[HN Gopher] Show HN: Easylang - A browser-based first programmin...
Show HN: Easylang - A browser-based first programming language
Hi. I made Easylang to help beginners get started with programming.
It is open source.  https://github.com/chkas/easylang  Why I think
Easylang is for beginners better than Python.
https://easylang.online/blog/easyl_pyth.html  UPDATE: The posted
link goes directly to the beginner tutorial. This is the start page
of the IDE.  https://easylang.online/ide/
Author : chkas
Score  : 113 points
Date   : 2022-11-19 14:27 UTC (8 hours ago)
web link (easylang.online)
w3m dump (easylang.online)
| [deleted]
| 29athrowaway wrote:
| You need to provide one brief tutorial at a time, otherwise it is
| overwhelming for learners.
| vetelko wrote:
| No parens, brackets, etc... Thank you :)
  | chrischattin wrote:
  | You'd like Ruby :)
    | vetelko wrote:
    | Nope, love LISP:)
| [deleted]
| bmitc wrote:
| You might be interested in Pyret, if only because the stated
| goals are similar.
| https://www.pyret.org/
  | [deleted]
| pipeline_peak wrote:
| Static typing can't be easy for beginners when they're expected
| to cast a string to a number without variables having data type
| keywords. Type inference is often an example of abstraction
| confusing users with what's really going on...
| If facility is your concern, you should go for dynamic typing
| where assigning a string with a number gets converted
| automatically. No kid should have to deal with that. Give them
| the full amount of abstraction, it's the runtimes responsibility.
| Otherwise, you brought up some good points, Python and JS really
| aren't as kid friendly as we think.
  | empressplay wrote:
  | As much as I love BASIC from a nostalgia standpoint, Logo is
  | still better -- Scratch is basically blocks-based Logo, and so
  | Logo makes more sense as a first text-based language.
  | There's plenty of Logos out there at varying degrees of
  | complexity as well: Lynx, Terrapin, turtleSpaces etc.
  | And they don't have static typing!
| ZeroGravitas wrote:
| This reminded me a little of Hedy language:
| https://www.hedycode.com/
| It starts off super simple, like:
| print something
| and then introduces all the fiddly concepts like quoting,
| escaping etc. 1 by 1 until it turns into python.
| The designer had a neat talk about it at the strange loop
| conference.
| One of the themes they talk about is the difference between "easy
| to learn" and "easy to teach" which I found insightful.
| https://www.thestrangeloop.com/2022/hedy-a-gradual-programmi...
| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmF7HpU_-9k
  | chkas wrote:
  | This does not turn into Python.
    | 0x6c6f6c wrote:
    | They were talking about Hedylang
      | chkas wrote:
      | I was referring to "This reminded me a little of Hedy
      | language".
  | [deleted]
| indymike wrote:
| This feels a lot like a BASIC and logo had a child and that is
| not a bad thing. Love the easy graphics, simple syntax, and
| removing all the punctuation.
| Love the a = number input typecast.
| End will be a source of bugs. Use endfor endelse endif endwhile.
| This helps new programmers track nested loops and logic. Yes, end
| is simple, but end applies to many things, and will end in a
| pattern where people will start doing this to sort it out:
| end # while
| Also, inline comments should be ok. Then you get end # while
| instead of the above two liner.
| Honestly, this is a nice little language.
  | [deleted]
| dang wrote:
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| thesuperbigfrog wrote:
| Reminds me of Logo:
| https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logo_(programming_language)
| Python has a Logo-ish mode called turtle graphics:
| https://docs.python.org/3/library/turtle.html
  | [deleted]
| anfelor wrote:
| The best attempt at creating a learnable programming language
| I've seen is this design document by Bret Victor:
| http://worrydream.com/#!/LearnableProgramming
| It is now ten years old but I don't know if it has even been put
| into practice? To be fair, it would be a lot of work to include
| all the IDE features and Easylang comes reasonably close to it
| already. However, if I could recommend one paragraph it is the
| one on "Recomposition", which is an extremely clear explanation
| of why functional programming matters for learnable programming.
  | [deleted]
  | empressplay wrote:
  | Every so often I re-read Bret's post to see what I can add to
  | our learning environment. We use CodeMirror as our editor so we
  | have pop-over help, color syntax highlighting and an optional
  | autocomplete (optional because feedback from teachers was that
  | it was too distracting).
  | We have a 'fluid' turtle that allows for the learner to follow
  | execution to a point, although we do need to add in the ability
  | to see which line of code is being executed at any given time,
  | and the ability to control the execution speed better, maybe
  | with a slider.
