[HN Gopher] Archive (2023-03-20) - Page 1 ___________________________________________________________________ | |
Paving the Road to Vulkan on Asahi Linux | |
485 points by jiripospisil (169 comments) | |
Doors I touched today (1999) | |
110 points by ohaikbai (32 comments) | |
Launch HN: Bloop (YC S21) - Code Search with GPT-4 | |
127 points by louiskw (76 comments) | |
ReAct: Synergizing Reasoning and Acting in Language Models | |
36 points by matthewfcarlson (6 comments) | |
A world to win: WebAssembly for the rest of us | |
132 points by nsm (65 comments) | |
Spack - scientific software package manager for supercomputers, ... | |
66 points by telotortium (48 comments) | |
Chronology Clock | |
37 points by wellokthen (5 comments) | |
CoLT5: Faster Long-Range Transformers With Conditional Computation | |
33 points by optimalsolver (0 comments) | |
macOS Cursors | |
22 points by disadvantage (7 comments) | |
EasyPost (YC S13) Is Hiring | |
1 points (job listing) | |
SVG Backgrounds | |
63 points by beauHD (4 comments) | |
MIT's Barry Duncan demonstrates the power of writing in reverse | |
19 points by anarbadalov (8 comments) | |
Twitch.tv Lays of 400 Employees | |
42 points by ccity88 (16 comments) | |
Why northern Europe is so indebted | |
67 points by disadvantage (55 comments) | |
Ars: "Book publishers with surging profits struggle to prove IA ... | |
39 points by geephroh (16 comments) | |
Launch HN: Lume (YC W23) - Generate custom data integrations wit... | |
59 points by nmachado (27 comments) | |
South Korea has the lowest fertility rate, with lessons for us all | |
41 points by oldschoolib (30 comments) | |
Show HN: Open-source cypress for back end testing | |
3 points by nirga (0 comments) | |
Show HN: Recursive LLM Prompts | |
30 points by andyk (23 comments) | |
Why use Rust on the back end? | |
106 points by steveklabnik (86 comments) | |
Go to the next page | |
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