
    | leaked in support, etc. I'll also run "strings" or even
    | Ghidra on closed-source binaries when I'm troubleshooting
    | issues. There's usually good fun to be had from Microsoft
    | binaries doing that. I've discovered undocumented debugging
    | switches, registry entries, etc.
    | (In version 10.0.19041.985 of cscsvc.dll in Windows 10 I'm
    | seeing the string "If you hit this breakpoint, send debugger
    | remote to BrianAu." Presumably that's "Brian Aust",
    | referenced in a chat[0] re: Offline Files.)
    | [0] https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/storage-at-
    | microsoft/...
    | c0nsumer wrote:
    | Lots of this stuff we just find out while working various
    | deep MS cases, and then the info just leaks out.
| xiwenc wrote:
| Recently we had a bug in an electron app that couldnt call exec
| on a filepath that contains a space in windows. After 2 days of
| researching and trying, i still don't have a solution. I reckon
| adding nodejs to the fantastic world of windows file IO does not
| make it any easier.
| Gonna give it another try this weekend.
| [deleted]
| unnouinceput wrote:
| Ahhh, the memories of naming my folder AUX and then having my Uni
| professors with administrative privileges not being able to
| access my files on that folder. Drove them crazy because they
| thought there is the secret of the Universe hidden there and they
| demanded I let them see what's inside, when in reality I only
| wanted to show off and had nothing at all. Novel Netware on top
| of DOS, year is 1994 - good times.
| layer8 wrote:
| The part about trailing periods and spaces being disallowed isn't
| quite correct. On an NTFS drive, you can actually do
| echo > \\?\C:\path\to\file.
| and                 echo > "\\?\C:\path\to\file "
| Similarly, files with such names can be created with Cygwin.
| mdaniel wrote:
| > UNC paths have a peculiar way of indicating the drive letter,
| we must use $ instead of :.
| I don't believe that's true, I am almost positive they're SMB
| shares, just like any other, but are created by the system, which
| is why "accessing drives in this way will only work if you're
| logged in as an administrator."
  | kunwon1 wrote:
  | The dollar sign indicates that the share is 'hidden' and can't
  | be enumerated by traditional means. The C$ share is created by
  | default and provides root level access to the system drive, and
  | is locked down by default for this reason
  | you are correct that they are just SMB shares like any other.
  | They can be removed, though many management processes across
  | different applications assume that those shares will be present
| banana_giraffe wrote:
| The bit about "UNC Paths" is a bit simplified. The "$" shares are
| administrative shares. They're created by default, you can delete
| or disable them (though, if you delete them, they'll be recreated
| on a reboot). You can also add normal users to them.
| It should also be noted that while the single driver letter ones
| are automatically created, the "$" at the end just marks them as
| hidden. You can create your own hidden shares if you ever want
| to.
  | masfuerte wrote:
  | You can also change the permissions on them so you don't need
  | to be an admin to access them.
| sam1r wrote:
| Wow, incredible write up. Not only did I learn a lot - but it was
| also the perfect product pitch.
| The "and this is why fileside exists" transition at the end -
| perfect. No "sign up" or anything. Awesome!
| dmarinus wrote:
| GitHub Actions in 2023 has issues with checking out a repository
| with 256ish path names on Windows runners. whups
| zwieback wrote:
| Needs mention of auto-generated short file names (8.3 alias,
| typically with ~ in them) on volumes that don't support long
| names
  | Someone wrote:
  | Not only there. Windows originally created them on disks that
  | supported long names, too.
  | That was necessary to support the use case where an older OS
  | tried to read the disk (could happen because the user rebooted
  | into an old DOS, for example, or if an external disk was moved
  | to a different computer)
  | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8.3_filename#VFAT_and_computer...
  | :
  |  _"VFAT, a variant of FAT with an extended directory format,
  | was introduced in Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.5. It allowed
  | mixed-case Unicode long filenames (LFNs) in addition to classic
  | 8.3 names by using multiple 32-byte directory entry records for
  | long filenames (in such a way that only one will be recognised
  | by old 8.3 system software as a valid directory entry).
  | To maintain backward-compatibility with legacy applications (on
  | DOS and Windows 3.1), on FAT and VFAT filesystems an 8.3
  | filename is automatically generated for every LFN, through
  | which the file can still be renamed, deleted or opened,
  | although the generated name (e.g. OVI3KV~N) may show little
  | similarity to the original. On NTFS filesystems the generation
  | of 8.3 filenames can be turned off. The 8.3 filename can be
  | obtained using the Kernel32.dll function GetShortPathName"_
    | zwieback wrote:
    | Right. Back in the 90s I worked on a network server to allow
    | AppleTalk clients into DOS or OS/2 based networks. The Mac
    | users enjoyed their filename freedom but the PC clients had
    | trouble with the super-weird 8.3 short names. You couldn't
    | really tell what the Mac filenames were.
    | The other direction worked great, though, DOS filenames
    | always worked on the Mac side of the network.
| Dwedit wrote:
| Here is an excellent article about Paths on Win32:
| https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2016/02/the-definitiv...
| QuercusMax wrote:
| I knew windows filesystem layout was super bonkers when I had to
| explain to fellow devs that on a 64-bit machine, you put the
| 32-bit libraries in SysWow64, and the 64-bit libraries in
| system32.
| eduction wrote:
| The fact these paths are considered at all "weird" just
| underlines how much we live in a Unix world.
