[HN Gopher] Archive (2022-10-19) - Page 1 ___________________________________________________________________ | |
NASA's Webb takes star-filled portrait of Pillars of Creation | |
215 points by pizza (77 comments) | |
How to use a watch as a compass | |
153 points by jamesgill (56 comments) | |
Inside the Proton | |
404 points by shantanu_sharma (145 comments) | |
My PhD Genealogy | |
61 points by hkc (22 comments) | |
Kill Bill - Open-Source Subscription Billing and Payments Platform | |
280 points by Whitespace (107 comments) | |
Replit Mobile App | |
248 points by todsacerdoti (125 comments) | |
Wait vs. Interrupt Culture | |
57 points by cbracketdash (25 comments) | |
Write Better Error Messages | |
386 points by noch (201 comments) | |
Show HN: I made a new AI colorizer | |
262 points by emilwallner (83 comments) | |
The Rise of 'Luxury Surveillance' | |
100 points by pseudolus (66 comments) | |
EasyList is in trouble and so are many ad blockers | |
355 points by shscs911 (205 comments) | |
The smash and grab of Kroger-Albertsons | |
153 points by connor11528 (134 comments) | |
Glamorous Toolkit: Moldable development environment | |
8 points by homarp (0 comments) | |
Why most published research findings are false (2005) | |
85 points by Jimmc414 (46 comments) | |
Forgotten Employee (2002) | |
162 points by tosh (90 comments) | |
The Soviet Union's Nuclear Icebreakers | |
60 points by picture (47 comments) | |
Substack (YC W18) is hiring data analysts | |
1 points (job listing) | |
Part of the long-lost star catalogue of Hipparchus found in medi... | |
112 points by JoeDaDude (28 comments) | |
Pipe Viewer | |
141 points by 0x45696e6172 (41 comments) | |
A lot of what is known about pirates is not true (2017) | |
83 points by Thevet (35 comments) | |
Go to the next page | |
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