[HN Gopher] Archive (2023-01-09) - Page 1 ___________________________________________________________________ | |
How to store your app's entire state in the url | |
314 points by escot (222 comments) | |
Just: A Command Runner | |
61 points by tnorthcutt (16 comments) | |
3D in CSS | |
68 points by bradwoodsio (26 comments) | |
Tomu - A tiny ARM microprocessor which fits in your USB port | |
131 points by tildef (32 comments) | |
Three lessons from Threema: Analysis of a secure messenger | |
66 points by thijser (21 comments) | |
Fake it until you automate it | |
163 points by RebootStr (34 comments) | |
High level mods/patches for console video-games | |
26 points by zdw (0 comments) | |
Show HN: HyperLogLog in Zig | |
112 points by seiflotfy (13 comments) | |
Dilution of expertise in the rise and fall of collective innovation | |
64 points by geox (12 comments) | |
Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden (2018) | |
61 points by walterbell (11 comments) | |
I measured the pollution from my gas stove | |
104 points by jseliger (97 comments) | |
Partial Function Application | |
12 points by ibobev (3 comments) | |
'That girl is going to get herself killed' | |
215 points by mooreds (288 comments) | |
Values and objects in programming languages (1982) [pdf] | |
44 points by jgrodziski (2 comments) | |
Mapping Python to LLVM | |
67 points by arshajii (10 comments) | |
Tetris is capable of universal computation | |
152 points by zero__one (63 comments) | |
The first time I'm aware that Meta is taking back signed, FTE of... | |
90 points by donsupreme (43 comments) | |
Kable (YC W22) Is Hiring Lead Engineer (Remote/US) | |
1 points (job listing) | |
England just made gigabit internet a legal requirement for new h... | |
266 points by lbres (186 comments) | |
Reduced pollution caused farmers to use more sulfur fertilizer | |
24 points by PaulHoule (1 comments) | |
Go to the next page | |
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