[HN Gopher] Archive (2022-10-12) - Page 1
Students break acceleration world record
210 points by giuliomagnifico (162 comments)
MAR1D: First-Person Mario
355 points by rendaw (110 comments)
Tinyphysicsengine: Minimalist 3D C99 single-header physics engine
118 points by nateb2022 (17 comments)
Intel plans thousands of job cuts in face of PC slowdown
106 points by oumua_don17 (253 comments)
Hegel - An advanced static type checker for JavaScript
24 points by kuramitropolis (2 comments)
The FBHHRBNRSSSHK-Algorithm for Multiplication is still not the end
96 points by zitterbewegung (52 comments)
Pitchfork: Rack HTTP server for shared-nothing architecture
88 points by bkudria (28 comments)
The rise of robots increases job insecurity and maladaptive work...
65 points by giuliomagnifico (39 comments)
Bringing passkeys to Android and Chrome
173 points by Heavywater (159 comments)
Pachyderm (YC W15) is hiring sales engineers and solutions archi...
1 points (job listing)
What makes a champagne vintage great? Ask a deep learning model
29 points by prostoalex (11 comments)
Removing SMS support from Signal Android (soon)
452 points by Aissen (475 comments)
Verifying distributed systems with Isabelle/HOL
117 points by eatonphil (14 comments)
Hosting SQLite Databases on GitHub Pages
32 points by punnerud (3 comments)
How Ted Hoff invented the first microprocessor
39 points by rbanffy (9 comments)
The cumulative advantage of a unionized career for lifetime earn...
60 points by tareqak (22 comments)
Project Starline expands testing through an early access program
69 points by cpeterso (79 comments)
Programming a Problem-Oriented Language (1970) [pdf]
39 points by tosh (7 comments)
Apple to withhold its latest employee perks from unionized store
224 points by alphabetting (187 comments)
A new doorway to the brain
95 points by Brajeshwar (24 comments)
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