  | We're currently implementing (based on teacher feedback) a
  | series of graduated environments where each 'level' unlocks
  | more IDE features and primitives. For example, this is
  | 'artSpace', a 2D environment (we also have a 3D environment):
  | https://turtlespaces.org/weblogo/?profile=artspace (warning,
  | 40mb load)
| sbergot wrote:
| Couple observations:
| - you should have a code snippet on your landing page
| - in your python comparison it is unclear why easylang decides
| that a is a number.
  | chkas wrote:
  | It is similar to the way it used to be in BASIC. a is a number,
  | a$ is a string, a[] is an array.
    | u801e wrote:
    | Also similar to perl since $ and [] are essentially sigils.
    | johnisgood wrote:
    | That does not make it easier though... you explained just
    | now, and I understood, but where am I to pull it out of
    | (because it is not intuitive at all) if not documentation?
    | Just like with any other languages... Similarly, they will
    | run into languages where arrays begin with 0. Beginners
    | should be taught how to think about it and such, not shove it
    | under the rug. Who is your target audience?
      | Jtsummers wrote:
      | > where am I to pull it out of (because it is not intuitive
      | at all) if not documentation?
      | It is in the documentation. Quoting from the documentation:
      | > String variables end with the $ character.
      | The principal problem though is that you're dropped into
      | the first of 4 tutorial/documentation pages, and have to
      | hit "back" (which is unintuitive since I didn't get there
      | from anywhere else on the site) to see the list of
      | tutorials and documentation pages.
        | johnisgood wrote:
        | I did not mean to say that it is not in the
        | documentation... What I am saying is that it is not
        | intuitive at all, and it has to be documented for anyone,
        | not just for "beginners to programming" to know. The
        | reason I am saying this is that "counter-intuitive" and
        | "not intuitive" is often mentioned as a reason for the
        | language being more beginner-friendly.
        | Jtsummers wrote:
        | To be fair, most of programming is not intuitive.
        | i = 20       # ... some lines later (not modifying i)
        | for i in range(10): # non-intuitive for many - range goes
        | from 0 to 9         print(i)       # ... some lines later
        | (not modifying i)       print(i) # what value should be
        | printed here?
        | Or a subtle (and hard to spot when not isolated like
        | this) one character difference creating a behavior
        | change:                 i := 20       for i := 0; i < 10;
        | i++ {         fmt.Println(i)       }       fmt.Println(i)
        | i := 20       for i = 0; i < 10; i++ {
        | fmt.Println(i)       }       fmt.Println(i)
        | And that's with a primitive part of programming. There is
        | no language whose behavior can be fully intuited by all
        | people, beginner or not. Some things will have to be
        | taught or read through documentation and examples.
        | chkas wrote:
        | Yes. I should have posted this link.
        | https://easylang.online/ide/
      | chkas wrote:
      | > Who is your target audience?
      | Beginners
      | There are tutorials integrated in the IDE, among others one
      | for beginners. The examples are the documentation.
| geenat wrote:
| Similar but used in production by a lot of htmx people:
| https://hyperscript.org/
  | [deleted]
| azhenley wrote:
| It looks like a BASIC. Are there any benefits over other
| educational/games-oriented BASICs?
| How does it compare to educational languages, like Hedy?
| https://www.hedycode.com
  | [deleted]
| pacifika wrote:
| This is great and thank you for making programming more
| approachable!
| I think some of the numbers would benefit from units. For example
| colours, size, coordinates etc can all be represented by the
| number 444.
| Therefore `circle 444` could mean a large circle a grey circle, a
| centred circle.
| I had to read the example before I understood the code there is
| all.
| Perhaps a prefix x444, y444, c444, w444 would help?
  | shhsshs wrote:
  | I agree, though you can make this argument for any other
  | programming language.                   circle 444         or
  | circle(444)
  | Named parameters are sometimes nice.                   circle
  | r=444         or         circle(r=444)
| velcrovan wrote:
| Pyret (https://www.pyret.org) is already filling this role very
| nicely (browser-based Python-like for use in teaching), and has
| the advantage of having been designed by people whose careers are
| devoted to the study of programming pedagogy. It's the language
| used in the front half of Data-centric Introduction to Computing,
| which is available online for free (https://dcic-
| world.org/2022-08-28/index.html). The second half of the book
| transitions to Python, at which point the reader/student is well-
| prepared to understand aspects of Python that can be tricky for
| first-time programmers.
  | [deleted]
| pmarreck wrote:
  | [deleted]
  | pvg wrote:
  | _Please don 't post shallow dismissals, especially of other
  | people's work._
  | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
    | pmarreck wrote:
    | I shallowly dismissed Python, not their work. So this does
    | not apply.
      | pvg wrote:
      | Your original comment was just
      |  _Python is terrible, so it 's not hard to be "easier" than
      | it._
      | Which is a shallow dismissal of both things. Plus all
      | shallow dismissals are HN-lame so it very much applies.
      | They are just extra lame when about someone else's work and
      | triple lame when it's in a Show HN.
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