| Filesystem paths used to all be weird in the sense that there was
| more OS diversity. I'm sure some people here remember that
| classic MacOS paths used colon as the separator:
| Hard Drive:My Folder:My Document
| VMS (designed by the same person as Windows NT by the way) had
| paths that looked like this (per Wikipedia):
| NODE"accountname
| password"::device:[directory.subdirectory]filename.type;ver
| RSTS/E had [project,user] in the filename.
| Multics paths:                 >dir1>dir2>dir3>filename
| Apple Lisa used dashes as the separator. Etc.
  | bobbylarrybobby wrote:
  | macOS still uses colons as the path separator, it just does a
  | great job of hiding them from the user. If you try to open a
  | file with a slash in its name in a shell, though, you'll need
  | to use a colon.
    | dfox wrote:
    | I suspect that it is the other way around and the Finder and
    | standard dialogs (both of which use slashes as path separator
    | when you type the path) simply shows colons in filenames as
    | slashes.
    | soraminazuki wrote:
    | macOS's kernel has BSD roots, so I'd be surprised if its VFS
    | code accepts anything other than unix paths. Just a guess,
    | but it's probably the Cocoa APIs accepting colon paths and
    | translating it to unix paths internally.
  | m463 wrote:
  | thank goodness unix has cleared this up, with paths,
  | mountpoints, overlay filesystems, chroot, device trees, bind
  | mounts, loopback mounts and probably a few I forgot
  | latexr wrote:
  | > I'm sure some people here remember that classic MacOS paths
  | used colon as the separator
  | In modern macOS (previously OS X), you'll eventually bump into
  | those if you need to work with paths in AppleScript. You have
  | to specify when you're using a POSIX path so it is properly
  | converted. Example:                   $ osascript -e 'POSIX
  | file "/System/Applications/Mail.app/Contents/MacOS/Mail"'
  | => file Macintosh
  | HD:System:Applications:Mail.app:Contents:MacOS:Mail
  | jeroenhd wrote:
  | As someone who grew up with Windows, I don't think these paths
  | are that weird at all. Drive letter working directories just
  | make sense, for example. The weirdest part is the (edit: HFS)
  | compatibility mode (file.ext:substream).
  | One fun surprise is that because of codepage reasons, the
  | Windows will use Y= as a path separator in Japanese. In Korean,
  | it's W. These characters represent U+005C, which is \ in Latin-
  | compatible character sets.
    | naikrovek wrote:
    | that's not a compatibility thing, is it? it's just the
    | alternate streams feature that NTFS implemented.
      | jeroenhd wrote:
      | NTFS implemented it to be compatible with Mac. They then
      | started using it for storing the Mark of the Web and other
      | special system properties, but practical came much later.
    | robertoandred wrote:
    | It's pretty weird that Windows drives use random letters
    | instead of just the name of the disk.
      | kemotep wrote:
      | It's a legacy from the IBM CP/CMS days.
      | First floppy drive was A, Second B, and when internal Hard
      | Drives came along they defaulted to C to be compatible with
      | computers that had at least 2 disk drives.
      | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drive_letter_assignment?wprov
      | =...
        | YakBizzarro wrote:
        | If I rembember correctly, you could use the B drive even
        | if you have just one unit. It was useful to copy files
        | from one disk to another, even if you didn't had an hard
        | drive as temporary storage
      | layer8 wrote:
      | This was ultimately inherited from IBM's CMS system [0]
      | (from 1968 I believe) via CP/M and DOS.
      | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CMS_file_system
      | jeroenhd wrote:
      | I tend to use /dev/sda1 more than /dev/disk/by-
      | path/pci-0000:00:17.0-ata-1.0-part1. Disk names are nice,
      | but also often longer than 8 characters and usually not
      | very unique.
      | Starting from A and iterating on through Z makes sense, for
      | an OS that's designed for two drives at most. /dev/sda and
      | /dev/sdb are no less arbitrary than A: and B:.
      | One major difference was that Unix was used on big servers
      | and couldn't fit itself onto a single disk, so /usr had to
      | be created. DOS and Windows never needed a second drive to
      | boot, so they didn't need to embed their resources into the
      | drive hierarchy.
      | Of course, you can mount NTFS volumes at any directory you
      | wish since at least somewhere in the early 2000s. Very few
      | people do it, but you can!
      | For example:                   $Disk = Get-Disk 2
      | $Partition = Get-Partition -DiskNumber $Disk.Number
      | $Partition | Add-PartitionAccessPath -AccessPath
      | "G:\Folder01"
    | rlkf wrote:
    | > The weirdest part is the HPFS compatibility mode
    | (file.ext:substream).
    | HPFS had extended attributes, but not substreams. You are
    | thinking about HFS; substreams were added to NTFS to support
    | storing resource forks on network shares used by Macs.
      | jeroenhd wrote:
      | Oops, you're right, added an extra letter to the acronym.
    | eduction wrote:
    | that's amazing. and point taken that Windows is probably
    | extra weird due to its longevity, evolution, and backward
    | compatibility.
      | [deleted]
  | Karellen wrote:
  | As another example, with ADFS (Advanced Disk Filing System) on
  | the Acorn/BBC computer family, the root directory was specified
  | with `$`, and the directory separator was `.`.
  | $dir1.dir2.dir3.filename
    | Symbiote wrote:
    | A full path on RISC OS included the filesystem:
    | ADFS::IDEDisc4.$.Games.!Repton.Arctic
    | ADFS is the filesystem, IDEDisc4 is the disc name, $ is the
    | root directory, Games is a subdirectory, !Repton is an
    | application directory (since it begins with !) and Arctic is
    | a file within the application directory, not normally
    | referenced by users.                 Resources:$.Apps.!Edit
    | is the application !Edit from the built-in ROM.
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