[HN Gopher] Archive (2023-04-17) - Page 1 ___________________________________________________________________ | |
RedPajama: Reproduction of LLaMA with friendly license | |
534 points by tim_sw (136 comments) | |
How do electrons find the "path of least resistance"? [video] | |
33 points by GavCo (10 comments) | |
OpenSSH versus SSH | |
106 points by ingve (53 comments) | |
Community Is the Future of AI | |
67 points by mikece (92 comments) | |
Crooks' mistaken bet on encrypted phones | |
64 points by jbegley (54 comments) | |
Caravaggio Lost at Sea (2022) | |
25 points by prismatic (2 comments) | |
Hot Beds: Low-Cost Ancient Roman Hack to Start Crops Early and I... | |
6 points by teleforce (1 comments) | |
Implementers, Solvers, and Finders | |
63 points by kiyanwang (3 comments) | |
The Inner Workings of Distributed Databases | |
88 points by bluestreak (8 comments) | |
EasyPost (YC S13) Is Hiring | |
1 points (job listing) | |
Breaking the limits of TLA+ model checking | |
93 points by todsacerdoti (3 comments) | |
OpenAI's CEO says the age of giant AI models is already over | |
185 points by labrador (221 comments) | |
Codegraph - static code analyzator / code diagramer | |
68 points by sargstuff (17 comments) | |
A Forty-Year Career (2019) | |
105 points by alexzeitler (57 comments) | |
Now, you can embed Mastodon posts in Medium stories | |
56 points by ZacnyLos (8 comments) | |
Firmware is on shaky ground - let's see what it's made of | |
111 points by Sindisil (83 comments) | |
MiniGPT-4 | |
790 points by GaggiX (249 comments) | |
Geometry Central: library of data structures, algorithms for geo... | |
113 points by jasondavies (8 comments) | |
Sweden starts largest military exercise in over 25 years | |
17 points by rntn (6 comments) | |
Show HN: Quorbo - a quick and quirky quest for the quote | |
4 points by projectsforlife (2 comments) | |
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